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BigQuery SQL Driver

BigQuery database/sql driver in Go. GoDoc

This library is compatible with Go 1.17+

Please refer to if you encounter breaking changes.

This library provides fast implementation of the BigQuery Client as a database/sql drvier.

DSN Data Source Name

The BigQuery driver accepts the following DSN

  • 'bigquery://projectID/[location/]datasetID?queryString'

    Where queryString can optionally configure the following option:

    • credURL: (url encoded) local location or URL supported by Scy
    • credKey: optional (url encoded) Scy secret manager key or key location
    • credID: Scy resource secret ID
    • credJSON: rawURL base64 encoded cred JSON (not recommended)
    • endpoint
    • userAgent
    • apiKey
    • quotaProject
    • scopes

Since this library uses Google Cloud API you can pass your credentials via GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable.


package main

import (
	_ ""

type Participant struct {
	Name   string
	Splits []float64

func main() {

	db, err := sql.Open("bigquery", "bigquery://myProjectID/mydatasetID")
	if err != nil {
	defer db.Close()

	SQL := `WITH races AS (
		  SELECT "800M" AS race,
		    [STRUCT("Ben" as name, [23.4, 26.3] as splits), 
		 	 STRUCT("Frank" as name, [23.4, 26.3] as splits)
		       AS participants)
		FROM races r
		CROSS JOIN UNNEST(r.participants) as participant`

	rows, err := db.QueryContext(context.Background(), SQL)
	if err != nil {
	defer rows.Close()
	for rows.Next() {
		if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
		var race string
		var participant Participant
		err = rows.Scan(&race, &participant)
		fmt.Printf("fetched: %v %+v\n", race, participant)
		if err != nil {

Data Ingestion (Load/Stream)

This driver implements LOAD/STREAM operation with the following SQL:

Loading data

To load data register a reader for supported source format, followed by LOAD SQL.

LOAD 'Reader:<SOURCE_FORMAT>:<READER_ID>' DATA INTO TABLE myproject.mydataset.mytable

The following snippet register READER_ID

 err := reader.Register(readerID, myReader)

The following code loads CSV data

package mypkg

import (

func ExampleOfCSVLoad() {
	projectID := "my-gcp-project"
	db, err := sql.Open("bigquery", fmt.Sprintf("bigquery://%v/test", projectID))
	if err != nil {
	readerID := "123456"
	csvReader := strings.NewReader("ID,Name,Desc\n1,Name 1,Test\n2,Name 2,Test 2")
	err = reader.Register(readerID, csvReader)
	if err != nil {
	defer reader.Unregister(readerID)
	SQL := fmt.Sprintf(`LOAD 'Reader:csv:%v' DATA INTO TABLE mytable`, readerID)
	result, err := db.ExecContext(context.TODO(), SQL)
	if err != nil {
	affected, _ := result.RowsAffected()
	fmt.Printf("loaded: %v rows", affected)

Loading application data

The following code loads CSV data

package mypkg

import (

type Record struct {
	ID     int     `parquet:"id,plain,optional"`
	Name   string  `parquet:"name,plain,optional"`
	Active bool    `parquet:"active,plain,optional"`
	Amount float64 `parquet:"amount,plain,optional"`

func ExampleOfAppDataLoad() {
	projectID := "my-gcp-project"
	db, err := sql.Open("bigquery", fmt.Sprintf("bigquery://%v/test", projectID))
	if err != nil {
	var records = []*Record{
			ID:     1,
			Name:   "record 1",
			Amount: 12.2,
			ID:     2,
			Name:   "record 2",
			Amount: 12.3,
	readerID := uuid.New().String()
    parquetReader, err := parquet.NewReader(records)
    if err != nil {
	err = reader.Register(readerID, parquetReader)
	if err != nil {
	defer reader.Unregister(readerID)
	SQL := fmt.Sprintf(`LOAD 'Reader:parquet:%v' DATA INTO TABLE mytable`, readerID)
	result, err := db.ExecContext(context.TODO(), SQL)
	if err != nil {
	affected, _ := result.RowsAffected()
	fmt.Printf("loaded: %v rows", affected)

Load option control

To customize Load you can inline JobConfigurationLoad you can as JSON as a hint LOAD 'Reader:<SOURCE_FORMAT>:<READER_ID>' /*+ <HINT> +*/ DATA INTO TABLE mytable for example:

LOAD 'Reader:CSV:201F973D-9BAB-4E0A-880F-7830B876F210' /*+ {
    "AllowJaggedRows": true,
  } +*/  DATA INTO TABLE mytable


Benchmark runs 3 times the following queries:

  • primitive types:
   SELECT state,gender,year,name,number 
   FROM `bigquery-public-data.usa_names.usa_1910_2013` LIMIT 10000
  • complex type (repeated string/repeated record)
   SELECT  t.publication_number, t.inventor, t.assignee, t.description_localized 
   FROM `patents-public-data.patents.publications_202105` t ORDER BY 1 LIMIT 1000

In both case database/sql driver is faster and allocate way less memory than GCP BigQuery API Client

goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9980HK CPU @ 2.40GHz
database/gcp: primitive types 3.918388531s
Benchmark_Primitive_GCPClient-16               1    3918442974 ns/op    42145144 B/op      830647 allocs/op
database/sql: primitive types 2.880091637s
Benchmark_Primitive_SQLDriver-16               1    2880149491 ns/op    22301848 B/op      334547 allocs/op
database/gcp: structured types 3.303497894s
Benchmark_Complex_GCPClient-16               1    3303548761 ns/op    11551216 B/op      154660 allocs/op
database/sql: structured types 2.690012577s
Benchmark_Complex_SQLDriver-16               1    2690056675 ns/op     6643176 B/op       71562 allocs/op


The source code is made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2, as stated in the file LICENSE.

Individual files may be made available under their own specific license, all compatible with Apache License, Version 2. Please see individual files for details.

Credits and Acknowledgements

Library Author: Adrian Witas