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logo_villoro My personal webpage

Netlify Status PageSpeed powered by Flask

This is the code of my personal webpage. You can view it live here:

It is created to be very fast. You can check it with pagespeed.


It is a static webpage build with flask that has been made static with frozen flask. It uses the power of jinja2 templates.

The webpage is responsive by design. It should be nicely displayed in both computers and smartphones.

Some screenshoots:

home about

Run/view the web

You can run the flask app with the following command:

python src/

There is also a Procfile so that you can deploy the website directly to heroku.

If you want to create the static web you will only need to execute:

python src/

How it works

There are only 3 python files:

  • flask app
  • frozen flask script
  • file for reading some yaml files to create the web

And 3 folders:

  • static/ this is where images and css are stored.
  • templates/ folder with html templates of every page
  • content/ content of the web

So what the app will do is to read the content and create and html file using some template and some resources from static


This folder is quite simple, it contains images and css with some folder to keep everything organized.


There is a base.html template that has the skeleton for the whole page. All pages inherit from this template.

Then there are the main pages:

  • home
  • about
  • portfolio
  • blog

Those main pages all have the same structure with some parallax effect. To do so they inherit from the page.html template. For example, to render the home page it will inherit following this structure:

- base.html
    - page.html
        - home.html

Then there is portfolio_item.html which is the template used to render one item of the portfolio. It only inherits from base.html since there is no parallax effect.


This folder has some info about the web that is better to keep it appart form the html itself.

For example the tools I use are in a yaml file so that it will be easier to update. This way it will also allow to use iterations with jinja2 and avoid repeated html in the templates.

There are also the portfolio and blog folders which have some other yaml files with one portfolio item or blog post. The idea is that flask will know what they are since it can found the items in the appropiate folder.

This items have some metadata like:

  • code
  • title
  • image

And also some content (like brief or results). By default the content is written with markdown and flask will transform it to html.

It is also important to notice that content in one of those folders is ordered with the number in the name. So all entries should be named with the following structure NN-my_post.yml where NN is a number.



The content of this repository is licensed under a MIT.


Branches and commits use some prefixes to keep everything better organized.


  • f/: features
  • r/: releases
  • h/: hotfixs


  • [NEW] new features
  • [FIX] fixes
  • [REF] refactors
  • [PYL] pylint improvements
  • [TST] tests