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Ben RUBSON edited this page Feb 29, 2020 · 26 revisions

Existing solutions

Mainline EncFS with Cygwin (detailed below)

Encfs4win (GitHub)

EncFSMP (GitHub)


Solution FUSE replacement GUI
Mainline EncFS with Cygwin WinFsp (GitHub) Yes, using SiriKali (GitHub)
Encfs4win Dokany (GitHub) Yes
EncFSMP Pismo File Mount Yes

Mainline EncFS with Cygwin


An installer may be on the way. For now, follow the steps below.

Installation from sources

EncFS can be compiled and used on Cygwin.

Here are the required steps.

You'll also find a Chinese guide written by @youngh070 here.

  1. Install Cygwin (64 bits version preferred because of this) with the following packages :
  • cmake
  • make
  • gcc-g++
  • gettext-devel
  • libssl-devel
  • procps-ng
  • perl-test-harness
  1. Install WinFsp, latest stable is preferred.

  2. Using Cygwin terminal, install WinFsp FUSE into Cygwin :

cd /cygdrive/c/Program*/WinFsp/opt/cygfuse


  1. Get last EncFS version.

  2. Using Cygwin terminal, compile, test and install following the file from the version you use.
    For example, for 1.9.5 :


Use as usual, from a Cygwin or Windows terminal.

You should provide EncFS with a drive-like mountpoint, such as X: (or /cygdrive/x).
Example : encfs /cygdrive/c/enc /cygdrive/x
Example : encfs C:\enc X:

You may also consider SiriKali GUI (GitHub).


Symlinks are not fully supported, their integration tests may then partially fail.
Symlinks behavior depends on some options, so if you care about them, you may consider :

For performance matters, you may consider :

For performance and ACLs matters, you may also consider :


Regarding IVs, which are based on inode numbers : depending on configuration, they may lead to some problems, as file IDs (used by Cygwin to compute inode numbers) may not be consistent on Windows (see 1 and 2). If not sure, they can be disabled during EncFS configuration.

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