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This project provides simple REST APIs for Point of Sale (POS) software.

Built With

  • Go 1.21.3
  • MySQL
  • JWT Authentication

Frameworks and Library

  • Fiber V3: HTTP Framework
  • Goose: Database Migrations
  • SQLX: Database ORM
  • Validator V10: Struct Validation
  • Logrus: Application Logging
  • Jaeger: Opentracing
  • Cleanenv: Environment Configuration
  • Mockgen: Mock Generation

How to Run the Project

Follow these steps to run the project:

  1. Setup Your Database Environment

    • Ensure MySQL is installed and running.
    • Create a database named db_pos.
  2. Run Database Migrations

    • Use the following command to run the migrations:
      goose -dir=./database/migrations mysql "root:password@tcp(localhost:3306)/db_pos?parseTime=true" up
    • Replace password with your MySQL root password.
  3. Run the Application

    • Start the application using the command:
      go run ./cmd/app.go