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Concurrent Automation Test Runner


Sheeva is a test-runner with focus on optimal test execution on parallel targets with limited concurrency. Targets are browsers, mobile phones, tablets and any other configurable entities.


  • Parallelization
    • per browser
    • per mobile device
    • per suite
    • per test
  • Annotations
    • ignore/run test for particular target
    • automatically re-try with increasing timeout
    • run subset of tests by tag
    • attach custom data to test
  • Syntax
  • Integrations
  • Can run in
    • Node.JS
    • Browser



Why special runner?

Automation tests are different from unit tests. Their requirements to runner are:

  • Parallelization per environment
    Run the same tests on different browsers, smartphones and platforms.

  • Parallelization per test
    Split suites and run each test/sub-suite in parallel.

  • Conditional skip/only
    Skip or run particular test in particular environment.

  • Concurrency limit
    Run on pre-defined number of concurrent sessions.

  • Nested groups
    Create nested test groups with common before/after hooks to reduce boilerplate code.

  • Smart tests splitting
    Smart algorithm for splitting tests between parallel sessions to have minimal execution time.

  • Progressive retries
    Give test a chance to re-run if it tightly depends on extra conditions (e.g. network state).

  • Tags
    Group and run tests by tags (e.g. smoke, normal, full)

Sheeva tries to fulfill all these requirements.

Errors handling

There are several types of errors that may occur while running tests:

  1. Error in test
    It can be assertion error or error in test code itself. In that case all afterEach hooks are called, error is reported via TEST_END event and runner goes to the next test.

  2. Error in beforeEach hook
    Runner will not call test itself but will call all needed afterEach hooks for proper cleanup. Then runner goes to the end of error suite, calls all needed after hooks and starts next suite.

  3. Error in afterEach hook
    Runner will anyway call all needed afterEach hooks for proper cleanup. Then runner goes to the end of error suite, calls all needed after hooks and starts next suite.

  4. Error in before hook
    Runner will not call any tests of that suite. Instead it goes to the end of that suite, calls all needed after hooks and starts next suite.

  5. Error in after hook
    Runner will anyway call all needed after hooks for proper cleanup and start next suite.

  6. Error in runner
    This may be internal error in Sheeva itself or in configuraiton methods such as config.startSession. In that case runner terminates immediately and rejects with that error.

Note 1: reporter is responsible for displaying all errors except runner error.
Note 2: if config.breakOnError is enabled then runner will terminate on any error.
Note 3: there can be several errors at once, e.g. error in before hook can cause error in after hook.


MIT @ Vitaliy Potapov


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