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Releases: vtsuperdarn/davitpy

Final release of davitpy

13 May 14:34
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This release is being made as a final release of the software since the repo is being deprecated. Users are encouraged to use the pydarn software package for a python tool for SuperDARN data.

AACGM_v2 upgrade, convection map updates

06 Dec 20:48
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This is a pre-release version 0.8 of DaViTpy. We continue to update documentation and fix bugs in the code. In addition, we continue to make updates for error checking as well as incorporating the latest AACGM code.

A summary of enhancements:

  • Incorporating AACGM V2 coordinate system
  • Map plotting
  • Fetch utils updates
  • Site object input error checks

In addition, PEP8 styling/filter was used on files that were modified as this repository is moving towards having all of the files conform to this style.

Continued bugfixes, little enhancements/features

01 Jun 16:58
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This is a pre-release version 0.7 of DaViTpy. We continue to update documentation and fix bugs in the code. In addition, we continue to update the installation notes and code as dependencies of this code change their setup and installation code.

A summary of the tools that bugfixes were made to include:

  • Fan plotting
  • Map plotting
  • Hdw.dat file loading in
  • GeoPack's great circle distance calculation

In addition to these changes, updates were made to the Mac installation process in order to enable davitpy use on Mac computers.

Geolocation, continued refactoring, & bugfixes

08 Dec 19:21
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This is a pre-release version 0.6 of DaViTpy. While we continue to make bugfixes and update the code to interface with external sources, a number of developments have enhanced the codebase and changed its functionality. One of the biggest changes a user may notice is the ability to use different propagation models in order to geolocate data. Much of these improvements can be found in the proc/fov/ directory. This release also includes the ability to use frequency depenedent time differential (tdiff) values in order to calculate elevation angle. Also, there is a continuing effort to streamline and simplify the Range-Time-Intensity (RTI) plotting code. Lastly, there's a small but continuing effort here to style the code by PEP8 standards as well as update examples shown in the iPython notebooks. Here the SuperDARN_Data_plotting and MUSIC notebooks have been updated.

Summary of updates for this release include:

  1. Continued improvement of installation issues
  2. RTI function enhanced and refactored
  3. Addition of frequency dependent tdiff
  4. Added several different models for propagation paths and geolocation of data

Bugfixes include:

  • RBSP (Van Allen probes) website update
  • Added matplotlib dependency of freetype
  • Typo causing overlayFov to break
  • rcparams update to set tmpdir
  • AE keywords updated
  • AttributeError caused by incorrect ordering of code
  • MLT labeled in hours not degrees
  • MUSIC and geomagind bugfixes

Please report any bugs by filing a new issue at

Refactoring and Logging

14 Mar 18:29
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This is pre-release version 0.5 of DaViTpy. There have been some significant changes to the way that the codebase outputs information to the user. We have implemented the logging module to handle all of this output. In the davitpy.rcParams dictionary, a new verbosity keyword has been added that sets the level of logging that a user will see. This parameter can also be changed in the davitpyrc file. Also, we have refactored the Range Time Intensity (RTI) plotting code to make it easier for users to make custom RTI plots without having to rewrite very any code. The HWM07 has been updated to HWM14. Some FOV categorization code was added too. Please see the paper, "Automatically determining the origin direction and propagation mode of high-frequency radar backscatter" for more details.

A lot of work was done to change the docstring style over to the numpy style too! And of course implementing logging across the entire codebase was also time intensive. Great work by those who contributed to this.

A summary of the changes that release includes:

  1. RTI plotting refactoring and bugfixes
  2. Upgrade to HWM14 from HWM07
  3. FOV categorization code (@ABurrel's method)
  4. More PEP8 compliance edits
  5. Change docstring style to numpy format (i.e.
  6. Implement logging instead of print statments

Please report any bugs by filing a new issue at

Overdue update for master

11 Nov 21:20
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In late September or early October, a few of us realized the master branch was far away from the working develop branch. This release re-syncs the two branches and introduces a few changes in how davitpy code is imported and data are read. Also of note is the change to installation and local configurations and environment variables. It is recommended that the old code be tucked away in a closet (or removed) and the new master used here. While this release does not include a few features, enhancements, and other bugfixes, we expect to have another release branch in a few weeks and another master release just before Fall AGU.

Here is a summary of changes since the 0.3 release:

  1. Pythonic data pointers for radDataRead and sdDataRead
  2. Generalized file fetching and
  3. Removal of mastermake (everything handled in now)
  4. Refactoring of codebase directory structure: pydarn, utils, gme, and models are now inside a davitpy directory. Consequently, installing DaViT-py now installs a davitpy package instead of separate packages for pydarn, utils, gme, and models.
  5. Removal of environment variables for configuring davitpy (handled by a davitpy.rcParam dictionary now). Custom configurations are read from a davitpyrc file that can be placed in the user's home directory.
  6. Various bugfixes.
  7. Added the ability to plot rawacf and iqdat files.
  8. Added ability to plot the backward FOV of radars
  9. Polished the coordinate conversion code and unified it under the utils submodule

Please report any bugs by filing a new issue at

Setup with Master

13 Jul 04:33
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Setup with Master Pre-release

This is the base for the NEW master branch. It is a merge of the setup branch with the old master branch.

Master with Ray Tracing

11 Jul 18:47
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This is a snapshot of the master branch with the ray tracing code just before making the setup branch the master branch. The setup branch is easier to install but does not include the ray tracing code.

Setup Branch before Master Merge

11 Jul 18:52
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temp commit