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Telegramit is an attempt at creating a convenient framework that includes key functionality for developing Telegram chat bots.

Notice! Please leave an issue if some important feature is missing in the current realisation: I will add it as soon as possible.


  • Conversation persistence (in case of application restarts)

  • Convenient conversation scenario description via Kotlin DSL

  • Hot reload for DSL scripts

  • Extremely simple configuration and deployment

  • Inline mode


repositories {
    maven {





Getting Started:

bot {
    name = "WeatherBot"
    token = "2416754356:ZCRTBs_wqGvGJNvfTzP7-3Rc3KDW1mQile3"

Both fields are required, a token for your bot can be acquired from BotFather.

Deploying a bot using a proxy:

bot {
    name = "WeatherBot"
    token = "2416754356:ZCRTBs_wqGvGJNvfTzP7-3Rc3KDW1mQile3"
    proxy {
        type = Proxy.Type.SOCKS
        host = ""
        port = 1080
        login = "vitaxa"
        password = "subprox"

The logic of a bot is described using DSL constructions (Kotlin DSL). There are two ways of adding it:

either place your .kts script into the resource folder: resources/handlers/SimpleHandler.kts;

or add any path in your system. This choice supports hot reaload in the production environment:

handlerScriptConfig {
    handlerScriptPath = "telegramit/sample/handlers"
    handlerHotReload = true

If you need the bot to persist its current conversation, this configuration is required:

persistenceConfig {
    conversationPersistence = MapDBConversationPersistence(JacksonContextSerializer())

This is the default configuration but you are free to change it.

Persistence is currently used ONLY for the conversation context.

The Polling method is used by default for interacting with the Telegram API. Use this configuration if you need to change to Webhook:

client {
    type = TelegramClientType.WEBHOOK
    host = "your_host"
    port = 9000

You can also customise some characteristics of the Polling method:

client {
    type = TelegramClientType.POOLING
    limit = 10
    timeout = 5

How to handle user message:

To process message create a kts file in the resources directory with handler function

More about using handler

Inline mode:

To use inline mode, you need to specify the command /setinline using BotFather select the bot for which this mode will be activated

After activating inline mode, you can start processing messages of this type, for this purpose create a new kts file in the resources directory with inlineHandler function

only one inlineHandler can exist

More about using inlineHandler

The directory for kts files can be changed via handlerScriptConfig


  • Full test coverage

Thanks to:

Special thanks to Telegraff for the inspiration and some code base. In addition, pay your attention to this library, if you use Spring.


Telegram chat bot framework







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