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General tools modules for Plone.

We don't claim ultimate Plone wisdom (yet); this package is one of the parts a big monolithic classic Zope product was split into.

It is part of the footing of the "Unitracc family" of Plone sites which are maintained by visaplan GmbH, Bochum, Germany.

Some modules of this package might still contain some resources (e.g. type names) which are specific to our "Unitracc family" of sites; this is likely to change in future releases.


This add-on can be seen in action at the following sites:

Modules in version 1.1.4+:

  • attools module

    several tools for Archetypes-based content

  • brains module

    currently one make_collector function, e.g. for address fields

  • cfg module

    Read "product" configuration, and detect development mode

  • context module

    Several tools for processing the request. Some need some modernization ...

  • forms module

    Several tools for forms

  • functions module

    Some functions, e.g. is_uid_shaped

  • indexes module (new in v1.1.4)

    • Function getSortableTitle for title conversion.

      This converts umlauts etc. to sort them as equal to their corresponding base vocals, according to German lexical usage.

  • log module

    Automatically named loggers

  • mock module

    • a few small classes for use in doctests
    • the same module as
  • mock_cfg module

    A rudimentary mock module for cfg

  • search module

    A few functions to support creation of ZODB catalog search queries (quite proprietary, I'm afraid; might go away in future versions)

  • setup module (since v1.1)

    Functions for use in migration scripts

  • zcmlgen module (since v1.1.1)

    • Generates configure.zcml files, if
      • changes are detected, and
      • development mode is active, and
      • the source is in an development package.
  • decorators module (since v1.1.6)

    • @returns_json:

      Wraps the function call and returns the JSON-encoded result, including HTTP headers.

      Uses simplejson if available.


Sorry, we don't have real user documentation yet.

Most functions are documented by doctests, anyway; it helps to understand some German.


Since is a package for Plone instances, it is not normally installed using pip; instead, install it by adding it to your buildout:


eggs =

and then running bin/buildout



If you are having issues, please let us know; please use the issue tracker mentioned above.


The project is licensed under the GPLv2.