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Finding your REDCap API URL

Shawn Garbett edited this page Jan 25, 2023 · 1 revision

The steps provided here to find your API's URL assume that you already have a token for your project. Please refer to Finding Your API Token for instructions to get your token.

  1. Navigate to your REDCap login screen and log in.

  2. Click on the tab for "My Projects" and select a project for which you have an API token.

  3. Click on the API link on the left navigational panel.

  4. Click on the link to the REDCap API Documentation.

  5. Select an option under "Supported Actions," such as Export Records.

  6. Your API address will appear in the place of the gray box in the image below.

  7. Enter the API address into either
    redcapConnection(url=[your_url], token=[your_token]) or set
    options(redcap_api_url = [your_url])