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Demo Fiori Application with CAP Model


In this exercise you will learn how to work with SAP CAP Model to build Fiori application with define security in SAP Cloud Platform Cloud Foundry Environment. Following diagram display the architecture for the sample

Web IDE workspace


Make sure to have the following:

  1. An SAP Cloud Platform (Cloud Foundry) account containing at least the services:
    • SAP HANA Database (Standard or Enterprise)
    • SAP HANA Schemas & HDI Containers (hdi-shared)
    • Portal Service
  2. An SAP Cloud Platform (Neo) account that provides access to at least SAP Web IDE.

Exercise description

1. Log on to SAP Web IDE

  • If your are unsure where to find the Web IDE URL, follow this tutorial.

  • Web IDE opens up and shows your workspace. The workspace is empty if you use it for the first time.

    Web IDE workspace

2. Setup workspace settings

2.1. Click on Cloud Foundry in the Workspace Preferences

  • In the field for the API endpoint select the the URL that matches your Cloud Foundry account (usually the first URL). If you are asked to logon, use your user/password.

  • Same for the values for Organization and Space: chose the values matching to your account.

  • Should the be an error on the page saying that the builder is outed, press the Reinstall Builder button.

  • Click on the Save button, even if you haven't changed anything.

Enter Cloud Foundry API endpoint

You will get a confirmation message:

Confirmation about stored preferences

3. Create Project from WebIDE Template

Use WebIDE Template SAP Cloud Platform Business Application to start the project structure

Check Option : Use HTML5 Application Repository

Check Option : Enable User Authentication (UAA)

4. XSUAA Instance from SCP Cockpit

Create service instance for XSUAA service manually from SCP Cockpit with name - FioriCAPApplication1-uaa plan - application and following security setting

	"xsappname": "FioriCAPApplication1",
	"tenant-mode": "dedicated",
	"description": "Security Configuration for CAP application",
	"scopes": [
			"name": "$XSAPPNAME.demouser",
			"description": "Demo Scope"
			"name": "uaa.user",
			"description": "UAA"
	"role-templates": [
			"name": "demouser",
			"description": "Demo Role",
			"scope-references": [
			"name": "Token_Exchange",
			"description": "Token_Exchange",
			"scope-references": [

update Project file mta.yaml resource FioriCAPApplication1-uaa with existing service, created in previous step


  - name: FioriCAPApplication1-uaa
    type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
      service-plan: application
      service: xsuaa
        xsappname: FioriCAPApplication1-${space}
        tenant-mode: dedicated


  - name: FioriCAPApplication1-uaa
    type: org.cloudfoundry.existing-service
      service-name: FioriCAPApplication1-uaa

Build CDS from Project level and Build DB module. Test your srv module using WebIDE testing tools.

5. Add UI Module in project

Add HTML Module in project with List Report HTML5 Template

and bind with existing CDS OData V2 Service in project

Tempalte added additional XSUAA Resource in mta.yaml file which need to replace with already created one FioriCAPApplication1-uaa.

checked the template code for new module, you find that now HTML5 module is using HTML5 repository service to host the application from central place. Details can be found in SAP Blog.

In this example we have use Fiori Element to build UI, these Fiori element can be added via OData annotation by extending the exsiting cds model. Added new file cat-service-fiori.cds inside srv module

using CatalogService from '../srv/cat-service';

annotate CatalogService.Books with {
    @Common.Label : 'Id';
    @Common.Label : 'Title';
    @Common.Label : 'Stock';
    @Common.Text: "author/name"
    @Common.Label : 'Author'
    @sap.value.list: 'fixed-values'
    @Common.ValueList: { 
      CollectionPath: 'Authors',
      Label: 'Authors',
      SearchSupported: 'true',
      Parameters: [
        { $Type: 'Common.ValueListParameterOut', LocalDataProperty: 'author_ID', ValueListProperty: 'ID'},
        { $Type: 'Common.ValueListParameterDisplayOnly', ValueListProperty: 'name'},

annotate CatalogService.Books with @(
  UI.LineItem: [ 
    {$Type: 'UI.DataField', Value: ID},
    {$Type: 'UI.DataField', Value: title},
    {$Type: 'UI.DataField', Value: stock},
  UI.HeaderInfo: {
    Title: { Value: title },
    {$Type: 'UI.DataField', Value: ID},
    {$Type: 'UI.DataField', Value: title},
    {$Type: 'UI.DataField', Value: stock}
      Facets: [
            { $Type:'UI.ReferenceFacet', Label: 'General Info', Target: '@UI.Identification' }
      Label:'Book Details',		
    {$Type:'UI.ReferenceFacet', Label: 'Orders', Target: 'orders/@UI.LineItem'},

Add some sample data in DB for test purpose using db/src/csv/Books.csv file. Test your html5 module from WebIDE testing tools.

5. Add Fiori capabilties in project

Add Navigation Semantic object inside html module booklist, file manifest.json

Add new Fiori Launchpad Site Module in Project with name FioriCAPApplication1-fiori

Open CommonDataModel.json as Launchpad Editor and add your UI application using WebIDE wizard

Tempalte added additional XSUAA Resource in mta.yaml file which need to replace with already created one FioriCAPApplication1-uaa. Update mta.yaml file reference of portal_resources_FioriCAPApplication1 with name FioriCAPApplication1-portal for naming standard

Build your application and deply to cf space.

Run the application Router

6. Central Fiori Launchpad Configuration

Create destination in Sub-Account Level with following information

Description=Portal Demo Application

In the side navigation panel of your subaccount, click Subscriptions and enter Portal in the search bar. Then click the Portal tile and Go to Application. The Site Manager opens with the Site Directory in focus. Click the icon in the side panel of the Site Manager to open the Content Manager. In the Content Manager, click + New > App

In properties tab enter following

  • Title: Books
  • System: DestinationName created in previous step . Note that it may take several minutes until the destination that you created in step 2 appears in the System list.
  • App UI Technology : SAPUI5 (this is the type of app that you are adding).
  • SAPUI5 Component Name : booklist - this is the registered name of the SAPUI5 component. To get this name, ask your developer to open the component.js file in SAP Web IDE - it is defined in the component.js file without the .component suffix as shown here: Find component name

Your screen will look like this:

Click the Navigation tab and enter the following information

Click the Visualization tab, Enter following information

Click the Everyone role to open the Role editor edit add Application Books

Click + New in the Content Manager and click Group to open the Group editor.

  • In the Assignments panel on the right, search for your Books app and the click the + to assign your app to this group.

  • save the configuration.

  • Open any Sites which include lauchpad. View the application title.

7. Adding security in project

Security at Central Fiori Lauchpad Level

  • Remove portal application Books from Everyone Role
  • Add new Role DemoUser and add Book application in this Role
  • Update Portal site with DemoUser Role
  • Add your user to DemoUser Role from SCP Cockpit in Subaccount -> Security -> Trust Configuration for particular IDP

Security at UI5 application Level

  • Add following information to UI application booklist in manifest.json file
"": {
        "oAuthScopes": [
  • Build the application and deploy to SCP
  • Add demouser role from Application to DemoUser Role Collection in Subaccount -> Security -> Role Collection

Security at application Service Level

  • Update xs-app.json file for booklist (ui module) to pass security information to Service layer from :
      "source": "/srv_api/(.*)$",
      "target": "$1",
      "authenticationType": "none",
      "destination": "srv_api",
      "csrfProtection": false

to :

      "source": "/srv_api/(.*)$",
      "target": "$1",
      "authenticationType": "xsuaa",
      "destination": "srv_api",
      "csrfProtection": false

-> Add cat-service-auth.cds security annotation inside srv module

annotate CatalogService with @(requires: 'demouser');

8. Adding Custom Logic with DB Operations

  • Extension Class can created by WebIDE Template
  • Right click on srv module and create Entity Operation Hooks

  • Choose Entity which need to be extended

Extension via DataSourceHandler

This type of Extension is for doing simple database operation like insert, Delete, Read , Update with Entity Key

  • Let's create OData Function to read Book data from BookId.

  • Update Catalog Service CDS model to include function defination in file cat-service.cds

function GetBookDetails(id:Integer) returns Books;

Open previously created Java Class and add following Code

	@Function(serviceName = "CatalogService", Name = "GetBookDetails")
	public OperationResponse getBooks(OperationRequest functionRequest, ExtensionHelper extensionHelper) {
		OperationResponse opResponse;

		try {
			// Retrieve the parameters of the function from the
			// OperationRequest object
			Map<String, Object> parameters = functionRequest.getParameters();

			//Get the DataSourceHandler object from the ExtensionHelper. This is required
			//to execute operations on the local HANA database
			DataSourceHandler handler = extensionHelper.getHandler();

			//Retrieve the Order ID from the request
			Map<String, Object> booksKey = new HashMap<String, Object>();
			booksKey.put("ID", String.valueOf(parameters.get("id")));

			List<String> bookElements = Arrays.asList("ID","title","stock");

			//Read the Order information from the local HANA database
			EntityData bookData = handler.executeRead("Books", booksKey, bookElements);
			List<EntityData> bookList = new ArrayList<EntityData>();
			// Return an instance of OperationResponse containing the list of book data
			opResponse = OperationResponse.setSuccess().setEntityData(bookList).response();

		} catch (Exception e) {
			log.error("Error in GetBook: " + e.getMessage());
			// Return an instance of OperationResponse containing the error in
			// case of failure
			ErrorResponse errorResponse = ErrorResponse.getBuilder()

			opResponse = OperationResponse.setError(errorResponse);
		return opResponse;

run srv with following URL


Detail operation support from DataSourceHandler is provided in SCP Cloud SDK API help

More details operation details are provide in CAP documentation - Coming soon

Extension via CDSDataSourceHandler

This type shloud be used for complex query opertions. To execute any OData operation on a CDS data source, first create a CDSDataSourceHandler object passing a Connection object (that contains the CDS data source connection) and the namespace of the requested entity. The following code sample shows how you can create a CDSDataSourceHandler object:

CDSDataSourceHandler dsHandler = DataSourceHandlerFactory.getInstance().getCDSHandler(getConnection(), req.getEntityMetadata().getNamespace());

The following code sample shows how you can create a Connection object that contains the CDS data source connection:

private static Connection getConnection() {
  Connection conn = null;
  InitialContext ctx;
  try {
    ctx = new InitialContext();
    conn = ((DataSource) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/java-hdi-container")).getConnection();
  } catch (Exception e) {
  return conn;
  • Query Operation To implement the Query operation on a CDS data source, use the CDSSelectQueryBuilder and CDSQuery classes. The CDSSelectQueryBuilder class provides methods with which you can build the query and return it in a CDSQuery object. Use the CDSDataSourceHandler object to actually execute the query. The following is sample code that shows how you can implement it:
CDSQuery cdsQuery = new CDSSelectQueryBuilder("CatalogService.Books")
		CDSSelectQueryResult cdsSelectQueryResult = dsHandler.executeQuery(cdsQuery);

Uncomment the Operation Handler method which need to be extended

Complete Code for After Read Book Entity is as follow.

	@AfterRead(entity = "Books", serviceName = "CatalogService")
	public ReadResponse afterReadBooks(ReadRequest req, ReadResponseAccessor res, ExtensionHelper helper) {
		EntityData data = res.getEntityData();
		//TODO: add your custom logic / validations here...
		DataSourceHandler handler = helper.getHandler();
		CDSDataSourceHandler dsHandler = DataSourceHandlerFactory.getInstance().getCDSHandler(getConnection(), req.getEntityMetadata().getNamespace());
		CDSQuery cdsQuery = new CDSSelectQueryBuilder("CatalogService.Books")
		CDSSelectQueryResult cdsSelectQueryResult = dsHandler.executeQuery(cdsQuery);
		data = cdsSelectQueryResult.getResult().get(0);
		catch (Exception e) {
			log.error("Error in GetBook: " + e.getMessage());
			// Return an instance of OperationResponse containing the error in
			// case of failure
			ErrorResponse errorResponse = ErrorResponse.getBuilder()

			return ReadResponse.setError(errorResponse);

	//	return res.getOriginalResponse(); //use this API if no change is required and the original response can be returned as output.
	return ReadResponse.setSuccess().setData(data).response(); //use this API if the payload is modified.
		//return ReadResponse.setError(ErrorResponse.getBuilder().setMessage("Read Operation Failed").response()); //use this API if should return error response.

Detail document can be found in CDS

For more complex Database operation JPA based opreation is also supported. Follow Tutorial for same


Demo Fiori Application with CAP






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