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This is a mirror of

This plugin provides mappings and commands to add and subtract alternative
branches to the current search pattern. Currently searching for "foo," but
also want to find matches for "bar"? You could type /foo\|bar<CR> or
/<C-R>/\|bar<CR>, but once you want to limit the search to whole \<words\>
(like the star command), and juggle several alternatives, adding and
dropping them as you search, this plugin is quicker than manually editing the
search command-line (which you can still do).

- Add to Word Search (vimscript #3955) can add the keyword under the cursor to
  the search pattern and search forward / backward like * / #.

<Leader>+               Add the current whole \<word\> as an alternative to the
                        search pattern, similar to the star command.

<Leader>g+              Add the current word as an alternative to the search
                        pattern, similar to the gstar command.

{Visual}<Leader>+       Add the current selection as an alternative to the
                        search pattern.
                        For a blockwise-visual selection, each line of the
                        block (minus leading and trailing whitespace) is added
                        as a separate alternative search pattern. When the
                        first selected line of the block is surrounded by non-
                        keyword characters, the match is done with \<...\>.
                        If the blockwise-visual selection is only comprised
                        of a single line, all WORDs of that line are added as
                        separate alternative whole \<word\> search patterns.

<Leader>-               Remove the current whole \<word\> from the alternatives
                        in the search pattern.

<Leader>g-              Remove the current word from the alternatives in the
                        search pattern.

{Visual}<Leader>-       Remove the current selection from the alternatives in
                        the search pattern.
                        For a blockwise-visual selection, this has the same
                        special behavior as {Visual}<Leader>+.

:SearchAdd {expr}       Add {expr} as an alternative to the search pattern.

:SearchRemove {expr}    Remove {expr} from the alternatives in the search
:[N]SearchRemove        Remove the [N]'th / last alternative from the
                        alternatives in the search pattern.


Add / subtract alternatives to / from the search pattern.






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