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InvoiceKit Hero


InvoiceKit is a CRM solution based on VueJS and Firebase. It aims to be simple to use and extensible a maximum with a extension system which means you can add pages with CRUD principles.


At 2.x release :

Features Extensible
Customers Yes
Invoices No
Contracts/Subscriptions Yes

You can look here for future releases plans and here for every ideas we're thinking about.

Plans for v3.x

We're planning in the 3.x version to bring a complete Extension API that will allow creating and storing data with CRUD principles and pages to display those data.


We'd be more than happy to receive some help and contributions. These contributions can be about some issues reported or future plans (that you can find in Projects).

Development building

# Clone project
$ git clone

# install dependencies
$ npm install
# or: yarn

# start development server
$ npm run dev
# or: yarn dev

# start the firebase emulator
$ npm run dev:firebase
# or: yarn dev:firebase

Important! You'll need to setup Firebase. Create a project on Firebase dashboard, then copy your configuration in nuxt.config.ts at modules -> '@nuxt/firebase' -> config.

Then, while using the app, Firebase will create collections automatically.


Main project dependencies:

Contributions rules

While working on this project, please keep in mind a few things:

  • Keep the code simple yet readable.
  • As 2.x release, the codebase is now using Vue Composition API which allow us splitting code easily (cf. composables directory).
  • We're trying to make a maximum of code on the client-side, Cloud Functions are only used for a security matter most of the time.