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Assignment 3: Visual Question Answering with PyTorch!

While in the previous assignments we focused on image understanding (through object localization and generation), in this assignment we combine image and text understanding. Specifically, we address the task of Visual Question Answering (VQA): given an image and a question about it, our goal is to provide an answer to this question. While open-ended question answering would demand text generation, VQA is traditionally tackled as a classification problem; we select the answer out of a (large) pool of possible answers.


Our goal is to implement two such answer classifiers. First, we will implement a simple baseline model that featurizes the image and the question into 1-d vectors, then concatenates the two representations and feeds them to a linear layer to output a score for each possible answer. However, we will notice that such a late fusion of the two modalities (vision and language) does not allow for sufficient feature interaction and leads to poor results. We will try to quantify why. Lastly, we will implement a Transformer-based model that featurizes the two modalities into sequences, then applies iterative self-/cross-attention on them.


You can use the conda environment we used for the object localization assignment (PyTorch 1.11). Make sure that at least your PyTorch version is 1.11 or newer. Additionally install the libraries in requirements.txt. For reference, we used torch 1.11.0, torchvision 0.12 and transformers==4.12.3, but different versions should work as well.

We provide you with a clean VQA Python API that i) works with Python 3, ii) has detailed docstrings on the methods you may need, iii) includes examples on how to use it (simply run python and check the corresponding commands). Familiarizing yourself with this class will help in writing the dataset class later!

Download dataset

Run DATA_PATH=path/to/your/data/folder/ ./ to download and unzip everything.

The above command downloads the train and validation data from (we only need 'Real Images', not 'Abstract Scenes'). We're using VQA v1.0 Open-Ended. If for any reason the above script does not work for you, download the data directly from the website. We need the annotations, the questions and the images for both the training and validation sets (see what the script is trying to download for details).

Task 1: Understanding VQA (4*5 points)

VQA is often addressed as a classification problem where we map image-question pairs to a pool of predefined answers.

To create this pool of answers, a naive way is to collect all different answer strings of the training set and treat them as separate class. However, this creates a very long tail of classes and only makes the problem harder and the inference slower computationally. To account for this, we sort the answer by frequency and keep the 5216 most frequent ones (5216 is a hyperparameter used by the first VQA papers). To ensure fair pre-processing and filtering, we have included the code that sorts the answers and creates the answer-to-class map. We also include a 5217th class that corresponds to 'other'. All rare answers are mapped to 'other'. This makes VQA a 5217-way classification problem.

Note that the answers are phrases, not necessarily single words. For example a valid answer can be 'riding a bike'.

Based on the above description:

1.1 Why do you think that it's computationally costly to use all answers as separate classes instead of keeping only the most frequent ones?

1.2 Complete the __init__ method of the dataset class for VQA in Specifically, initialize the VQA API and anything you need from that.

1.3 Implement the __len__ method of the VQADataset class. Should the size of the dataset be equal to the number of images, questions or the answers?

1.4 Complete the __getitem__ method. You need to (1) figure out what is the idx-th item of the dataset; (2) load the question string; (3) fill the image preprocessing part. To make sure that your results are comparable to the TAs' (and your peers') implementation, we have included the structure for the image preprocessing (follow the comments!). The __getitem__ method returns the question and list of answers, the preprocessed (normalized) image, as well as the original image for visualization purposes.

Additionally, the VQA dataset contains 10 answers per question. These are usually synonyms/paraphrases (or 'other', if they're very rare). Our dataset class considers all of them and returns a binary vector indicating the validity of each answer (field answers). This means that item['answers'] is a binary vector of length 5217.

Task 2: Building a pipeline for VQA (8*5 + 10 points)

To build a learning pipeline we need i) a dataset class (we have already built it!), ii) a model that absorbs the data and returns some predictions, iii) a training pipeline that optimizes these predictions and iv) metrics that evaluate the predictions.


As you've already figured out, a VQA model for this assignment is simply a classifier over 5217 classes. The first baseline is very simple. We featurize the image using a frozen pre-trained ResNet18. For that, we feed the image to ResNet18 except for the last layer which gives the classification logits. This gives us an 1-d feature vector for the image. We also featurize the question into an 1-d vector using a frozen pre-trained RoBERTa, a Transformer-based language model. Finally, we concatenate the two representations and feed to a linear layer. The parameters of this linear layer are trainable. The code for loading the pre-trained models is given. The forward pass of the language model is also given.

Based on the above description:

2.1 What should be the output dimension of the trainable linear layer? Complete the corresponding part in the __init__ method of BaselineNet in

2.2 Implement compute_vis_feats that featurizes the image (it can be implemented as an one-liner!).

2.3 Implement the forward pass of BaselineNet. Make sure to use compute_vis_feats and compute_text_feats.

Training loop

We provide skeleton code in We use Adam optimizer, although you can experiment with different optimizers and hyperparameter values. As mentioned earlier, the VQA dataset contains 10 synonym/paraphrased/duplicate answers per question. A standard softmax classification would create competition among such answers. To avoid that, we treat all of them as correct.

2.4 What is the loss for multi-label classification? (Hint: in HW1 you also tackled a multi-class classification problem)

2.5 Implement the loss call and the optimization code in the train_test_loop method.


The prediction is considered accurate if the most confident answer is correct, i.e. if it is one of the multiple correct answers. We provide the code to compute accuracy.

2.6 Complete the train_test_loop method to monitor the performance in Tensorboard. Plot the loss and accuracy and include these in your report. Additionally show multiple image-question pairs (at least 3 successful and 3 failure cases) with the respective answers (predicted and ground-truth). For the accuracy, you can either plot it after every step or every epoch. For the image-question pairs, just show results from your best model, not at intermediate epochs. If an image-question pair has more than one ground-truth answers, randomly select one to show. The image-question pair visualizations don't have to be on Tensorboard, you can use any visualization tool you want.

Now, we are ready to train/test the model! Aim for a validation accuracy of 50%, but anything above 45% is fine. For reference, the TAs were able to get 52% accuracy with the defaults hyperparameters in 10 epochs. You're free to use different hyperparameters but not to change the architecture at this point.


We want to get an idea of why our performance is so low. You may already have an idea actually from what you visualized. Once you have trained your model, do the following on the validation set:

2.7 Make a bar plot of the frequencies of the predicted answers (all 5217) without labels. Specifically, gather all the predicted answers of your model through the whole validation set. For each sample, keep only the argmax (most confident) prediction. Then compute the frequency of each predicted answer, sort in decreasing order of frequency and plot the histogram. You can use matplotlib to do this. For reference, the TAs used

2.8 What are the 10 most frequently predicted classes? Why do you think this happens? You can optionally visualize the frequency of ground-truth answers in the training set.

Take-away message: when your network is not expressive enough to capture the causal factors of your data, it will try to capture the output distribution. Representing the true data distribution rather than the label distribution is an important and open problem in Machine Learning!

Task 3: Transformer Network (3*10 points)

The baseline model has obvious limitations: it condenses the whole image (question) into an 1-d vector and there's no interaction between the visual and textual features. We are now going to enhance this model with attention layers, using Transformers.

Here is the model we are going to implement:


After encoding each modality separately and projecting them to have the same feature dimension, we apply three cross-encoding layers. The refined visual/text features are then mean pooled, concatenated and fed to a linear layer that predict confidence scores over the possible answers. This pipeline is already implemented in as TransformerNet. However, the cross-encoder layer is not implemented.

In the following, B is the batch size, N the sequence length (e.g. number of visual or language tokens) and F the feature dimension. Make sure that your model supports any batch size. A high-level diagram of the cross-encoder layer can be seen here:


We are going to implement this layer step-by-step (see TODOs in

First, the self-attention layer allows interaction among the different tokens of a single modality:


Next, the cross-attention layer allows interaction among different modalities:


Pay attention to the query/key/value now as they come from different modality!

Lastly, the feed-fordard network is just an MLP (see code for exact dimensions):


Keep in mind that the input to and the output of a cross-encoder layer have identical shape.

For the visual stream we also use positional embeddings to denote the position of each patch. This is a generalization of the embeddings introduced in "Attention is all you Need" for images. We have implemented this part for you, so you don't need to (and should not) alter it. The positional embeddings are only added on top of the queries and keys. This is because we want the attention scores to be position-aware, but we do not want to "pollute" the semantic features (values) with positional information.

Once you implement the TODOs, download the trained weights (by TAs) and run python --model transformer --eval. You should get an accuracy of 67.62%. To download the weights you need to use your CMU account.

3.1 Complete the CrossAttentionLayer.

Hints: do not change any layer's name. The current __init__ method contains the names of all layers that you will need. We've implemented one of the self-attention layers for reference. Build the others based on that and the comments. nn.MultiheadAttention directly implements multi-head attention. Make sure to initialize it and call it with appropriate arguments. This is a common source of bugs. Remember: i) the key_padding_mask is for keys as its name says and you need to use it, ii) you need to use exactly the weights we have initialized (all of them). Refer to the figures above to structure the forward method.

3.2 Load the trained weights and evaluate to reproduce our result (67.62%). This will be tested via an automated Gradescope grader that will try to reproduce our result using your model class. For that test submit only Hints: If you follow all the instructions and figures, get a number close to 67.62% (but not exactly) and fail to pass the autograder, there are high chances that it is a typo. Once you pass the test, if you cannot reproduce the 67.62% accuracy then there is an issue in your data loader.

3.3 How does the bar plot of answers (on the validation set) look now? Compare to question 2.7.

Take-away message: the success of a representation model highly depends on the distributional properties of the data and the labels. A non-expressive model learns the biases of the frequent classes. An expressive model can learn more accurate classifiers for the frequent classes but is still biased towards them. In such cases, more careful loss design is required.

Task 4: Bells and Whistles (max 30 bonus points)

4.1 Is it a matter of capacity? Maybe our baseline is weak because we only train one linear layer. In the BaselineNet class replace the linear classifier with a deeper MLP. Report the accuracy plot of this model as well as the bar of answer frequencies. Did this resolve/mitigate the issues BaselineNet suffers from? Did this reduce the gap of performance between BaselineNet and TransformerNet? Whether the answer is yer or no, try to explain why this happens.

4.2 Is it a matter of context? Maybe we can capture context between the image and the question in a different way, other than using Transformers. Featurize the image with ResNet18 and pool an 1-d representation. Then use this vector to condition (provide it as initial hidden state to) an LSTM that reads the language word-by-word. Gather the hidden representations of this LSTM and classify the answer. This is inspired by older attention papers, such as "Show, Attend Tell".

4.3 Better than 67.62? Try to improve the Transformer-based model. Some ideas include adding more encoder layers or (partially) unfreezing the backbones' weights. You can always initialize with the weights we provide and then train the new weights (fine-tune or end-to-end). You are allowed to change any hyperparameter/design choices you want. Note that this can take significant amount of GPU time.

4.4 Propose and/or implement any other idea you have! This does not have to include implementing/training a new model. It can be an interesting analysis or a better loss. We want to see your innovative self shining here!

Useful reading:

Attention is All you Need: or, understanding this paper is all you need for this assignment.

Other related readings:

[1] VQA: introduced the dataset we are using. The way they approach the task is different than ours. They train a softmax classifier, we optimize for multiple correct answers. Only useful if you want to get some insight on how the dataset/task was conceived.

[2] Making the V in VQA Matter: some thoughts on the biased distribution of answers.

[3] ViLBERT: introduced the cross-attention. Stick to the instructions above for the implementation but you can refer to this paper for the idea/explanation. Note that we use the cross-attention layer but do not follow their overall architecture, hence the different results.

Submission Checklist


Briefly describe what you did and anything that you found particularly interesting. Include your answers to all questions above (theory questions, images, plots, comments).


Each question in tasks 1 and 2 counts for 5 points. You get the 10 remaining points for task 2 if you achieve the expected performance. Each question in task 3 is worth 10 points. If you pass the autograder test you get the 20 points for 3.1 and 3.2 automatically. You can get up to 15 points for each bonus question, but only up to 30 bonus points in total.