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Building the Qt version

Erin M edited this page Dec 14, 2023 · 22 revisions


The following instructions are possibly incomplete, intended for developers or power users. If you just want to use VGMTrans, you don't need to do this; links for the latest version are in the README.

Building on Linux
Building on Windows (VS 2022)
Building on OS X

On Linux

A reasonably modern Linux installation should have no troubles with the required dependencies.

Note: the application uses ALSA, not PulseAudio! You will need pulseaudio-alsa or pipewire-alsa to use it.


  • A C++17-compatible compiler (latest clang is recommended)
  • CMake >= 3.12
  • Qt (QtWidgets, QtSvg) >= 6.0 (recommended >= 6.4)
  • Optional: minizip

Setting up the environment

Use your distribution package manager to install the development packages for Qt6.


  1. Run git clone and enter the cloned folder
  2. Run cmake -B build
  3. Run cmake --build build --target vgmtrans --parallel

You can install the application using the install target (permissions needed); be sure to adjust CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to match your distribution (although installing applications bypassing the package manager is usually a horrible idea).

On Windows, using VS build tools

This method involves use of the command line and doesn't require the Visual Studio IDE.



  1. Launch the Visual Studio developer command-line (e.g. x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022) from any directory you like
  2. Run git clone --recursive && cd vgmtrans
  3. Run cmake -B build
  4. Run cmake --build build --target vgmtrans --config "Release" --parallel

On Mac OS X

Roughly the same steps as on Linux.


  • brew

Setting up the environment

  1. Make sure you have the latest XCode tools (run xcode-select --install)
  2. Use brew to install Qt6 and CMake.


  1. Run git clone && cd vgmtrans
  2. Run cmake -B build
  3. Run cmake --build build --target vgmtrans --parallel