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PyScaffold was started by Blue Yonder developers to help automating and standardizing the process of project setups. Nowadays it is a pure community project driven by volunteer work. Every little gesture is really appreciated (including issue reports!), and if you are interested in joining our continuous effort for making PyScaffold better, welcome aboard! We are pleased to help you in this journey |:ship:|.


This document is an attempt to get any potential contributor familiarized with PyScaffold's community processes, but by no means is intended to be a complete reference.

Please feel free to contact us for help and guidance in our GitHub discussions page.

Please notice, all the members of the PyScaffold community (and in special contributors) are expected to be open, considerate, reasonable, and respectful. and follow the Python Software Foundation's Code of Conduct when interacting with PyScaffold's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists (or equivalent).


If you are new to open source or have never contributed before to a software project, please have a look at and the How to Contribute to Open Source guide. Other resources are also listed in the excellent guide created by FreeCodeCamp.

How to contribute to PyScaffold?

This guide focus on issue reports, documentation improvements, and code contributions, but there are many other ways to contribute to PyScaffold, even if you are not an experienced programmer or don't have the time to code. Skills like graphical design, event planning, teaching, mentoring, public outreach, tech evangelism, code review, between many others are greatly appreciated. Please reach us out, we would love to have you on board and discuss what can be done!

|:bug:| Issue Reports

If you experience bugs or general issues with PyScaffold, please have a look on our issue tracker.


Please don't forget to include the closed issues in your search. Sometimes another person has already experienced your problem and reported a solution. If you don't see anything useful there, feel free to fire a new issue report |:wink:|

New issue reports should include information about your programming environment (e.g., operating system, Python version) and steps to reproduce the problem. Please try also to simplify the reproduction steps to a very minimal example that still illustrates the problem you are facing. By removing other factors, you help us to identify the root cause of the issue.

|:books:| Documentation Improvements

You can help us improve our docs by making them more readable and coherent, or by adding missing information and correcting mistakes (including spelling and grammar errors).

Already known and discussed documentation issues that would benefit from contributions are marked in our issue tracker with the documentation label (we also do the same for all existing extensions under the PyScaffold organization on GitHub). But you are also welcomed to propose completely new changes (e.g., if you find new problems or would like to see a complicated topic better explained).

PyScaffold's documentation is written in reStructuredText and uses Sphinx as its main documentation compiler [1]. This means that the docs are kept in the same repository as the project code, and that any documentation update is done via GitHub pull requests, as if it was a code contribution.

While that might be scary for new programmers, it is actually a very nice way of getting started in the open source community, since doc contributions are not as difficult to make as other code contributions (for example, they don't require any automated testing).

Please have a look in the steps described below and in case of doubts, contact us at the GitHub discussions page for help.

When working on changes to PyScaffold's docs in your local machine, you can compile them using tox:

tox -e docs

and use Python's built-in web server for a preview in your web browser (http://localhost:8000):

python3 -m http.server --directory 'docs/_build/html'


Please notice that the GitHub web interface provides a quick way of propose changes in PyScaffold's files, that do not require you to have a lot of experience with git or programming in general. While this mechanism can be tricky for normal code contributions, it works perfectly fine for contributing to the docs, and can be quite handy.

If you are interested in trying this method out, please navigate to PyScaffold's docs folder in the main repository, find which file you would like to propose changes and click in the little pencil icon at the top, to open GitHub's code editor. Once you finish editing the file, please write a nice message in the form at the bottom of the page describing which changes have you made and what are the motivations behind them and submit your proposal.

|:computer:| Code Contributions

PyScaffold uses GitHub's fork and pull request workflow for code contributions, which means that anyone can propose changes in the code base.

Once proposed changes are submitted, our continuous integration (CI) service, Cirrus-CI, will run a series of automated checks to make sure everything is OK and the pull request (PR) itself will be reviewed by one of PyScaffold maintainers, before being merged in the code base. In some cases, changes might be required to fix problems pointed out by the CI, or the maintainers might want to discuss a bit about the PR and suggest adjustments. Please don't worry if that happens, this kind of iterative development is very common in the open source community and usually makes the software better. Besides, we will do our best to provide feedback (and support for eventual doubts) as soon as we can.

If you are unsure about what to contribute, please have a look in our issue tracker (or the issue tracker of any extension under the PyScaffold organization on GitHub). Contributions on issues marked with the help wanted label are particularly appreciated. Moreover, the good first issue label marks issues that do not require a huge understanding on how the project works and therefore can be tackled by new members of the community. Please also notice that some issues are not ready yet for a follow up implementation or bug fix, these are usually signed with other labels, such as needs discussion and waiting response. When in doubt, please engage in the conversation by posting a message to the open issue.

Understanding how PyScaffold works

If you have a change in mind, but don't know how to implement it, please have a look in our :doc:`/dev-guide`. It explains the main aspects of PyScaffold internals and provide a brief overview of how the project is organized.

Submit an issue

Before you work on any non-trivial code contribution it's best to first create an issue report to start a discussion on the subject. This often provides additional considerations and avoids unnecessary work.

Create an environment

Before you start coding, we recommend creating an isolated virtual environment to avoid any problems with your installed Python packages. This can easily be done via either virtualenv:

virtualenv <PATH TO VENV>
source <PATH TO VENV>/bin/activate

or Miniconda:

conda env create -d environment.yml
conda activate pyscaffold

Clone the repository

  1. Create a GitHub account if you do not already have one.

  2. Fork the project repository: click on the Fork button near the top of the page. This creates a copy of the code under your account on the GitHub server.

  3. Clone this copy to your local disk:

    git clone
    cd pyscaffold
  4. You should run:

    pip install -U pip setuptools -e .

    to be able run putup --help.

  5. Install pre-commit:

    pip install pre-commit
    pre-commit install

    PyScaffold project comes with a lot of hooks configured to automatically help the developer to check the code being written.

Implement your changes

  1. Create a branch to hold your changes:

    git checkout -b my-feature

    and start making changes. Never work on the master branch!

  2. Start your work on this branch. Don't forget to add docstrings to new functions, modules and classes, especially if they are part of public APIs.

  3. Add yourself to the list of contributors in AUTHORS.rst.

  4. When you’re done editing, do:

    git add <MODIFIED FILES>
    git commit

    to record your changes in git. Please make sure to see the validation messages from pre-commit and fix any eventual issues. This should automatically use flake8/black to check/fix the code style in a way that is compatible with PyScaffold.


    Don't forget to add unit tests and documentation in case your contribution adds an additional feature and is not just a bugfix.

    Moreover, writing a descriptive commit message is highly recommended. In case of doubt, you can check the commit history with:

    git log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --all

    to look for recurring communication patterns.

  5. Please check that your changes don't break any unit tests with:


    (after having installed tox with pip install tox or pipx).

    To speed up running the tests, you can try to run them in parallel, using pytest-xdist. This plugin is already added to the test dependencies, so everything you need to do is adding -n auto or -n <NUMBER OF PROCESSES> in the CLI. For example:

    tox -- -n 15

    Please have in mind that PyScaffold test suite is IO intensive, so using a number of processes slightly bigger than the available number of CPUs is a good idea. For quicker feedback you can also try:

    tox -e fast

    or select individual tests using the -k flag from pytest:


    You can also use tox to run several other pre-configured tasks in the repository. Try tox -av to see a list of the available checks.

Submit your contribution

  1. If everything works fine, push your local branch to GitHub with:

    git push -u origin my-feature
  2. Go to the web page of your PyScaffold fork and click "Create pull request" to send your changes to the maintainers for review. Find more detailed information in creating a PR. You might also want to open the PR as a draft first and mark it as ready for review after the feedbacks from the continuous integration (CI) system or any required fixes.

  3. If you are submitting a change related to an existing CI system template (e.g., travis, cirrus, or even tox and pre-commit), please consider first submitting a companion PR to PyScaffold's ci-tester, with the equivalent files changes, so we are sure it works.

    If you are proposing a new CI system template, please send us a link of a simple repository generated with your templates (a simple putup --<YOUR EXTENSION> ci-tester will do) and the CI logs for that repository.

    This helps us a lot to control breaking changes that might appear in the future.


I've got a strange error related to versions in when executing the test suite or about an entry_point that cannot be found.

Make sure to fetch all the tags from the upstream repository, the command git describe --abbrev=0 --tags should return the version you are expecting. If you are trying to run the CI scripts in a fork repository, make sure to push all the tags. You can also try to remove all the egg files or the complete egg folder, i.e., .eggs, as well as the *.egg-info folders in the src folder or potentially in the root of your project.

I've got a strange syntax error when running the test suite. It looks like the tests are trying to run with Python 2.7 …

Try to create a dedicated virtual environment using Python 3.6+ (or the most recent version supported by PyScaffold) and use a tox binary freshly installed. For example:

virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
.venv/bin/pip install tox
.venv/bin/tox -e all
I have found a weird error when running tox. It seems like some dependency is not being installed.

Sometimes tox misses out when new dependencies are added, especially to setup.cfg and docs/requirements.txt. If you find any problems with missing dependencies when running a command with tox, try to recreate the tox environment using the -r flag. For example, instead of:

tox -e docs

Try running:

tox -r -e docs
I am trying to debug the automatic test suite, but it is very hard to understand what is happening.

Pytest can drop you in an interactive session in the case an error occurs. In order to do that you need to pass a --pdb option (for example by running tox -- -k <NAME OF THE FALLING TEST> --pdb). While pdb does not have the best user interface in the world, if you feel courageous, it is possible to use an alternate implementation like ptpdb and bpdb (please notice some of them might require additional options, such as --pdbcls ptpdb:PtPdb/--pdbcls bpdb:BPdb). You will need to temporarily add the respective package as a dependency in your tox.ini file. You can also setup breakpoints manually instead of using the --pdb option.

|:mag:| Code Reviews and Issue Triage

If you are an experienced developer and wants to help, but do not have the time to create complete pull requests, you can still help by reviewing existing open pull requests, or going through the open issues and evaluating them according to our labels and even suggesting possible solutions or workarounds.

|:hammer_and_wrench:| Maintainer tasks

PyScaffold maintainers not only carry out most of the source code development, but also are responsible for planning new releases, reviewing pull requests, and managing CI tools between many other tasks. If you are interested in becoming a maintainer, the best is to keep "hanging out" in the community, helping with the issues, proposing PRs and doing some code review (either in the main repository or the extensions under the PyScaffold organization on GitHub). Eventually, one of the existing maintainers will approach you and ask you to join |:wink:|.

This section describes some technical aspects of recurring tasks and is meant as a guide for new maintainers (or old ones that need a memory refresher).


New PyScaffold releases should be automatically uploaded to PyPI by one of our GitHub actions every time a new tag is pushed to the repository. Therefore, as a PyScaffold maintainer, the following steps are all you need to release a new version:

  1. Make sure all unit tests on Cirrus-CI are green.
  2. Tag the current commit on the master branch with a release tag, e.g., v1.2.3.
  3. Push the new tag to the upstream repository, e.g., git push upstream v1.2.3
  4. After a few minutes check if the new version was uploaded to PyPI

If, for some reason, you need to manually create a new distribution file and upload to PyPI, the following extra steps can be used:

  1. Clean up the dist and build folders with tox -e clean (or rm -rf dist build) to avoid confusion with old builds and Sphinx docs.
  2. Run tox -e build and check that the files in dist have the correct version (no .dirty or git hash) according to the git tag. Also sizes of the distributions should be less than 500KB, otherwise unwanted clutter may have been included.
  3. Run tox -e publish -- --repository pypi and check that everything was uploaded to PyPI correctly.


When working in a new external extension, it is important that the first distribution is manually uploaded to PyPI, to make sure it will have the correct ownership.

After successful releases (especially of new major versions), it is a good practice to re-generate our example repository. To manually do that, please visit our GitHub actions page and run the Make Demo Repo workflow (please check if it was not automatically triggered already).

Working on multiple branches and splitting complex changes

PyScaffold follows semantic versioning. As a consequence, most of the times the master (or main) branch for either the main repository or the extensions under the PyScaffold organization on GitHub, should be pointing out to the latest published minor version, or the next minor version still under development. We also tend (but are not committed to) keep some level of support for the previous major version, which means that once a major version is superseded, the maintainers should create a new branch pointing to this previous version.

For this reason, Read the Docs should always be configured to show the stable version by default instead of latest. The stable version corresponds to the latest commit that received a git tag, while the latest version points to the master/main branch.

During the transition period between major versions, it is common practice to create a new development version that is kept apart from the master branch and will only be merged when everything is ready for release. For example, a v4.0.x branch was used for all the development related to PyScaffold v4, while the master branch was still being used for bug fixes to v3.

When working in complex features or refactoring, it might also be interesting to create a new long-living branch that will receive multiple PRs from other short-lived auxiliary branch splitting the changes into smaller steps. Please be aware that splitting complex changes into smaller PRs can be very tricky. Whenever possible, try to create independent PRs, i.e., PRs that can be merged independently into a long-living branch, without causing conflicts between themselves. When that is not possible, please coordinate a review and merge strategy with the other maintainers reviewing your code.

One possible strategy is to create a single PR, but ask your reviewers to consider each commit (that should be small) as if it was an independent PR. A different strategy is to use stacked PRs, as described by the following references:

Please also notice that independently of the strategy you and the reviewers agree on, it might be worthy to ask them to just review the PRs without merging (so you are responsible for closing the PRs and bringing their code to the long-lived branch via git merge, pull or cherry-pick). This might avoid confusion since GitHub does not provide any special mechanism for dealing with dependencies between PRs. Moreover, the merging might be just easier via git CLI.


PyScaffold's repositories also contain archives/* branches. These branches correspond to old experiments and alternative feature implementations that, although not merged, are kept for reference as interesting (or very complex) pieces of code that might be useful in the future.

|:mega:| Spread the Word

Finally, another way to contribute to PyScaffold is to recommend it. You can speak about it with your work colleagues, in a conference, or even writing a blog post about the project.

If you need to pitch PyScaffold to your boss or co-workers, please check out our docs. We have enumerated a few :doc:`reasons for using PyScaffold </reasons>` in our website, that can be handy to have around |:wink:|.

[1]The same is valid for the extensions under the PyScaffold organization on GitHub, although some extension, like pyscaffoldext-markdown and pyscaffoldext-dsproject use CommonMark with MyST extensions as an alternative to reStructuredText.