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This is a virtual file system (FUSE) for LaTex that shows a one-section per file view of the given file under the mount point. You can edit the section file and the edits will be written back (to a temporary file or directly on to your original file if you set TMP to empty.).

The parsing is line oriented. That is, it looks for lines with \section{...} pattern to identify sections, and tries to find \label{...} patterns just after to use for naming.

The usage is as follows:

python3 -m pip install fusepy
python3 -m latexmount examples/main.tex

This will generate the following files

| ls -a examples/main.tex_mount                   
.     .tex      sec:approach.tex  sec:discussion.tex  sec:implementation.tex
..      _.tex     sec:background.tex  sec:evaluation.tex  sec:intro.tex

Each section is named using its label. For example, sec:introduction.tex is labeled sec:introduction.

There two special files:

  1. .tex is the regenerated TeX file from any modifications in the section files. All the sections are verbatim included in the file.
  2. _.tex file is the same thing but the sections are simply added as \include{section.tex}.

Deleting a section is to simply delete the corresponding file. To add a section, you have to add it in the _.tex.

After each modification, the original latex file is regenerated and written to <original>._ file. You can set the TMP value to empty string if you would rather have this file overwrite your original file.


A fuse filesystem for latex files.







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