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Tutorial mode

Victoria edited this page Apr 19, 2023 · 1 revision

Welcome to the 3Dmapper tutorial!

In the following steps, we will guide you through the process of using 3Dmapper to map variants or protein positions to the structure of proteins. This tool is incredibly useful for researchers who want to gain insights into the potential effects of genetic variants on protein structure and function.

In this tutorial, we will cover both the general use of 3Dmapper, as well as a specific case using the sample data provided in the example folder. Specifically, we will be working with variants in transcripts ENST00000367182 and ENST00000374005, which will be mapped to their corresponding PDB structures. These structures include both experimental and AlphaFold2 PDBs, providing a comprehensive reference dataset for analysis.

All the necesary input data to run this tutorial and the corresponding output files can be found in the 3Dmapper Github repository.

Let's get started!