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Location Sharing

This is a fully-featured Android application that allows you to share your real-time location via private invite-only virtual groups, ideal for family, friends, work teams, small events, field trips, etc.


I made this application with the intention for it to be feature-rich and supersede the more general-purpose location sharing mobile applications already on the market, which is why the feature list is quite exhaustive.

  • Account registration & login
    • Support for persistent accounts
      • Last until the account holder deletes them.
      • Passwords are required to allow future login attempts.
        • Hashed with PBKDF2 before being stored in the database.
    • Support for temporary accounts
      • Only exist for the duration of a session (i.e. until you logout or the application data is cleared), or up to 30 days.
      • Do not require a password, thus cannot be logged into on another instance or again in the future.
    • No email address or phone number required, purely username-based.
      • NOTE: There were plans to require phone numbers originally for SMS-based notifications but this idea was never implemented in the final build.
    • Quickly join groups via group invite code option.
  • Location bookmarking
    • Save locations & areas to your account with recognisable names and a configurable radius.
    • Can be used in conjunction with scheduled events.
    • Managed in the Yourself -> Manage Bookmarks activity.
    • Viewable on the interactive map.
  • Scheduled events
    • Create complex events that trigger and execute actions whenever something happens.
      • Specify a target group member.
      • Specify a saved location from your personal bookmarks.
      • Specify a condition to match (e.g. arrives at location, leaves location, etc.).
      • Specify an action to execute (e.g. send a notification to your device).
    • Only for your account, they wont interfere with events other group members have.
    • Managed in the Yourself -> Manage Events activity.
    • NOTE: There are future plans to add a time-based options to these, so events can either trigger at certain times or only trigger within a time period.
  • Virtual groups
    • Customisable name that shows in the navigation drawer for each member in the group.
    • Private by design, can only join via an invite created by the group's administrator.
    • Administrated by the member that created the group, but ownership can be transferred to another group member.
      • NOTE: There are future plans to create a role-based permissions system for better administration.
    • Group members can view a list of other group members (Group -> View Members).
      • List shows each members name and last known location (if it is known).
        • Location shows as a bookmark name if it is within the area of one of your personal bookmarks, otherwise it is longitude and latitude.
        • NOTE: There were plans to show street names but this was scrapped because the Google Geocoding API is not free.
      • Group administrator has the option to kick (remove) individual members from the group.
    • Invite codes can be managed by the group administrator (Group -> Manage Invites).
      • Newly created codes are randomly-generated and expire automatically after 30 days.
      • Shows the invite code, the date it was created, and countdown until when it expires.
      • Individual invites can be deleted at any time.
    • Group options can be managed by the group administrator (Group -> Manage Group).
      • Change the name of the group.
      • Bulk remove all invite codes, or bulk kick all members.
      • Transfer ownership (administrator abilities) to another group member.
      • Delete the group (deletes all invites, kicks all members, and erases it from the database).
    • Creatable from the account management activity.
    • NOTE: At present a user can only join one group, but there are future plans to introduce multi-group support, but this would require a huge rewrite.
  • Account management
    • Accessible in the Misc -> Manage Account activity.
    • Shows date account was registered.
    • Shows when the account expires, if the account is a temporary one.
    • Easily change your username & password.
    • Create a new group, join an existing group or leave your current group.
      • Specify group name for first one, and group invite code for second one.
    • Convert temporary account to a permanent account (requires entering the new account password first).
    • Delete account (leaves current group, removes all bookmarks & events, erases credentials, location history and other information from the database)
  • Interactive Google Maps embed
    • Live red marker that indicates your real-time location as other members in your group see it.
    • Live orange markers that indicate the real-time locations of other members in your group.
    • Live purple circles that indicate locations & area radius of your personal bookmarks.
    • Natural panning & pinch-to-zoom gestures.
    • Markers and circles refresh every time a location update occurs.
  • Location history
    • Location is recorded/updated every minute in the background, if your location has changed.
      • When registering or logging into an account for the first time, a prompt will show to grant either approximate or precise location permissions.
      • Locations are always AES encrypted before being stored in the database, for this and other features of the application.
        • NOTE: There are future plans to implement zero-trust security by deriving the encryption key from the account password, or randomly generated for temporary accounts.
    • Viewable as a list of entries in the Yourself -> View History activity.
    • Entries that show everywhere you have been with a small, non-interactive Google Maps embed.
    • Shows longitude and latitude unless the location matches a bookmark on your account, then it shows its name.
    • Red marker on the map identifies the exact recorded location.
    • NOTE: This activity gets very laggy and can sometimes crash if there are many history entries, this will be fixed in the future via dynamic lazy-loading as the user scrolls.
  • User-friendly design & interaction
    • Helpful popups when theres an issue with something.
    • Confirmations for dangerous actions.
    • Follows Android styling conventions to maintain familiarity.

I would publish screenshots of all these features in use, but the majority of them reveal too much personal information. Maybe one day in the future I'll do it anyway and just blur out the personal information.

To-Do List

Other than the notes in the feature list above, there are other areas that need to be addressed at some point in the future.

  • Cannot sign-out of an account, only way to do it at present is to clear the application's data in Android settings.
  • Cannot export or download user data. Needed to comply with data protection regulations, but would require additional permissions to access device files for saving a file.
  • Custom message/prompt before permissions prompt to inform user about why the permission is required and what happens if they do not grant it.
  • Create a RESTful API with proper authentication for exchanging data between the application and the database.
    • At present the application connects directly to the MySQL database via a Java MySQL connector and executes all queries itself, this was fine for demonstration purposes but is not safe for practical use.
    • This also means the database credentials will not be embedded into the application file.
  • Branding for the application (icon, Play Store metadata, etc.).
  • Better colour scheme as the current monochrome/grayscale is not appealing.
  • Terms of Service and Privacy Policy activities within the application accessible from both the registration & login activity, and the navigation drawer.
  • Cross-platform compatibility so an iPhone/iOS release can be made.
  • OAuth integration for easier account login.
  • Rewrite entire application in Kotlin because Java sucks :)


This was originally a project that I started over a year ago for my degree at University.

I wanted to create this application because in the past I have never had any major experience developing a full-scale Android application, nor had I that much Java experience outside of Minecraft mod & plugin development.


This application requires a MySQL database using the provided structure that all instances of the application are able to connect to, the address and credentials of this database should be configured in the Gradle file with the following keys, referenced in the Android manifest:

  • DATABASE_HOST is the hostname/IP address of the MySQL server (e.g.
  • DATABASE_PORT is the port number of the MySQL server (e.g. 3306).
  • DATABASE_NAME is the name of the MySQL database (e.g. LocationSharing).
  • DATABASE_USER is the name of the MySQL user that has full access to the database.
  • DATABASE_PASSWORD is the password for the aforementioned user.

In addition to the above, the following properties are also required:


The following projects and online sources have been used during development of this application.

I have tried my best to add link comments in the code that point to where I got help with said portion of code, but I apologise if I missed any as the codebase is quite big.


Copyright (C) 2021-2022 viral32111.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see