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Concourse Design System

These guidelines are a means of communicating the guiding principles of how we approach the Concourse product and its design. We are community driven and user centered in our design. Product Design changes are prompted by pain points from usability testing, observation, and feedback from users.


Building this documentation is to ensure consistency in brand, visual, and user interface design as the application grows and changes. Concourse Design system is always in a state of iteration as we build out new features that evolve the current UI.

Global Elements

The Global Elements section standardizes the guidelines, formats and measurements of all general design elements, which form the design foundation of the product.


Inspired by the terminal we use a monospace font in our UI. The majority of IDEs (via a console or terminal) and software text editors use monospaced fonts as their default typeface because the aignment of the letters and the fixed width of each character make it easier for developers to read errors in code.

Inconsolata Inconsolata is an open-source font created by Raph Levien and released under the SIL Open Font License It is a humanist monospaced font designed for source code listing, terminal emulators, and similar uses.




Material icons

Icon Usage: Icons are used in various areas throughout the application. Icons should remain vertical-middle aligned, regardless of overall height.

UI Explained

Medium post: Concourse Pipeline UI Explained

Medium post: Concourse Build page UI Explained

Medium post: Dashboard Explained

Trademark Guidelines

In addition to our Trademark Guidelines on our website this provides some some guidance as to how to use the Concourse logo.

OPEN SOURCE LICENSE VS. TRADEMARKS. The Apache 2.0 license gives you the right to use, copy, distribute and modify the Concourse software. However, open source licenses like the Apache 2.0 license do not address trademarks. Concourse Marks need to be used in a way consistent with trademark law, and that is why we have prepared this policy – to help you understand what branding is allowed or required when using our software under the Apache license.

IMPROPER USE OF THE TRADEMARKS AND LOGOS. Use of the logo is reserved solely for use by Concourse in its unaltered form.

PROPER USE OF THE CONCOURSE MARKS. We want to encourage a robust community for the Concourse open source project. Therefore, you may do any of the following, as long as you do so in a way that does not devalue, dilute, or disparage the Concourse brand. In other words, when you do these things, you should behave responsibly and reasonably in the interest of the community, but you do not need a trademark license from us to do them.

MORE QUESTIONS? If you have questions about this policy, please contact us at


The team welcomes contributions from the community, we'd love to have your help! Please read the guidelines doc.

Code of Conduct

The Concourse project pledges to make our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. You can read more about our commitment in the project's. Contributor Code of Conduct


If you find a bug or want to request a new feature, please open a GitHub issue.


Design system of components and patterns



Security policy





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