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Security: vorobalek/autobackend


Reporting Security Issues in AutoBackend

As the sole developer of AutoBackend, I take security vulnerabilities very seriously. I am committed to maintaining the security of the project and appreciate any responsible disclosure of potential security risks.

If you have discovered a security issue within AutoBackend, I encourage you to disclose it to me confidentially. Please reach out directly to me via email

Upon receiving your report, I will respond promptly to confirm receipt and outline the next steps. I will keep you informed throughout the process of resolving the security issue, from investigation to deployment of a fix. Your contributions to improving AutoBackend's security will be fully acknowledged, and I am open to any collaboration necessary to address the risk.

For third-party modules with security issues, please report directly to the maintainers of those modules.

AutoBackend Security Notification Process

At AutoBackend, the security notification process is straightforward due to the small scale of the project. I will personally handle all communications regarding security issues and ensure that they are addressed promptly and effectively.

Enhancing Your Knowledge on Security

To further your understanding of security best practices, I am open to providing additional resources and articles on security. I am also ready to offer assistance and collaborate on mitigating any security risks associated with AutoBackend.

There aren’t any published security advisories