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Releases: vuex-orm/vuex-orm


03 Apr 16:16
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  • Fix where delete action was not working.


03 Apr 13:57
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Breaking Change

There is a breaking change to the return value from the persist methods create, insert, update and insertOrUpdate. Now, all of this method will return all data that has been persisted in following structure.

  users: [{ id: 1, name: 'John Doe' }],
  posts: [{ id: 2, user_id: 1, title: '...' }]

This makes the API more consistent overall. Please see more details in the docs at Inserting And Updating Data section.

New Features

LIfecycle hook

Vuex ORM fires several lifecycle hooks while dispatching the actions, allowing you to hook into the particular points in a query lifecycle. Lifecycle hook allows you to easily execute code each time a specific record is saved or updated in the database.

Supported lifecycle hooks are as follows.

  • beforeCreate
  • afterCreate
  • beforeUpdate
  • afterUpdate
  • beforeDelete
  • afterDelete

See how to use lifecycle hooks at here.

Persist options for all persist methods.

When persisting the relation data, now all of the persist methods, you can choose all methods which are create, insert, update, and insertOrUpdate by passing those options to any of the methods.

// `create` users but `update` posts.
store.dispatch('entities/users/create', {
  data: [{ ... }],
  update: ['posts']

// `insert` users but `insertOrUpdate` posts and `comments`.
store.dispatch('entities/users/insert', {
  data: [{ ... }],
  insertOrUpdate: ['posts', 'comments']

Get deleted records as a return value

delete method will now return deleted records.

const item = store.dispatch('entities/users/delete', 1)

// User { id: 1, name: 'John Doe' }


  • #131 HasManyThrough only fetches the last item in the list.

Thanks to @kkyouhei for this wonderful fix!


25 Mar 05:05
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  • #113 Inserting nested many to many relation won't create intermediate table.

Thanks to @afsardo for the great PR!


21 Mar 04:52
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Add new parameter to Query on method to allow automatic removal of registered hook after next process(). Also added method. Please see the doc.

Thanks to @cjcrawford for the wonderful PR!


17 Mar 17:30
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  • #121 Apply proper instance this context on Query's lifecycle hook.


16 Mar 15:50
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  • #119 Fix where creating morph to many without relation field is failing.


13 Mar 16:54
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Breaking Change

This version introduces some breaking changes on has and hasNot constraint.

Because there was a huge change in relation loading method, I had to separate has method for counting the record, and filtering the record.

In short, when a user wants to check relationship existence with the relationship count, a user must use has method. On the other hand, when a user wants to check relation existence with the value of the related record, a user must use whereHas method (the new method).

store.getters['entities/users/query']().has('posts', 3).get()

store.getters['entities/users/query']().whereHas('posts', (post) => {
  post.where('published', true)


  • #111 Fixed where empty relation object gets returned when having null field.
  • #113 Improved the performance on relationship loading.


04 Mar 02:35
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New Features

Relationship loading improvement

You can now use withAll, withRecursive, and special syntax to load multiple relationships. Please see the docs for each detail.

Thanks to @timoschwarzer for this awesome improvement 🎉

Update data with closure

Now you may pass a closure to the data to update record.

store.dispatch('entities/users/update', {
  where: 1,
  data (user) { = 'Jane Doe'


  • #101 Fixed where update method not being able to update Array and Object properly.


01 Mar 15:16
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New Features

Exposing attribute classes

Now Vuex ORM exposes attribute classes such as Attr or HasOne.

import { Attr, HasOne } from '@vuex-orm/core'

Noe plugin author can extend these Attribute as well! See documentation on what kind of classes are available.


  • Fix where update fails when having falsy primary id such as 0.


28 Feb 15:19
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New Features

Has Many Through Relationship

The "has-many-through" relationship provides a convenient shortcut for accessing distant relations via an intermediate relation. For example, a Country might have many Post through an intermediate User. In this example, you could easily gather all posts for a given country. Let's look at the models required to define this relationship:

class Country extends Model {
  static entity = 'countries'

  static fields () {
    return {
      id: this.attr(null),
      posts: this.hasManyThrough(Post, User, 'country_id', 'user_id')

class User extends Model {
  static entity = 'users'

  static fields () {
    return {
      id: this.attr(null),
      country_id: this.attr(null)

class Post extends Model {
  static entity = 'posts'

  static fields () {
    return {
      id: this.attr(null),
      user_id: this.attr(null)

Though posts do not contain a country_id column, the hasManyThrough relation provides access to a country's posts. To perform this query, Vuex ORM inspects the country_id on the intermediate User model. After finding the matching user IDs, they are used to query the Post model.

The first argument passed to the hasManyThrough method is the final model we wish to access, while the second argument is the intermediate model. The third argument is the name of the foreign key on the intermediate model. The fourth argument is the name of the foreign key on the final model.

If you would like to customize the local key for the models, you could also pass the fifth argument which is the local key, while the sixth argument is the local key of the intermediate model.

  Post, // Final model we wish to access.
  User, // Intermediate model.
  'country_id', // Foreign key on User model.
  'user_id', // Foreign key on Post model.
  'id', // Local key on Country model.
  'id' // Local key on User model.