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Gary Bradski edited this page Jan 15, 2018 · 8 revisions

OpenCV GSoC Application

Why does your org want to participate in Google Summer of Code?

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library — 15M+ downloads) has been in GSoC since 2010. Computer vision is a large, rapidly evolving field and GSoC has been invaluable in keeping up with new algorithms and code improvements that aid companies around world (including extensive use in Google) to field advance vision applications but also to advance science by providing solidly coded reproducible results to test against (adhering to many Google coding and style conventions). Over the years, we have developed a well honed mentoring system that produces high quality pull requests (see recent ones: complete with unit tests, docs and examples of use. Several new publications have come out of this and a student joined with mentors in founding a company, Industrial Perception Inc, sold to Google in 2013 and And last year we founded a new one with 2 mentors and a former student: . See some video compilations of past GSoC contributions: (2015: (2014: (2013:

How many potential mentors have agreed to mentor this year?


How will you keep mentors engaged with their students?

All our mentors are known contributors to OpenCV and we always have backup mentors who can swap in, but mainly help newer mentors. There are always backup mentors to swap in to cover summer vacations. Most mentors are either Professors, graduate students or engineering managers that are experienced in managing students and interns. We have weekly meetings on progress and track students on shared Google docs. Mentors are required to have a minimum of one weekly meeting with mentors and email contact is shared and open to admins who monitor contact. The first milestone is to create a pull request and mentors are required to critique it. These pull requests continue throughout the summer until the final pull requests that must be accepted by the mentor if the student is not to fail. Mentors are required to make sure the students pass the build bot, have google unit tests, examples of use and extensive documentation ( ).

How will you help your students stay on schedule to complete their projects?

Students are required to fill out a schedule in their application. They start the summer with a pull requests that must pass the build bot, documentation, Google unit test and example of use. They must meet with Mentors at least once a week (unless prior excuse) and fill out periodic progress logs and students are failed if they do not have an accepted start, middle and finished end pull request. At the end, students are required to submit a Youtube video showing their results, see for example: (2015: (2014: (2013: where each student has their "moment of fame". We have been doing this many years now and have a well tested system to generate good results while training students in proper coding tools and style. We generate further enthusiasm by regularly doing joint conference papers with exceptional students. The admin is well known in the field and getting good references is a further motivation.

How will you get your students involved in your community during GSoC?

Open, ongoing communication is held on a mailing list dedicated to that year's GSoC and Github provides further community chatter. Many of us attend the big vision conferences and meet ups are held there. There is an IRC channel for questions and comments as well as an active community email list with much Q&A. All work, students and mentors are listed on an open page that stays "forever" so that they can find each other. In addition, this year we are going to encourage ongoing updates to our Facebook page and a contest to develop next batch of schwag. Top students often get hired as interns in companies the administrators run or advise.

How will you keep your students involved with your community after GSoC?

The main way is by getting them completely familiar and comfortable with Github and the ease of doing small changes and PRs, especially in documentation and tutorials. Since OpenCV 3.0 was refactored into a very modular way of contributing code in opencv_contrib, this makes it more likely that students will contribute their own published work as pull requests. In addition, students often do joint papers with mentors which means ongoing communication and contribution. Many students become intern and later hire "targets" by managers in companies that use/contribute to OpenCV. OpenCV is far and away the largest computer vision library with about 280,000 downloads per month and so they know that contributions are a competitive advantage/resume item for future jobs. In addition, it's a good way to get good references from well known people working in the field.

Were you a mentoring org before?

Yes were were a mentoring org

What years?


What is your success/fail rate per year?

Year Success Total
2017 14 17
2016 11 12
2015 14 15
2014 15 15
2013 12 13
2012 10 11
2011 9 11
2010 8 9

(2016 11/12; 2015 14/15; 2014 15/15; 2013 12/13; 2012 10/11; 2011 9/11; 2010 8/9)

Were we ever rejected?


Are you part of an umbrella org?


What year was the project started?


Where does the source code live?

Anything else we should know?

OpenCV is used extensively inside Google.See googler Vincent Rabaud He is an active contributor. You may also contact another long time mentor who joined Google recently in Fei-Fei Li's group: Grace Vesom We are a very active library (average 280,000 downloads/month) under intense development (see the change logs:, and meeting notes We are used in virtually every university that has a CS department. 2 repositories on github: opencv (core alg) and opencv_contrib (new stuff). ,

OpenCV Profile:



Open Source Computer Vision and Machine Learning Library

Image Logo

Primary Open Source License

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License (BSD-3-Clause)

Organization Category:

Graphics/Video/Audio/Virtual Reality

Technology Tags:


python 3



Topic Tags:

computer vision

deep learning



real time

Ideas List:

Short description:

OpenCV, the Open Source Computer Vision Library includes state of the art computer vision and deep learning algorithms. It is professionally coded and optimized.

Long Description:

OpenCV, the Open Source Computer Vision Library includes state of the art computer vision and deep learning algorithms (including running deep networks) and apps. It is professionally coded and optimized. It can be used in C++, Python, Cuda, OpenCL and Matlab. It runs on: Android, iOS, Windows, Linux and MacOS and many embedded implementations.

It is also useful to look at the change log: and instructions to install on various platforms:

Please see our videos for the past several years of GSoC contributions: (2015: (2014: (2013:

Finally, a book by O'Reilly press on the latest OpenCV is newly out:

Application Instructions:

  1. You must already know how to program fluently in C++
    • Some projects may require Python or Matlab skills
  2. Ask to join the OpenCV GSoC Forum List!forum/opencv-gsoc-2018
    • Discuss projects below or other ideas with us there between now and March
  3. In March, Go to the GSoC site and sign up to be a student with OpenCV
  4. Post the project from below or your own agreed on project on the GSoC to
    • Include Name, google email, age
    • Include how you think you are qualified to accomplish this project (skills, courses, relevant background)
    • Include Country of origin, school you are enrolled in, Professor you work with (if any)
    • Include a projected timeline and milestones for the project
  5. Once (and if!) OpenCV gets accepted as GSoC org this year, and we are told how many slots we will get and you've signed up for a project with us in March
    • We will weigh the students and projects against the mentors we gather and the mentor's interests and choose which students/project to pursue.
    • Accepted students will be posted on the GSoC site in May (and we will notify the accepted students ourselves).

Proposal Tags

computer vision

deep learning

computational photography





background subtraction


text detection

IRC channel?

#opencv on freenode

Mailing list?

Feed URL?





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