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Controlling Ohmni Telepresence Robots movement and Autonomous Navigation, with help of Human Gestures.

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				|   Its Important You go through the Thesis Report very well!     |
				|             To Understand following Commands                    |
				|   Every thing is explained very well in Thesis Report ;-)       |

Master Thesis Implementation Video Guide : Click Here : Youtube Link

Docker Hub - Image

Openpose work is pushed to Docker Hub in Docker Image form :

Connecting to Robot.

NOTE : IP addresses might change, please check them!
IP address of Butler BOT  : 
IP address of Local HOST  :

localhost@shell:~$ adb connect
localhost@shell:~$ adb disconnect

ButtlerBot@shell:~$ adb shell
ButtlerBot@shell:~$ su
ButtlerBot@shell:~$ setprop ctl.stop tb-node

Already Docker Container is available, just RUN it.

ButtlerBot@shell:~$ docker start container_name
ButtlerBot@shell:~$ docker attach container_name
ButtlerBot_docker@shell:~# rostopic list

Open new Terminal on Local System : Important to connect to the ROS Master from Multiple Machines.

localhost@shell:~$ export ROS_IP=; export ROS_MASTER_URI=

Check on Local system, are you able to get the ROS topics from Robot, if Yes then you have succesfully established the communication with Robot throught your Local System.

localhost@shell:~$ rostopic list

Time Sync

localhost@shell:~$ timedatectl
ButtlerBot_docker@shell:~# timedatectl

Synchronize the Time between Robot Machine and Local System Machine. First use the below command to bring both system in same time zone.

@shell:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Commands on Robot

ButtlerBot_docker@shell:~# sudo /etc/init.d/chrony restart
ButtlerBot_docker@shell:~# sudo initctl restart chrony
ButtlerBot_docker@shell:~# sudo systemctl enable chrony

Commands on Laptop

localhost@shell:~$ sudo systemctl restart chrony
localhost@shell:~$ sudo systemctl status chrony
localhost@shell:~$ sudo systemctl enable chrony

Navigation Stack + Openpose(Gesture+Posture Knowledge)

Open new Terminal on Local System : Important to connect to the ROS Master from Multiple Machines.

localhost@shell:~$ export ROS_IP=; export ROS_MASTER_URI=
localhost@shell:~$ roslaunch ohmni_2dnav ohmni_nav.launch 

New Terminal to RUN ROS Visualization.

localhost@shell:~$ export ROS_IP=; export ROS_MASTER_URI=
localhost@shell:~$ rosrun rviz rviz -d /home/user_name/path_to_RVIZ_file/SLAM_ws/src/ohmni_2dnav/src/config/rvizconfig.rviz 


localhost@shell:~$ sudo xhost +si:localuser:root

localhost@shell:~$ docker run --gpus all -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --env NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all --env NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all --env DISPLAY --env QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /dev:/dev --net=host --privileged --device=/dev/video0:/dev/video0 -it vin8/openpose_vin:final /bin/bash

Once Docker Image instance is created, just work around with that Docker Container.

localhost@shell:~$ docker start openpose_container_name; docker attach openpose_container_name

inside container.

openpose_docker@shell:~# export ROS_IP=; export ROS_MASTER_URI=
openpose_docker@shell:~# roslaunch ros_openpose run.launch

Open New Terminal to RUN ROS node for setting the Goal through Gesture recognization.

localhost@shell:~$ docker exec -it openpose_container_name /bin/bash
openpose_docker@shell:~# export ROS_IP=; export ROS_MASTER_URI=
openpose_docker@shell:~# rosrun ros_openpose 

New Terminal to RUN ROS node for Gesture-based Navigation.

localhost@shell:~$ export ROS_IP=; export ROS_MASTER_URI=
localhost@shell:~$ rosrun ohmni_2dnav

Gesture-based Robot control


localhost@shell:~$ sudo xhost +si:localuser:root

Once Docker Image instance is created, just work around with that Docker Container.

localhost@shell:~$ docker start openpose_container_name; docker attach openpose_container_name

inside container

openpose_docker@shell:~# export ROS_IP=; export ROS_MASTER_URI=
openpose_docker@shell:~# roslaunch ros_openpose run.launch

Open New Terminal to RUN ROS node for controlling the Robot via Gestures.

localhost@shell:~$ docker exec -it openpose_container_name /bin/bash
openpose_docker@shell:~# export ROS_IP=; export ROS_MASTER_URI=
openpose_docker@shell:~# rosrun ros_openpose 

Some of the implementation pictures

Hector SLAM implementation

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Openpose Output as a Gesture

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Autonomous Navigation CostMap

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Controlling Ohmni Telepresence Robots movement and Autonomous Navigation, with help of Human Gestures.






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