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Recommended Reading

pjcozzi edited this page Apr 10, 2013 · 5 revisions

This is a collection of books, tutorials, blogs, and other resources to bring folks up to speed on the technology used by Cesium, not Cesium itself.

Foundational Knowledge

These resources present topics broadly useful to Cesium development. We think all contributors should read them.





  • Pro Git - free book online. Ground-up detailed introduction to git. At least work through Chapters 2 and 3.
  • GIT cheat sheet - comes in handy if you are new to git.

Open Source

Additional Reading

These resources present more details on the above topics or details on more specific Cesium niches.


  • HTML5 Rocks - tutorials on all aspects of HTML5.
  • Dive Into HTML5 - free book online. Introduction to many HTML5 features, both new HTML tags and JavaScript APIs.





  • Interactive 3D Graphics - A free online course that is an approachable and pragmatic introduction to computer graphics using WebGL (Three.js).
  • Real-Time Rendering - a broad survey of real-time rendering. If you own only one graphics book, this should be it. The authors also maintain a list of practically all graphics books.

Open Source

  • Producing Open Source Software - influenced the Cesium development culture more so than any other book. Now a bit dated (pre-GitHub), but a new edition is in the works.


Culture / Career

These books are great for interns.

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