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MQTT remote control by

vitotai edited this page Dec 24, 2018 · 2 revisions

Setup to control BPL

Step 1. create variables

Go to the device page, and add two variables, "mode" and "setTemp".

Make sure the "api label" is correctly set.

Step 2. create controls

Go to dashboard. Click "+"(Add widget) to add a slider control: New Control

Choose the just added variable, mode: Set the range 0-3, while 0 is off, 1 is "Fridge Constant", 2 is "Beer Constant", and 3 is "Beer Profile".

New Widget

Do the same to the "settemp" variable with correct ranges.

Now you will have it.

Settings for

Get the full information from Ubidots Docs.

For free/educational users, use

  • MQTT Server:
  • MQTT Port : 1883
  • User Name: [ubidots token]
  • Password: (left blank)

The path is in format of '/v1.6/devices/{DEVICE_LABEL}/{LABEL_VARIABLE}/lv'. Let the device label be 'fermenter2' and mode and setting temperature variables be 'mode', and 'settemp'.

  • Mode path: /v1.6/devices/fermenter2/mode/lv
  • Setting Temperature path: /v1.6/devices/fermenter2/settemp/lv

You will have to create two variables named 'mode' and 'settemp' in device 'fermenter2'. MQTT Remote Settings for


Slide the mode slider to change mode and settemp slider to change temperature. The "settemp" should be set after mode is changed so that it's not ambiguous.

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