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An improved user experience for competitive programming


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An improved user experience for competitive programming.

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Project Structure

An overview of the Axtell project and key components:

  • Axtell backend (app/)
    • Database models (app/models)
    • Controllers to manage interaction logic (app/controllers)
    • Routes (which talk to controllers) to serve and parse requests (app/routes)
    • Socket routes (app/socket_routes)
    • Session management code (app/session)
    • Celery tasks (app/tasks). We offload more expensive tasks to Celery which manages worker processes, this includes things like the markdown renderer.
    • Instances (app/instances) global object instances e.g. database or redis instances are located here
    • Helpers (app/helpers). Various functions in classes that can be used generically to do things.
      • OAuth callbacks (app/helpers/oauth). These are a part of OAuth login and return a profile for a new OAuth user
      • Macros (app/helpers/macros). These macros are available to Jinja2 templates
  • JavaScripts source (js/). This is setup similar to the Axtell backend.
    • Controllers to manage interaction logic with HTML (js/controllers)
    • Templates are JavaScript components (js/templates)
    • Models are your typical models (js/models). Important modules:
      • Request is a subclassable abstract class that centralizes all requests and handles CSRF etc.
      • PagedRequest is a subclass of Request to interact with pages
      • Data manages structured information associated with a page
      • Auth manages the authorization instance of a user
    • js/helpers/ErrorManager centralizes ErrorManagement and sends detailed reports to bugsnag along with pretty-printing reporting.
  • SCSS source (scss/)
  • HTML Templates (templates/) which are Jinja2

You can build Axtell's JavaScript documentation using npm run docs which will create the docs-js directory. Additionally you may reference the hosted API documentation

Installing Axtell

1. Prereqs

To get started make sure you have the following installed:

  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • MySQL (we recommend 8.0)
  • Probably Ruby (not 100% sure if actually required)
  • node/npm (Node.js 8 or higher is reccomended)
  • Redis
  • memcached
  • OpenSSL
    • macOS users should run brew install openssl && brew link openssl --force

and the plugins (may be missing certain see requirements.txt for all):

  • Node.js packages (npm install)
  • All plugins in requirements.txt (pip install -r requirements.txt)

additionally you need to know:

  • MySQL username + password
  • Redis password

You can use to try to automatically setup most things. Run this with sudo.

2. Setup

The setup script automatically does most of this

  1. Copy to
  2. Replace MYSQL_USERNAME and MYSQL_PASSWORD with appropriate MySQL credentials
  3. Replace REDIS_PASSWORD with appropriate Redis credential
  4. Set secret_skey to some random string. It doesn't matter what it is as long as it is random.
  5. Run mysql -u MYSQL_USERNAME -e "CREATE DATABASE ppcg;"

If you look within, you need to fill in various API keys from Google, StackExchange, etc. Additionally in the configuration file you'll see various other fields you can modify.

(Optional) Setup HTTPS

It's highly reccomend to run Axtell under a reverse proxy such as Nginx however for HTTPS, in the root directory of the Axtell instance, place a server.crt and server.key file.

(Optional) Setting up Safari Push Notifications

To integrate with iOS and macOS's Push Notification service you'll first need an Apple Developer Account. In the portal you'll need to create a Web Push Notification ID. Place this token in the notifications.web_apn_id field in the configuration file.

Additionally the certificate (.p12) should be placed in the cwd of the server and (i.e. the root) named 'webapn.p12'. The password should be placed in a text file 'webapn.passsword' (will be trimmed).

You may need to clear your web-servers/reverse-proxy's cache since the /static/webapn routes qualify for caching (and they should). The app will automatically generate the bundles etc. as applicable.

(Optional) Setting up APNS

If you're setting up Safari Push Notifications, for those notifications to be actually delivered you'll need to setup APNS. To integrate with APNS you'll need to enter your Apple Developer Team ID in the under notifications. Additionally you need to place your APN key in the root directory of Axtell (i.e. execution CWD) as apns.p8. Fort hsi provide the apns_key_id and apns_team_id and web_apn_id under notifications

(Optional) Setting up Web Push

Web Push is a protocol for push notifications that extends to Chrome, Firefox, and potentially more browsers. This uses service workers to dispatch notifications. To setup Web Push you need to generate a VAPID key pair (same as a EC NIST P-256 key pair) which can be done by running these OpenSSL commands:

openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out webpush-private.pem
openssl ec -in webpush-private.pem -pubout -out webpush-public.pem

These files are searched for in the root directory and are used for encrypting things such as Web Push messages.

Additionally you will need to supply the notifications.support_email config field.

Note: They are a finite amount of Web Push devices registerable per user, you can configure this using notifications.max_push_devices in the config

(Optional) Search

Axtell search uses Algolia to index and search Axtell content. Axtell will index stale/unindexed data in these conditions:

  • The server starts
  • Every 2 minutes

Axtell's Algolia worker will scan the database for unindexed items and index them in Algolia. To use Algolia you will need to provide the parameters in auth.algolia. Do NOT provide an admin key as a search key as this will allow unconditional client access to your Algolia application.

Additionally the auth.algolia.prefix is prefixed to all index names. For a production, it's recommended to use prod, and for development to use dev. This can be anything; if this is empty then no prefix is used but this is not recommended.

(Optional) Bug Tracking

Axtell uses Bugsnag to track bugs. To setup bugsnag, first setup the API keys in auth.bugsnag in the config. To deploy JavaScript source maps to bugsnag, run:

for js_source in static/lib/axtell~*.js; do

http -f POST \
  appVersion=$(git rev-parse @) \
  minifiedUrl=$PROTOCOL://$HOSTNAME/static/lib/axtell.main.js \
  minifiedFile@static/lib/axtell.main.js \
  sourceMap@static/lib/ \


(Optional) Google

To use Google Sign in and/or analytics setup google using:

  1. Create a Google Cloud project (create a GC project)
  2. Setup the OAuth consent screen
  3. Create an OAuth client ID
    • You can leave the 'Authorized redirect URLs' empty.\
  4. Add this client ID to

(Optional) Google Analytics

To do this you must follow Google setup instructions. To track pageviews etc. you can setup Google Analytics. Google analytics are used for the displayed view counts etc.

  1. Setup Google Analytics.
  2. Setup, in, the analytics-id to the property ID and view-id to the view ID.
  3. Login to the Google Cloud project created.
  4. Navigate to the Analytics API registration page
  5. Now, create an Analytics Service Account
    • Set the role to 'Viewer'
    • If prompted download the key as JSON
  6. Next, enable the GA API
  7. Add the file to the root project directory as ga.json
  8. Take the email address from the service account you created earlier and add it to the analytics project

The privacy settings Axtell uses are:

Property Settings
Field Value
Advertising Features > Enable Demographics and Interest Reports Off
Tracking Info
Field Value
Data Collection > Remarketing Off
Data Collection > Advertising Reporting Features Off
Data Collection > Advertising Reporting Features Off
Name Type Option Field Value
Post Preview Custom Search and Replace Request URI Replace /post/preview.* with /post/preview not case sensitive
Challenge Custom Search and Replace Request URI Replace ^/post/([0-9]+).*$ with /post/\1 not case sensitive

3. Build

You will need to build the assets (CSS and JS) before running Axtell. You can do this using:

Production build:


Debug build. This will not minify and will also enable a "watcher" program (rebuilds assets every time you make a change):


4. Run

Make sure that your Redis server is running!

Production run:

$ celery multi start w1 -A celery_server
$ ./

Development run:

$ celery multi start w1 -A celery_server
$ ./


Some notes for uWSGI configurations is that the following config options are needed:

enable-threads = true
wsgi-disable-file-wrapper = true

DB Migrations with Alembic

If any changes are made to the DB in ORM the DB will need to be migrated to new columns etc. To setup alembic use:

python3 ./

Now run alembic:

alembic revision --autogenerate
alembic upgrade head

If you encounter any issues where the DB goes out of sync with alembic try running:

alembic stamp head

alternatively if the alembic loses track of versions you may need to run:

mysql -u MYSQL_USERNAME -p DB_NAME -e "DROP TABLE alembic_version;"

Note: All alembic commands may need to be prefixed with PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) if you encounter directory issues.

Building Documentation

After installing the dependencies. You can build the documentation using:

npx esdoc

Run Tests

If you wish to run tests locally you can run:

python -m unittest discover tests -vf --locals

Special Thanks

Axtell is able to run thanks to the generosity of the following companies:

Algolia  Bugsnag


An improved user experience for competitive programming



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  • JavaScript 53.5%
  • Python 21.0%
  • CSS 13.1%
  • HTML 11.8%
  • Shell 0.6%
  • Mako 0.0%