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Point of Sale Restaurant

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How to initialize (requirement instalation)

  1. Initialize VueJS and other library
cd vuejs
npm install
npm install --save mitt
npm install --save axios vue-axios
  1. Initialize python FLASK and other library

pip install flask
pip install flask-sqlalchemy
py -m pip install requests
pip install mysqlclient
pip install mysql-connector

pip install Flask-Cors==3.0.10
pip install Flask==2.1.0
pip install flask-sqlalchemy==2.5.1

How to run this project:

To run this project, you need to prepare 2 termninal (cmd).
The first one is to activate FLASK and
the second one is to activate VueJS

Python FLASK is for back-end, to connect database.
And VueJS is for front-end.


Make sure to activate WAMP/XAMP and IMPORT .sql file to your database/PHPMyAdmin

  1. [First cmd] Activate python virtual environment (venv) and run FLASK, simply just copy this code below
cd python-flask\package
flask run
  1. [Second cmd] Run VueJS
cd vuejs
npm run dev
  1. Finally, open the link on the second cmd.
    The link looks like this: http://localhost:5173/

Username to login

  1. username: Victor
    password: 12345678

  2. username: Jacob
    password: 87654321

  3. username: Filbert
    password: qwerasdf