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Use this repo to demo different frameworks for 2D Game creation.

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This repo is for our initial efforts programming the game 'Fusion Bombs Derp' in Unity 2D. The idea behind using this repo is that we may have to prototype other Unity projects in order to investigate different code examples / features before implementing them into our main body of code.


  • Go to link here
  • Extract all
  • Execute /path/to/binary
  • Git
  • Unity 5.1.1f1
  • Use the personal license, make a free account with your personal email.



The best way to contribute is to play our game and give us feedback! The best way to give feedback is to create issues for the bugs you find.

  • Title
    • A short, simple snippet about your problem.
    • Please use proper nouns
    • Please avoid saying "broken", "fix", etc.. If it wasn't broken and needing fixing, it wouldn't be an issue.
    • Eg. "Player shoots multiple bullets each mouse click"
  • Description
    • Provide a description somewhat like the following:
      • What were you doing when the issue occured?
      • What is the exact effect of the issue?
      • What exactly was supposed to happen instead?
    • This format allows to rapid digestion of your issue, and make its easier to reproduce, debug, and correct.
    • Eg. "I clicked twice on the second stage, and got 400 bullets instead of 4."
  • Labels, Milestones, Assignment, etc..
    • These are for the devs to help sort and deal with issues effeciently, and we do not expect or want help with this.
    • Please don't mess with them.
  • Fork repo || Create branch
  • Prepare your work station
    • Make sure you have Git and Unity installed, as described above.
    • Finish the tutorial (since the code is based on this.)
  • Make your changes
    • git clone the repo, and follow the "typical dev workflow" below.
  • Do's and Dont's
  • Don't push to master. If you type git push origin master you are most likely doing something wrong. * use git push origin <your_branch_name_goes_here> instead. * If you are having trouble getting your changes back into master, I'll gladly help|fix|do it for you.
  • Close Unity entirely before doing any git: Eg. git add + git commit -m "message" + git push origin <branchname> * If Unity is open when you run these commands, they will pick up a ton of trash temp-files, and it will throw a ton of errors at you. The easiest fix is always use git when Unity is closed, and to always close Unity before doing anything in git. * Failure to do this will most likely result in your changes being lost. It has happened to us before...
  • More to come soon(tm), since no one has messed up the repo (yet)...
  • Submit pull request via github
    • Provide what issue you fixed ( pound sign, then the issue number, eg #42 )
    • Detail your change (aka what you did exactly)
    • Provide additional info to tell others how to test your change (Prove you fixed the issue.)

Dev Info


This section will include various git command combonations, to help prevent any Ooops' happening to the repo or anyones personal code. Some sweet links:

git command cheat sheet

git markdown guide

Git command "variables"

Some of these command will have a spot with a vairable, like this: <variablename>.

These will be described here:

  • <branchname> The name of the branch you are working on. We are currently misusing "master"
  • <variablename> from the example, not used.

Typical dev workflow

Before opening the project in Unity, pull changes from the repo:

  • git pull

Then do some work. Once you are done, close Unity and push the changes into github:

  • git add . - You may have to use the flag "-A"
  • git commit -m "I did this, that, and the other!"
  • git pull
  • git push origin <branchname>

To Wipe All Local Changes

This will destroy any work you have done!
Make a copy of your work manually! Run this at your own risk!
  • git fetch origin
  • git reset --hard origin/master

Issues, Branches, etc..

Heres a few links to warm-up: Using pull requests Basic Branching & Merging

View all branches branch
  • git branch
Making a branch
  • git checkout -b <branchname>
    • This is shorthand for these two commands:
    • git branch <branchname>
    • git checkout <branchname>
  • git push origin <branchname>
    • Now github knows about your branch
Setting remote for a branch
  • git remote add <remote_server>
    • OPTIONAL: probably gonna wanna keep this origin
  • git push origin <branchname>
Deleting a branch locally
  • git branch -D <branchname>
Working in your branch, and not master

To change between branches, simply run the command:

  • 'git checkout '
Merging your branch with master, or some other branch.

coming soon(TM)

Address an Issue, then create a Pull request

This workflow has the user take a fresh issue, make a branch, complete the issue, and merge the branch back into master.

  • git checkout -b <branchname>
    • Use the issue+number as the name, plus some descriptive text (Eg. For issue#53 use "iss53-fix-the-bug-we-found")
    • If you already have the branch, leave out the -b flag

Do work as per the typical workflow. Once you have you last commit pushed, do this:

  • Goto and create a pull request.
  • Assuming the auto-merge feature is working, fill in the details secion and create the merge.
    • If not, github gives you that helper list of commands. Do those.
    • Then try to git pull
    • If there are still merge errors, try using the GitGUI
      • I did this and was able to fix the merge super fast.
  • At the bottom, there will be a button to merge: Press it.
  • Once that is complete, github will say that you can delete the branch. Do that too.
    • Your commits aren't deleted, they are moved to be under 'master', and so your branch contains no useful info now.
  • On the command line, run the following commands
    • git pull origin <branchname>
      • This will inform you your branch is gone.
      • This step may not be needed. I did it and everything worked in the end.
    • git checkout master
    • git pull origin master
  • At this point you should be in master, and have all your changes from the branch. You're done!

Development Schedule

This section is to help coordinate any sort of timeline building, as well as help us to coordinate our schedules. Real life supercedes all schedules directives, except where specifically stated & agreed upon.

  • We will separately made code changes, when we find time. Shoot for at least 1 per week.
  • We will make our best attempt at meeting every Friday for 2-4+ hours to coordinate our changes and make some progress on existing issues & features.
  • If not, we can make it up by doing more solo work the week before.
  • We will both coordinate our scheudles and attempt to declare a "Coding Weekend! " 1-2 times monthly to make 'sprint' and make serious headway on the larger|new|outstanding issues & features.


Use this repo to demo different frameworks for 2D Game creation.






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