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This repository hosts course material for Math Camp 2020 for the MA program at Columbia. Lecture notes have been uploaded. A more detailed syllabus has been uploaded above and can also be accessed at this link :

Course Information

  • Instructor : Vinayak Iyer
  • Email :
  • Dates : Monday, August 17th - Thursday, September 3rd
  • Place and Time : 9:30 AM - 12 PM EST on Zoom (link will be shared)
  • Office Hours : Thursday 12 - 1 on Zoom (link will be shared)
  • Website :
  • Exam : 48 hour take home exam.
              Exam will be posted on Gradescope at 9 am,Tuesday, September 8th.
              Submission on Gradescope by 9 am, Thursday September 10th


This course provides an overview of the mathematical concepts needed for the first year Master's sequence in economics; its goal is to prepare students for their first-year economics classes. Focus will be put on thinking about and writing proofs as well as problem solving. Problem sets will be assigned weekly and due on Mondays. Although these will be graded, no grade will be given for the class. There will be an exam covering the material from math camp during the first meeting of the Math Methods course.

Lecture notes/ slides will be available on the course website, and the material presented in the course will largely be self-contained. Students are expected to have taken courses in single-variable calculus, and some familiarity with concepts in probability and linear algebra will be assumed, although we will spend some time reviewing these topics.

Classes will meet every weekday from 9:30AM - 12PM EST, running from Monday, August 17th through Thursday, September 3rd.


The material from this course will primarily pull from two reference texts:

  1. Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis (5th Edition) by Knut Sydsæter, Peter Hammond, Arne Strøm, and Andrés Carvajal
  2. Further Mathematics for Economic Analysis (2nd Edition) by Knut Sydsæter, Peter Hammond, Atle Seierstad and Arne Strøm

Tentative Course Outline

  1. Introduction to Set Theory
  2. Real Analysis
  3. Linear Algebra
  4. Convexity
  5. Multivariable Calculus and Optimization


Hosts material for Columbia MA Math Camp 2020






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