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ntransporter v2.0

Neutron transport code for background analysis.


This code calculates the neutron flux in an infinite slab of material using the multigroup diffusion approximation with zeroth-order evaluated group constants (see below for description of this approximation).

Directory Structure

This repository is divided into several directories by functionality. The overall repository structure is:

|- ntransporter/
|---- boundary_conditions/
|---- cross_sections/
|---- include/
|---- process_reader/
|---- sources/
|---- src/

More details on each top-level subdirectory can be found in individual README's.

Build Instructions


The following packages must be installed/configured before building ntransporter:

  • Geant4 : required by SuperSim, also used for differential cross section calculations. Versions of SuperSim used by ntransporter (at time of writing, <= V11.00.01) use geant4-v10.6.3. Installation instructions can be found here for the newest version, but should still work for 10.6.3.


Geant4 must be built in multithreaded mode in order to interface correctly with ntransporter. One should set the cmake flag GEANT4_BUILD_MULTITHREADED=ON during compilation of Geant4

  • SuperSim : SuperCDMS's main simulations software, used for configuring CDMS-specific physics lists and calculating total cross sections. Data under the supersim directory is used for source calculations. The entire source code must be available to this program, and the environment should be configured as when building/compiling the software yourself (see this Confluence page). The code is available on the Gitlab.

    Linking to SuperSim is managed by the SuperSim_include and SuperSim_exclude files. An example of each is included in the top level of this repository (see Top-level files section below). The SuperSim_include file gives a list of directories (under the $CDMS_SUPERSIM environment variable) to link and compile files in. The SuperSim_exclude file gives a list of file names (not including directory paths) to exclude from explicit linking. By default, the build system will parse all files matching *.cc by Linux find command unless the full filename matches "/X" for X any line given in the SuperSim_exclude file.

    At the time of compilation, the environment must be configured just as one would in trying to build SuperSim. For example, if one wishes to run ntransporter on Cedar, follow the instructions on this Confluence page, and run the script before compiling ntransporter.

Depending on the system, SuperSim may require some additional packages to be correctly installed/configured. See also the external package guide. These include:

  • ROOT : CERN's data processing language. Find installation instructions here. Current versions of ntransporter have been tested on ROOT version 6.24/04, but should work for any version >= 6.02. One should also note the C++ standard used to compile ROOT for setting the CXX_STD cmake variable

  • G4CMP : Mike Kelsey's solid-state physics extension to Geant4. Available on Github. Required by certain components of SuperSim, though not used directly by any ntransporter functionality. If one wishes to avoid this dependency, they may investigate modifying the SuperSim_include and SuperSim_exclude

  • CVODE : LLNL's differential equation solver package. Can be downloaded as a component of the SUNDIALS package (find v5.1.0 here), and find installation instructions here. Note that cmake assumes the CVODE object files are built with the suffix .so unless the compiler matches "AppleClang", in which case it looks for .dylib files. The base CMakeLists.txt file must be modified directly if this is not the case.

  • uuid-dev : utility package for generating 128-bit University Unique IDs (UUIDs) for random number generation. Can be downloaded with sudo apt-get install uuid-dev

Environment variables

A few environment variables (denoted by $ before the variable name) must be set before compiling ntransporter (in addition to the ones either set or required by the SuperSim configuration process, e.g., $CDMS_INSTALL, $ROOTSYS, or $G4WORKDIR). These are:

  • $G4CMPINSTALL : path to the system's G4CMP installation (note: it does not appear to be necessary to source the $G4CMPINSTALL/ script), e.g., /home/ajbiffl3/G4CMP. This one should also be set before sourcing the SuperSim g4setup script.

  • $CVODE_HOME : path to installation directory of CVODE, e.g., (if following the installation guide) /home/ajbiffl3/SUNDIALS/sundials-5.1.0/instdir

  • $LIBUUID_OBJ : (only used if cmake option FORCE_LIBUUID_LINK is set) path to uuid-dev object file, e.g., /usr/lib/

cmake variables

cmake requires some variables giving paths to important files or other programs be set correctly in order to compile:

  • SUPERSIM_INCLUDE : the full path of the SuperSim_include file. If one wishes to use SuperSim_include.txt included at the top level of this repository, the default value ("SuperSim_include.txt") will be fine.

  • SUPERSIM_EXCLUDE : the full path of the SuperSim_exclude file. Once again, the default value ("SuperSim_exclude.txt") will use the SuperSim_exclude file included in this repository.

  • CXX_STD : integer (default 14) specifying the C++ standard to compile the program with. It is recommended to compile against the same version used by ROOT. The default value of 14 is typically used to compile SuperSim. Conda installations of ROOT use 17.

  • FORCE_LIBUUID_LINK boolean option (default OFF) to force linking of the libuuid object file specified by the $LIBUUID_OBJ environment variable (if set, $LIBUUID_OBJ must be specified in the current environment to point to the object file on the current system, e.g., /usr/lib/

  • CVODE_LIB_FOLDER : name of folder under environment variable $CVODE_HOME containing object files for CVODE (probably either lib, the default value, or lib64).

Some other optional cmake options can be used to personalize the build:

  • REGEN_CDMSVERSION : boolean option (default OFF) to force re-generation of the CDMSVersion.hh header file. This option will always reset to OFF after running, so must be explicitly set every time one wants to regenerate the version header file. This should be done any time the SuperSim version is changed.

  • IGNORE_WARNINGS : boolean option (default OFF) to ignore compiler warnings (passes -w flag to compiler if set)

  • SUBDIRS_VERBOSE : boolean option (default OFF) to print additional information about linking executables in first-level subdirectories

  • EXCLUDE_VERBOSE : boolean option (default ON) to print files excluded from compilation/linking by the SuperSim_exclude file

  • BUILD_PROCINFO : boolean option (default OFF) to build the PROCINFO executable from the process_reader subdirectory (see that README for more info)

These options can be set when calling cmake or by modifying the CMakeCache.txt file in the build directory directly. All but REGEN_CDMSVERSION will be saved in CMakeCache.txt for subsequent calls of cmake.

Building the program

The ntransporter program uses cmake utility to compile and build the executables in the program. Note that several steps in the cmake script require using the linux shell.

To build the program, make a build directory. For these examples, it's assumed the build directory is located inside the top-level ntransporter directory:

$ cd ntransporter
$ mkdir build
$ cd build

Once the environment variables are correctly set up, the dependencies configured, and the necessary cmake variables set, cmake can be run, e.g.,


If this is successful, make all targets:

make all

This will build all executables in ntransporter into the build directory.

Alternatively, one can build each executable individually, e.g.,

make NT_Src

Executables Quick Guide

An overview of the executables built by ntransporter is given here. In general, the executables built by ntransporter begin with "NT_".

  • NT_XS : calculate group cross sections for one material/group number pair

    Usage: ./NT_XS output_file_base_path material [ngroups=100] [points_per_group=10]

  • NT_XX : calculate group cross sections for multiple material/group number pairs (note the results change depending on the order of pairs - use is not recommended)

    Usage: ./NT_XX output_file_base_path material1 material2 ... [-n ngroups1=100 ngroups2 ...]

  • NT_DX : calculate differential cross sections for multiple material/group number pairs

    Usage: ./NT_DX output_file_base_path path_to_ntransporter_base material1 material2 ... [-n ngroups1=100 ngroups2 ...]

  • NT_Src : calculate group sources

    Usage: ./NT_Src output_file_base_path material path_to_supersim [ngroups=100]

  • NT_BC : calculate boundary conditions (infinite slab flux)

    Usage: ./NT_BC output_file_base_path path_to_ntransporter_base material [ngroups=100]

  • PROCINFO : print hadronic process info for the neutron in the "Shielding" physics list in SuperSim

    Usage: ./PROCINFO

Note About Outputs

The repository currently includes many output files from the executables in data/V1 and data/V2 directories under the subdirectory of the corresponding executable, e.g., ntransporter/sources/data/V1 contains files generated with the NT_Src executable.

Top-level files

The top-level ntransporter/ directory contains the following files:

  • .gitignore : standard .gitignore file

  • CMakeLists.txt : top-level CMakeLists file for the project. Responsible for compiling all executables in the repository

  • LICENSE : Standard MIT license

  • SuperSim_include.txt : SuperSim_include file, list of directories within SuperSim needed for project

  • SuperSim_exclude.txt : SuperSim_exclude file, list of filenames to exclude from linking if found in any of the SuperSim_include directories

  • SuperSim_Main.hh : overloaded SuperSim_Main header file from SuperSim - needed to redefine members of the SuperSim_Main class as public so they can be accessed by ntransporter

Version 2 Physics - Zero-Temperature Multigroup Diffusion Approximation with Zeroth-Order Evaluated Group Constants

The full neutron transport equation is:

$\frac{1}{v}\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t} + \boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}} \cdot \nabla \psi + \Sigma_t \psi = s + \int_{4\pi} d\boldsymbol{\Omega'} \int_0^\infty dE' \Sigma_s(E'\rightarrow E, \boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}'}\rightarrow\boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}}) \psi (E',\boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}'})$


$\boldsymbol{r}=$ position

$E =$ energy

$\boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}} =$ direction of neutron travel

$t =$ time

$v=$ neutron velocity

$\psi = \psi(\boldsymbol{r}, E, \boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}},t) =$ angular neutron flux (neutrons per unit time per unit area per unit energy per unit solid angle)

$\Sigma_t = \Sigma_t(\boldsymbol{r}, E) =$ total neutron cross section (scattering plus absorption), units of inverse length

$s=s(\boldsymbol{r},E,\boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}})=$ neutron source (neutrons per unit time per unit volume per unit energy per unit solid angle)

$\Sigma_s(E'\rightarrow E,\boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}'}\rightarrow\boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}})$ $=\Sigma_s(E,E',\boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}'}\cdot\boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}})=$ scattering cross section from primed to unprimed state (differential over final direction and final energy)

To move to the neutron diffusion equation, we first define the scalar flux $\phi$:

$\phi(E) \equiv \int_{4\pi} \psi(E,\boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}}) d\boldsymbol{\Omega} $

and the neutron current density $\boldsymbol{J}$:

$\boldsymbol{J}(E) \equiv \int_{4\pi} \boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}} \psi(E,\boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}}) d\boldsymbol{\Omega}$

(both with units neutrons per unit time per unit area per unit energy) and make two physical assumptions.

First, assume the angular flux $\psi$ can be modelled sufficiently with linear anisotropy:

$\psi(\boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}}) \approx \frac{1}{4\pi} \phi + \frac{3}{4\pi} \boldsymbol{J}\cdot \boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}}$

Second, assume the neutron current density $\boldsymbol{J}$ is proportional to the gradient of the scalar flux ("Fick's Law"):

$\boldsymbol{J} = [3(\Sigma_t-\bar{\mu}_0\Sigma_s)]^{-1} \nabla \phi \equiv -D(E)\nabla\phi(E)$

Additional physical assumptions: isotropic scattering and isotropic sources:

$\Sigma_s(E'\rightarrow E, \boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}'}\rightarrow\boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}}) = \frac{1}{4\pi}\Sigma_s(E'\rightarrow E)$

$s(\boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}},E) = \frac{1}{4\pi}S(E)$

where $S(E)=S(\boldsymbol{r}, E, t)$ is the scalar source.

Now if we integrate over solid angle $\boldsymbol{\Omega}$, the transport equation becomes the diffusion equation:

$\frac{1}{v}\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial t} - \nabla D(E) \nabla \phi(E) + \Sigma_t(E) \phi(E) = S(E) + \int_0^\infty dE' \Sigma_s(E'\rightarrow E) \phi (E')$

The Multigroup Approximation

We now define a series of $G$ energy intervals called "groups" delineated by the energies $E_g$, where $0\leq g\leq G$, such that $E_{g+1} &lt; E_g \forall g$. Group $g$ refers to the range of energies $E_{g} \leq E \leq E_{g-1}$. $E_0$ corresponds to the maximum energy attainable by neutrons in the system (for radiogenic neutrons, $E_0\sim$ 20 MeV), and $E_G$ corresponds to the minimum energy of interest, typically thermal energies. Introduce the notation for integrating over group $g$:

$\int_g dE \cdots \equiv \int_{E_{g}}^{E_{g-1}} dE \cdots$

Integrating the diffusion equation over group $g$ then yields the multigroup diffusion equation:

$\frac{1}{v_g}\frac{\partial \phi_g}{\partial t} - \nabla \cdot D_g \nabla \phi_g + \Sigma_{tg} \phi_g = S_g + \sum\limits_{g'=1}^{\infty} \Sigma_{sg'g} \phi_{g'}$

where we've defined the group flux $\phi_g$:

$\phi_g \equiv \int_g dE \phi(E)$

and the group source $S_g$:

$S_g \equiv \int_g dE S(E)$

and where we've defined the following "group constants:"

  • The total cross section:

$\hspace{5ex}\Sigma_{tg} \equiv \frac{1}{\phi_g} \int_g dE \Sigma_t(E) \phi(E)$

  • The diffusion coefficient on the $j$ component of the flux gradient:

$\hspace{5ex}D_{gj} \equiv \frac{\int_g dE D(E) \nabla_j \phi(E) }{\int_g dE \nabla_j \phi(E)}$

  • The inverse neutron speed:

$\hspace{5ex}\frac{1}{v_g} \equiv \frac{1}{\phi_g}\int_g dE \frac{1}{v}\phi(E)$

  • The scattering cross section from group $g'$ to group $g$:

$\hspace{5ex}\Sigma_{sg'g} \equiv \frac{1}{\phi_{g'}} \int_g dE \int_{g'} dE' \Sigma_s(E'\rightarrow E) \phi(E')$

Also note the spatial derivative term should be expanded as the following:

$\nabla \cdot D_g \nabla \phi_g = \sum\limits_j \nabla_j D_{gj} \nabla_j \phi_g$

Note on Group Structure

We consider a group structure with fast groups between 0.1 eV and 20 MeV and a single thermal group below 0.1 eV. The actual numerical value of the lower bound of the thermal group is set to 1e-7 eV

Given these specifications, a grouping (set of group boundaries) is specified by the number of fast groups. In the code this is what G refers to, while $G$ in the derivations here usually refers to the total number of groups, G+1.

With these in place, the bounds of the fast groups are $E_G$ = 0.1 eV and $E_0$ = 20 MeV, and any particular group boundary can be calculated as $E_g=E_0\beta^g$, where $\beta=(E_G/E_0)^{1/G}$

The Slowing-Down Equation

From the neutron diffusion equation, we consider the steady-state, infinite medium case, and so can drop the time and spatial derivatives, resulting in the "slowing down equation:"

$\Sigma_t(E) \phi(E) = S(E) + \int_0^{\infty} dE' \Sigma_s(E'\rightarrow E) \phi (E')$

where now everything is only a function of energy.

Once again integrating over group $g$, we arrive at the multigroup slowing down equation:

$\Sigma_{tg} \phi_g = S_g + \sum\limits_{g'=1}^{\infty} \Sigma_{sg'g} \phi_{g'}$

Zero-Temperature Approximation

In the zero-temperature approximation, it is impossible for a neutron to increase in energy (decrease in group number) after a collision, so the multigroup slowing down equation becomes:

$(\Sigma_{tg} -\Sigma_{sgg})\phi_g = S_g + \sum\limits_{g'=1}^{g-1} \Sigma_{sg'g} \phi_{g'}$

Evaluating Group Constants

The evaluation of most group constants requires knowledge of the flux $\phi(E)$. We use a zeroth-order approximation for fast groups of $\phi(E)\propto 1/E$, the derivation of which relies on the following approximations:

  • Assume s-wave scattering: $\Sigma_s(E'\rightarrow E)=\frac{\Sigma_s(E')}{(1-\alpha)E'}$ when $E\lt E'\lt E/\alpha$

  • Ignore absorption and inelastic scattering

  • Consider energies well below source energies

These above assumptions result in an asymptotic solution $\phi(E)\propto \frac{1}{\Sigma_s(E) E}$ (note also this is the form used to derive the approximations for the self-scattering fraction $q$ above). We then neglect the variation in $\Sigma_s(E)$ over the group: $\phi(E)\propto \frac{1}{E}$.

For the thermal group, we assume a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution at room temperature (0.0257 eV).

More details on evaluating the differential cross sections $\Sigma_{sg'g}$ can be found in the cross_sections documentation.