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vintagepc edited this page Nov 5, 2021 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the MK404 wiki!

This is a new addition so we'll see what it morphs into... I envision it'll expand as we need to document more technical info in a defined location. Please feel free to request pages or info and we'll do our best to get them put together!

Supported Printers, Current Status:

Model Status (Not started, In Progress, Awaiting Merge, or Finished)
Prusa CW1 ✔️ Passes self-test
Prusa CW1S ✔️ Passes self-test
Prusa MK1 ✔️ Finished ❕ No 3D visuals.
Prusa MK2/MK2S ✔️ Finished
Prusa MK2/MK2S MMU ✔️ Finished
Prusa MK2.5 ✔️ Finished
Prusa MK2.5 MMU2 ❌ Not Started
Prusa MK2.5S ✔️ Finished
Prusa MK2.5S MMU2 ❌ Not Started
Prusa MK3 ✔️ Finished
Prusa MK3 MMU2 ✔️ Finished
Prusa MK3S ✔️ Finished
Prusa MK3S MMU2 ✔️ Finished

Command line arguments:

  • Current arguments can be viewed with the -h flag, should this README become outdated.
  • See the Command line configurator for a new tool!

Argument reference


  • The simulator supports basic command line scripting. At some point we will probably also support more advanced VCD input options.

General scripting info

Script command reference


  • The simulator's VCD trace system is categorized so you can enable groups or individual trace items from the command line with the -t argument.

Trace option reference

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