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A high level CLI tool to manage and sync nix flakes


  • print last modified date/time of flake inputs
  • print last date/time of the revision (commit) of flake inputs
    • using git
    • using github api
    • using gitlab api (?)
  • sync rev of a flake input from another flake, when branch, etc is matching
    • git
    • github
    • gitlab - not fully tested
  • fully sync the input with another flake including modifying flake.nix


Usage: lamina [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  sync           Syncs input with another flake
  batch-sync     Syncs multiple inputs with another flake, the inputs need to have matching name
  last-modified  Prints the last modified date/time of the flake inputs
  help           Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -d, --debug
  -h, --help   Print help