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A Fun Tic-Tac-Toe Game

A live preview has been deployed to Netlify and is available here.

A preview image of the application built


This is a checklist of clipboards implemented from the given Figma board.

  • Homescreen.
  • Selection.
  • Waiting to be matched.
  • Now in game - toast.
  • Now in game.
  • Game screen(s).
  • Adding Again to the win status when a player wins consecutively. E.g X Wins Again.

Personal Development Notes

  1. In handleTileClick function, the tiles state hooks is being copied into a new array to avoid directly mutating the index without using the setTiles. After the indexes have been updated, the copied array is set to the tiles state using the setTiles hook.

  2. The tiles component state is initialized to null values. This makes it easier to check the elements within the array by checking for falsy values.

  3. Due to limited time given, the application state is being managed within components using Hooks and the navigation Hook state. A more more elaborate approach be to create a global store using a state management library such as Redux or the Context API.

  4. For managing the major application views within a page, if statements are being used over ternary operators to improve code readability as ternary operators could become diffcult to mentally understand when used over a large block of code.

Further Improvements

Although these goals were not identified in the task description, these are stretch goals that I will love to implement later on.

  • Persisting the userGameRecord component state in browser's local storage.
  • Introduce the React context API for better state management.
  • Adding React Error Boundaries to catch errors that might occur in the game page.
  • Profiling the application performance using the React Profiler.
  • Creating sufficent unit tests for the helper functions created using Jest.
  • Creating automated E2E tests using Cypress to test each page.


A repository containing a Tic-Tac-Toe I game built.






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