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lmc-user-tutorial Skeleton


This is the Laminas MVC Skeleton application with the Album module added as per the MVC Tutorial found in the Laminas documentation. The tutorial is here.

This skeleton application is the result of following the tutorial up and including the Adding laminas-navigation to the Album Module.

The purpose of this application is to serve as a starting point for the LmcUser tutorial if the student does not want to perform all the steps of the Album Module tutorial to get the application to the level needed by the LmcUser tutorial.

Development mode should already be enabled.


This package in not on Packagist and therefore you cannot install it using Composer. You need to clone the repository.

$ git clone --branch starting-point path/to/install

Once installed, you can test it out immediately using PHP's built-in web server:

$ cd path/to/install
$ composer install
$ composer serve

This will start the cli-server on port 8080, and bind it to all network interfaces. You can then visit the site at http://localhost:8080/

  • which will bring up Laminas MVC Album home page.

For the purpose of the LmcUser tutorial, using the built-in web server is sufficient. If your want to set it up in a Web Server or a Docker Container, then follow the instructions from the Laminas MVC Skeleton README.



The starting-point branch contains the Laminas MVC Skeleton with the Album module added but BEFORE the changes on this tutorial are applied. This is the starting point of the tutorial.


The lmcuser-tutorial-complete branch the Laminas MVC Skeleton with the Album module added and AFTER the changes on this tutorial are applied.

You can use this to compare against your own modifications.

To login in, use with password 123456.