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To execute and test the programs and the relevant outputs, you will need the following:

  1. Windows 32 or 64 bit machine
  2. C compiler with gcc option in their machine
  3. SAS 9.2 and above with additional packages that load PROC IML/EXPAND.

Steps of execution:

  1. Create a directory structure which has the below layout:
    Main folder: C:\Image_Processing
    Sub folder[1]: BMP Sub Sub folder[1a]: Created Sub Sub folder[1b]: Source Sub folder[2]: C_CODE Sub folder[3]: CSV_TXT Sub folder[4]: DLL_32 Sub folder[5]: DLL_64 Sub folder[6]: SAS_CODE

  2. The C code is independent of the operating system. For a Windows computer (with a 32 bit C compiler), execute the following code in DOS: [a.] gcc -c C:\IMAGE_PROCESSING\C_CODE\ImageManipulation.c [b.] gcc -shared -o C:\IMAGE_PROCESSING\DLL_32\ImageManipulation.dll ImageManipulation.o For a 64 bit compiler, the following needs to be executed: [a.] gcc -c C:\IMAGE_PROCESSING\C_CODE\ImageManipulation.c [b.] gcc -shared -m64 -o C:\IMAGE_PROCESSING\DLL_64\ImageManipulation.dll ImageManipulation.o This creates the "ImageManipulation.dll" file in the " C:\IMAGE_PROCESSING\DLL_32" or the "C:\IMAGE_PROCESSING\DLL_64" as appropriate. Position the DLL files into the 32 bit and 64 bit locations as appropriate.

  3. As per this directory structure, the *.bmp files should be located at "C:\IMAGE_PROCESSING\BMP\Source".

  4. In the folder " C:\image_processing\SAS_CODE", you will find the SAS codes: a. In order to replicate the results in section "MAGNIFICATION ENHANCEMENT", you can run: Mammogram_magnify.SAS b. In order to replicate the results in section "EM ALGORITHM ON MAMMOGRAM IMAGES", you can run: Mammogram_EM.SAS c. In order to replicate the results in section "ANALYZING MRI", you can run: Tumor.SAS and Tumor_ratio.SAS d. The has the macros that specify the interface between the SAS and C.

In these programs, the following variables declare the path: root, macro_root, dll_root. The current dll root is specying the 32 bit folder. If the reviewers are using a 64 bit SAS, they will need to update this to "%let dll_root = %str(C:\IMAGE_PROCESSING\DLL_64);"in the SAS code. Further, if the user wishes to re-locate these files, then an appropriate update of the global variables will be required.


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