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Infra as code with cdk for django-wise based projects

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Wise CDK

Infra as code to build/deploy django-wise projects into AWS using:

  • VPC
  • RDS (Postgres)
  • Elasticache (Redis)
  • ECS Fargate
  • S3 Bucket for statics
  • Datadog for Tracing
  • CloudWatch for Logging
  • CodeBuild/CodePipeline for Deployments

This project is focused in deployment only. all testing/linting and pre deploy tasks should be managed in another engines, I recommend you Github Actions.


1. Create manually the following resources in AWS.

  1. A S3 bucket for the pipeline artifacts, necesary to keep the AWS pipeline artifacs

  2. A SSL certificate for requiered domains, you'll need move NS domain records to Route53

  3. Create user with enough permissions to run CDK tasks, and get his aws_client_id and aws_client_secret The user should be able to execute RDS, Elasticache, S3, VPC, ECS tasks

  4. Create an s3 bucket for pipeline artifacts and use its name in cdk.stacks.json file in the artifact_bucket key.

  5. Create the following configuration files and place them in the root of the project.




            "stack_name": "<stack-name>",
            "kms_key_uuid": "KMS item UUID",
            "cache_node_type": "AWS Redis node types",
            "num_cache_nodes": 1,
            "database_size": "AWS RDS size",
            "database_name": "anything",
            "database_username": "something",
            "database_allocated_storage": 25,
            "database_encrypted": false,
            "artifact_bucket": "s3 Bucket name for artifacts",
            "certificate_key_id": "Certificate manager Item UUID",
            "repo_owner": "name or organization",
            "repo_name": "repository",
            "repo_branch": "something",
            "dns_name": "main domain",
            "dns_zone_id": "main domain id in route53",
            "dns_stack_subdomain": "stack subdomain just the left side",
            "github_access_token": "Personal access token generate in GitHub",
            "enable_deploy_approval": false

2. Install Docker, Docker compose and make

This step is different acording your SO. One you have all of this, exec the build command.

3. Build Project containers

make build

4. Deplloyment

  1. Check changes

    $ make diff STACK=<stack-name>
  2. Deploy VPC

    $ make deploy STACK=<stack-name>-vpc
  3. Deploy Main Stack

    $ make deploy STACK=<stack-name>

Environment Variables Management

django-wise template manages environment variables dynamically using chamber for this. To configure chamber you need to do the following:

  1. Create a KMS Key (Region could be different)
  2. Setup its alias as parameter_store_key
  3. Copy its Key ID and use it in the cdk.stacks.json config file for kms_key_uuid key.

Common Issues

S3 may need a cors configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="">

Pending Guides

  1. How to setup domain in Route53?
  2. How to setup SSL Certificates in Certificate Manager?
  3. How to get github access token?


Infra as code with cdk for django-wise based projects







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