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The Owlery library provides the ability to consume and publish to RabbitMQ queues with ease.


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The Owlery library provides .NET Core developers the ability to consume and publish to RabbitMQ queues with the same ease as creating a new ApiController.


The following are a few examples of how Owlery can help you.

Defining queue consumers

The following is added in the ConfigureServices method in the Startup.cs file.

using Owlery.Extensions;


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

Then we create two consumers in a controller class. The textConsumer method consumes messages from the tester.test queue and creates a new instance of the AModel class. This is then published to the tester.another.test queue via the testExc exchange. The anotherTestConsumer method consumes messages for tester.another.test and logs the AModel instances it recieves.

using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Owlery;

public class OwleryController
    private readonly ILogger logger;

    public OwleryController(ILogger<OwleryController> logger)
        this.logger = logger;

    [RabbitConsumer(queueName: "tester.test")]
    [RabbitPublisher(routingKey: "tester.another.test")]
    public AModel testConsumer()
        logger.LogInformation($"Creating model");
        return new AModel {
            AnInteger = 99,
            AString = "This is a string",

    [RabbitConsumer(queueName: "tester.another.test")]
    public void anotherTestConsumer([FromBody] AModel aModel)
        logger.LogInformation($"Received a model {aModel}");

public class AModel
    public int AnInteger { get; set; }
    public string AString { get; set; }

    public override string ToString()
        return $"[AModel AnInteger: {this.AnInteger}, AString: {this.AString}]";

Publishing to an exchange

To publish a message to an exchange Dependency Injection is used. First we require the IRabbitService in the constructor.

using Owlery.Services;


private readonly IRabbitService rabbitService;

public ClassConstructor(
    IRabbitService rabbitService)
    this.rabbitService = rabbitService;

Then we can use the Publish method to publish the message

this.rabbitService.Publish(body: "Message body", routingKey: "tester.test", exchange: "");

But we can use any JSONSerializable object as the body, or an array of bytes directly.

If we need to apply any custom properties to the message being published we can pass a RabbitMessage to the Publish method. The following is an example of how to apply custom headers to a message:

RabbitMessage message = new RabbitMessage {
    Body = "Message body",
    Headers = new Dictionary<string, object> {
        {"x-origin", "Origin of message"},

this.rabbitService.Publish(message, "tester.test");

Declaring queues

Automatically declare queues, exchanges and bind queues to exchanges when the application starts using configuration only.

In appsettings.json or any other configuration source define the following

  "Owlery": {
    "Queues": {
      "TestQueue": {
        "QueueName": "tester.test"
      "AnotherQueue": {
        "QueueName": "tester.another.test"
    "Exchanges": {
      "AnExchange": {
        "ExchangeName": "testExc"
    "Bindings": {
      "ABinding": {
        "QueueName": "tester.another.test",
        "ExchangeName": "testExc",
        "RoutingKey": "tester.routingKey"

The following is added in the ConfigureServices method in the Startup.cs file.

using Owlery.Extensions;


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

Using names and keys defined in configuration

We can use queue and exchange names as well as routing keys defined in configuration. If we assume the config is defined as it is in the Declaring queues section then the following works.

[RabbitConsumer(queueName: "{Owlery:Queues:TestQueue:QueueName}")]
[RabbitPublisher(routingKey: "{Owlery:Bindings:ABinding:RoutingKey}", exchangeName: "{Owlery:Bindings:ABinding:ExchangeName}")]

We can of course reference any settings key. For example with the following configuration and consumer definition.

  "MyQueueSettings": {
    "Queue": "name.of.queue"
[RabbitConsumer(queueName: "{MyQueueSettings:Queue}")]