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loveemu edited this page Feb 7, 2022 · 2 revisions

Super Famicom / Super NES

Wrong song is sometimes detected in SPC file

Workaround: Open the SPC file in SNES SPC700 Player, play it for a while, and then save it to another SPC file using "Save As...". If VGMTrans still does not detect the correct song in that new SPC file, please report to us.

Why is this happening?

This is based on two main reasons:

  • An SPC file (i.e. RAM dump) may contain multiple songs, but VGMTrans will try to detect only one exact song to reduce detection noise
  • VGMTrans tries to guess the currently playing song by analyzing the driver state from the memory state contained in the SPC file, but it may detect the song that was played just before for SPC files dumped when the song loading is not fully completed

In the above workaround, the SPC file is re-saved to make the song fully loaded and change the VGMTrans detection result to what is expected.