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VTEX Carousel

⚠️ The Carousel app has been deprecated. Although support for this block is still granted, we strongly recommend you to update your store theme's carousel using the Slider Layout in order to keep up with the component's evolution.

The VTEX Carousel app is a store component that shows a collection of banners, and this app is used by store theme.

📢 Disclaimer: Don't fork this project; use, contribute, or open issue with your feature request.

Release schedule

Release Status Initial Release Maintenance LTS Start End-of-life Store Compatibility
[2.x] Current Release 2018-11-28 2.x
[1.x] Maintenance LTS 2018-05-02 2018-11-28 March 2019 1.x

See our LTS policy for more information.

Table of Contents


This app uses our store builder with the blocks architecture. To know more about Store Builder click here.

We add the carousel as a block in our Store.

To configure or customize this app, you need to import it in your dependencies in manifest.json.

  dependencies: {
    "vtex.carousel": "2.x"

Then, add carousel block into your app theme as we do in our Store theme app.

Now, you can change the behavior of the carousel block that is in the store header. See an example of how to configure:

"carousel#home": {
    "props": {
      "autoplay": true,
      "autoplaySpeed": 4,
      "banners": [],
      "height": 440,
      "showArrows": true,
      "showDots": true

Blocks API

When implementing this app as a block, various inner blocks may be available. The following interface lists the available blocks within carousel and describes if they are required or optional.

"carousel": {
  "component": "Carousel"

For now this block does not have any required or optional blocks.


Through the Storefront, you can change the carousel's behavior and interface. However, you also can make in your theme app, as Store theme does.

Prop name Type Description Default value
autoplay Boolean Enable automatic banner transition true
autoplaySpeed Number Set the automatic banner transition interval 5
showDots Boolean Shows the carousel dots true
showArrows Boolean Shows the carousel arrows true
height Number Set banners height 420
banners Array(Banner) Array of banners the will be shown in the carousel []


Prop name Type Description Default value
image String Link for the image of the banner N/A
mobileImage String Link for the mobile image of the banner N/A
tabletImage String Link for the table image of the banner N/A
description String The image's description N/A
url String The URL where the image is pointing to, in case of external route N/A
page String The page where the image is pointing to N/A
params String Parameters of the URL N/A
externalRoute Boolean Indicates if the route is external or not false
customInternalURL String The relative link to where where the image is pointing to (for internal routes) N/A

Styles API

This app provides some CSS classes as an API for style customization.

To use this CSS API, you must add the styles builder and create an app styling CSS file.

  1. Add the styles builder to your manifest.json:
  "builders": {
    "styles": "1.x"
  1. Create a file called vtex.carousel.css inside the styles/css folder. Add your custom styles:
.container {
  margin-top: 10px;

CSS namespaces

Below, we describe the namespaces that are defined in the Carousel.

Class name Description Component Source
container The main container of the Carousel Carousel
sliderRoot The main container of the Slider Carousel
sliderFrame The element that contains the Slides Carousel
slide The container of the Banner component Carousel
arrow The container of the arrow svg (this namespace is applied to both arrows) Carousel
arrowLeft The container of the left arrow svg Carousel
arrowRight The container of the right arrow svg Carousel
arrowsContainerWrapper The wrapper of the container of the arrows Carousel
arrowsContainer The container of the arrows Carousel
containerDots The main container of the dots Carousel
notActiveDot The element of the dots that are not actives Carousel
dot The element of the dot Carousel
activeDot The current active dot Carousel
containerImg The container of the image Banner
imgRegular The wrapper of the img element used to center the image inside the container Banner
img The img element Banner
bannerLink The a element that wraps the whole Banner component Banner


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