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Discord bot called nine developed in JavaScript using the Discord.js library in version 14.


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Bot Discord NINE - Discord.js V14

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In this repository, you will find a Discord bot developed in JavaScript using the Discord.js library in version 14. This project was created as part of a UNINOVE college project.

  • Supported Languages
  • Brazilian Portuguese (pt_br)

  • BOT Initialization

  • General Commands
  • /lock - Blocks users from sending messages in the specified text channel.
  • /unlock - Unblocks users from sending messages in the specified text channel.
  • /automensagem - Sets and configures an automatic message to be sent in a specific channel.
  • /setnick - Changes a user's nickname on the server.
  • /say - Sends a message in the current channel as the BOT.
  • /configsugerir - Configures the suggestion system to receive and manage user feedback.
  • /slowmode - Sets a minimum interval between messages that users can send in a text channel.
  • /ticket - Configures and manages the ticket support system.
  • /verificar - Configures the verification system for new users on the server.
  • /setstatus - Changes the BOT's status (online, away, busy, etc.) and sets a status message.
  • /abracar - Sends a hug message to a specific user.
  • /beijar - Sends a kiss message to a specific user.
  • /tapear - Sends a slap message to a specific user.
  • /avatar - Displays the profile picture (avatar) of a specific user.
  • /botinfo - Shows detailed information about the BOT, such as version and developer.
  • /help - Displays a list of available commands and their descriptions.
  • /instagram - Configures the BOT's integration with Instagram for updates and notifications.
  • /convidar - Generates an invite link to add the BOT to another Discord server.
  • /morse - Converts a text message to Morse code or decodes a Morse code message to text.
  • /reportarbug - Configures the system for users to report bugs and issues.
  • /serverinfo - Shows detailed information about the Discord server.
  • /sugerir - Allows users to send suggestions to the configured channel.
  • /userinfo - Shows detailed information about a specific user.
  • /ping - Checks the latency between the BOT and the Discord server.
  • /clear - Clears a specified number of messages in a text channel.
  • /ban - Bans a user from the server.
  • /unban - Removes a user's ban, allowing them to rejoin the server.

  • Official Developer Project
Foto do Victor Moreira no GitHub
Victor Moreira
Foto do Mateus Ebenezer da Silva Santos no GitHub
Mateus Ebenezer
Foto do Giovane Rocca no GitHub
Giovane Rocca
Foto do Ruan Alves no GitHub
Ruan Alves

  • Contributing
  1. Fork the repository
  2. Clone your fork: git clone
  3. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  4. Stage changes git add .
  5. Commit your changes: cz OR npm run commit do not use git commit
  6. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  7. Submit a pull request


Discord bot called nine developed in JavaScript using the Discord.js library in version 14.








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