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100 Days of Code - PYTHON

Day Project Topics
Day 1 Band Name Generator print(), input()
Day 2 Tip Calculator Converting Types
Day 3 Treasure Island if else ladder
Day 4 Rock Paper Scissor Lists, Modules, randint()
Day 5 Password Generator Loops
Day 6 Functions
Day 7 Hangman String Manipulation
Day 8 Caesar Cipher Functions - parameters and return type
Day 9 Auction Dictionary
Day 10 Calculator Mathematical Operations
Day 11 Blackjack Logic Building
Day 12 Guess the number Scope
Day 13 Debug Debugging
Day 14 Higher Lower Game Logic building
Day 15 Coffee Machine Environment setup
Day 16 OOP - Coffee Machine Object Oriented Programming, Turtle, Py package
Day 17 Quiz Object Oriented Programming
Day 18 Hirst Painting Turtle Graphics, Graphical User Interface
Day 19 Sketch & Turtle Race Turtle Event listeners
Day 20 Snake Game - I Turtle Screen OOP
Day 21 Snake Game - II Inheritance, Slicing
Day 22 Pong Game Turtle OOP Logic Building
Day 23 Turtle Crossing Game Turtle OOP Logic Building
Day 24 Snake Game(High Score) & Letter Generator Files Directories and Paths
Day 25 US States Game Working with CSV data and Pandas Library
Day 26 NATO Alphabets List Comprehension, Dictionary Comprehension
Day 27 Mile to Kilometer Converter Tkinter basics, *args, **kwargs -> GUI
Day 28 Pomodoro Tkinter GUI, Dynamic Typing
Day 29 Password Manager v1.0 Tkinter messagebox, pyperclip, files
Day 30 Password Manager v2.0 Errors Exceptions, JSON data
Day 31 Flash Card App Tkinter UI
Day 32 Automated Birthday Wisher smtplib, datetime
Day 33 ISS Overhead Notifier API
Day 34 Quiz app with questions from API API, Tkinter, OOP
Day 35 Rain Alert Twilio sms, open weather, .env variable
Day 36 Stock News alert alphavantage, newsapi, twilio APIs
Day 37 Habit Tracker pixela API, (GET POST PUT DELETE) request
Day 38 Workout Tracker using Google Sheets NLP using nutritionix API. sheety API
Day 41 CV site HTML
Day 42 HTML, Hosting with GitHub Pages
Day 43 Designed Personal CV HTML, CSS
Day 44 HTML, CSS, GitHub Pages
Day 45 100 Movies of all time Web scraping with beautiful soup
Day 46 Spotify Playlist of Billboard 100 Web scraping, Spotify manipulation with spotipy
Day 47 Amazon Price Tracker Web scraping, SMTP
Day 48 Cookie Clicker Bot Selenium - Web scraping with interactions
Day 49 Automating Job Applications on LinkedIn Selenium - Form filling, clicking
Day 50 Tinder Swiping Bot Selenium - Multiple windows, login form, click
Day 51 Internet Speed Twitter Complaint Bot Selenium - Login, click, write tweet
Day 52 Instagram Follower Bot Selenium
Day 53 Zillow San Fran Rentals - Capstone Selenium, Webscraping - Beautiful Soup
Day 54 Hello Flask Command Line, Python Decorators, Flask
Day 55 Higher Lower Game Flask, Python Decorators
Day 56 Personal-Site template Flask - rendering templates, static files
Day 57 Blog-Templating Flask, Templating with Jinja
Day 58 TinDog - Tinder for dogs Bootstrap - css framework
Day 59 Blog-site (styled) Flask, Jinja templating, Bootstrap
Day 60 Blog - Contact Form Functionality Flask, Handling forms - post requests, SMTP
Day 61 Login Form with WTForms validation Flask-WTForms, Jinja - Inheriting templates
Day 62 Coffee shops rating Flask-WTForms, Flask-Bootstrap templating
Day 63 Library Management System Flask-SQLAlchemy, sqlite CRUD operations
Day 64 Top 10 Movies Collection Flask-SQLAlchemy, Jinja, Bootstrap, Flask-WTForms
Day 65 Design using Canva Web Design School
Day 66 Cafe & Wifi REST API API - Flask, testing and documentation - postman
Day 67 Blog Capstone Project RESTful API - Flask, Jinja, sqlite
Day 68 Flask login to access Cheatsheet Flask Authentication