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CloudRunner.IO Command Line Tool and Server Agent

Copyright (c) 2013-2014 CloudRunner.IO


CloudRunner.IO is a simple yet powerful framework for remote server management. It's key features include:

  • Execute scripts in your choice(bash, python, ruby, puppet and chef-solo recipes)

  • Pass environment variables between servers and between different script languages (works for a limited number of languages, but can be extended with a plugin)

  • Secure communication using SSL certificates

  • Fast and reliable, using ZeroMQ as a transport backend(although a different backend can be used as a plugin)

  • CloudRunner.IO also offers a commercial server, that performs a lot of useful tasks, including:

    • User management: assign roles for different users on different remote servers(how to impersonate an user on a server)
    • Library management: store, re-use scripts into different kind of stores - GitHub, ButBucket, SVN, Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, etc.
    • Workflow management - run multi-step scripts on different servers, with the ability to restart a script from arbitrary step, while keeping the environment context as it was in the first run.
    • Web dashboard for performing different operational tasks and for monitoring latest activities using filters.
    • Execution of scheduled tasks (using Cron)
    • Triggers - invoke stored script execution when a specific pattern appear in the activity logs.
    • Highly customizable platform - write your own plugins(in Python) for different kind of workflow management.
    • Multi-tenancy - supports isolated group of users who can access servers in a shared environment (including public clouds).
    • HA and Multi-server routing - install master servers in different locations(subnets, public clouds, etc.) and access all your servers from a single access point. No need to attach to different master server to access a remote server into directly inaccessible network. All you need is to allow the master servers to see each other.

    For more details see or ask for details at

Developing CloudRunner

CloudRunner CLI/Agent is an open-source project under the Apache 2 license. See the code at Everyone is welcome to contribute.


1. Command line tool installation

First, install and configure the CLI tool with setting the needed certificates and paths:

pip install cloudrunner
cloudrunner-exec configure

Note: you might need to install some packages before installing with pip. Cloudrunner depends on ZeroMQ, M2Crypto and httplib2. Install them using:

pip install pyzmq
pip install m2crypto
pip install httplib2

Note: Use python2 and pip2(python2-pip) for Arch Linux, CloudRunner only supports Python 2 at the moment, but this will change in future!

You can install them usign pip, but make sure you have already installed:

* C++ compiler: gcc-c++ (CentOS, Fedora) or gcc (Arch Linux) or g++ (Debian, Ubuntu)
* Python Dev libraries: python-devel (CentOS, Fedora) or python2 (Arch Linux) or python-dev (Debian)
* OpenSSL Dev libraries: libssl-dev (Debian) openssl-devel (Centos) or openssl (Arch Linux)
* Swig package (swig) on some Linuxes

Note: to be able to use autocomplete, do the following:

pip install argcomplete
source cloudrunner-autocomplete

Then run a simple script on your local machine:

$ cloudrunner
(bash)[local]$ hostname

========== JOB: @user local ==========

Get the CLI details(will be used in next step):

$ cloudrunner-exec details
Certificate fingerprint        BF1AF11AFCA7E3D334A2AECD4B00B36635F560B0
CLI cert CN                    my_computer_name

2. Server node installation

Install and configure a the cloudrunner-node package:

pip install cloudrunner
cloudrunner-node configure

Make sure to open port 5552 on the server(this can be configured in config)

  • using ufw:

    ufw allow 5552
  • using iptables:

    iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 5552 -j ACCEPT

Register the CLI details to allow access to this server using the details from the CLI above:

cloudrunner-node register_cli -cn my_computer_name -fp BF1AF11AFCA7E3D334A2AECD4B00B36635F560B0

And finally start the server agent:

# In debug mode:
cloudrunner-node run

# In daemon mode - use start|stop|restart with the --pidfile option to control the process
cloudrunner-node start --pidfile

3. Finally connect CLI with Server and start playing

From CLI start the cloudrunner tool:

$ cloudrunner

Let's do a simple test. Export a variable and print it:

(bash)[local]: MY_VAR="the myvar content"

Then print it:

(bash)[local]: echo $MY_VAR
========== JOB: @user local ==========
the myvar content

And it's now time to run some code remotely, using the directive switch [server_name]:

(bash)[local]: switch my_server_name

Someone might prefer to write in Python:

(bash)[my_server_name]: lang python
(python)[my_server_name]: import os
(python)[my_server_name]: print "Printing the MY_VAR content: ", os.environ['MY_VAR']

One more thing: attach a file using the directive attach_file:

(python)[my_server_name]: attach_file path/to/file

Let's print the file contents on the server::

(python)[my_server_name]: print "File contents:", open('path/to/file').read()

Click double [Enter] to execute:


And voila - here is the result:

========== JOB: @user 2390bfae ==========
Printing the MY_VAR content: the myvar content
File contents: [ -- the contents of the file follows --]


Now you have the basic knowledge how to use the CloudRunner.IO CLI and Server agent. Use your imagination (and the help command of course) to do more and more!


CloudRunner.IO Script execution engine for DevOps







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