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Identifier Docker

This Dockerfile allows you to run Identifier in a Docker Container. Even though it is running as a Docker container, the UI will still display on your Desktop.


Quick Start - Run

# Log into Dockerhub
docker login
# Pull the Identifier image
docker pull videoai/identifier:ubuntu-18.04
# Allow X to run in your local X session
xhost +
# Run the Identifier
docker run  \
    --rm \
    -ti \
    --name identifier \
    -e LOCAL_USER_ID=`id -u ${USER}` \
    -e RLM_LICENSE=2764@ \
    -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro \
    -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
    -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
    -v /buf/identifier:/home/identifier \

There are a few tricks in this command.

  • We need to make sure the app is displayed in your local X session.
  • To persist the data across runs, we mount a local volume, i.e. /buf/identifer. This gets mounted as /home/identifier in the running container. The Identifier database and logs get written here. You can change this location of the local volume - as long as you have write permission.
  • To allow the Identifier process running in the Docker container to write to this local volume, we need to pass the local user id running the Docker container. This is done by passing the LOCAL_USER_ID environment to the Docker container. This gets set by running id -u ${USER} in your local shell. If this is not set then Identifier will not have permission to write data to the local volume.
  • You need provide the right IP address of the host that is running the SmartVisFace RLM service. In the above example the RLM service is running on

There is a shortcut to run the Docker container, by using the Makefile.

make run

Quick Start - Building

There is a Makefile with pre-configured commands and is the easiest way to build the Docker image and run the container.

# Choose the base image, we currently recommend Ubuntu-16.04
cd Ubuntu-18.04
# Download Identifier deb package from support site and copy to working directory
cp ~/Downloads/SmartVis_Identifier-*.deb .
# Copy across the license file 
cp ~/Downloads/demoLicense.lic .
# Build the Docker image (this can take some time)
make build
# Enable X authentication
xhost +
# Run
make run

To run the container you have just built, use the same command as above.

Headless mode

You can also run Identifier in headless mode.

make headless


You can get official documentation for SmartVis Identifier on our support portal.


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