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Vini edited this page Jul 19, 2023 · 6 revisions


The datetime component is a field that shows the date and the time using the mask format specified. This is generally used in navbars, but it can be used in other elements like statusbar, panel headers, etc.


This component has a own attribute called data-format. The table bellow shows the tokens that can be used in the format:

Token Description Example
M The month in the year 01 - 12
d The day in the month 01 - 31
e The week day 01 - 07
y The full year 1997, 2000, 2019
H The hour 00 - 23
h The hour 00 - 12
m The minute 00 - 59
s The second 00 - 59
a The hour marker AM or PM

Code Examples

These are some examples for component:

<!-- Navbar -->
<nav class="tui-nav">
    <span class="tui-datetime" data-format="h:m:s a"></span>

The bellow examples show the result using different format types:

<span class="tui-datetime" data-format="h:m:s a"></span>       <!-- HH:MM:SS AM/PM -->
<span class="tui-datetime" data-format="M/d/y h:m:s a"></span> <!-- MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM -->
<span class="tui-datetime" data-format="d/M/y H:m:s"></span>   <!-- DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS -->
<span class="tui-datetime" data-format="y/M/d H:m:s"></span>   <!-- UTC -->
<span class="tui-datetime" data-format="y/M/dTH:m:s"></span>   <!-- W3C format -->

Component Classes

This is the table with available classes for this component.

Class Description
.tui-datetime Creates a datetime field in the right side of the base element
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