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Repository files navigation


A single-page-application using a JavaScript frontend and a rails API to manage the backend.


  • Makes fetch requests to API via AJAX
  • Renders HTML and CSS elements using vanilla JavaScript
  • Allows users to view, and add, and deleted workotus and exercises

Tech Used

  • Ruby [2.6.1]
  • Rails [6.0.2] - generated as an API only
  • Postgresql - database
  • Rack-cors - allow for cross-orgin resource sharing
  • Fast_json_api - serializer to manage seeded data in json format

To Install


  • Clone this repo to local machin git clone
  • cd into project directory and into project-backend and run bundle install to install dependencies
  • Make sure Postgres app is running. To install Postgres app, go here
  • Run rails db:create to create a database
  • Run rails db:migrate to create tables
  • Run rails db:seed to generate seed data
  • Run rails s to run server


  • Open another tab in terminal and cd into project-frontend directory.
  • Inside project-frontend directory, type open index.html to open index.html in the browser to begin navigating through this application.