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Ilja Hämäläinen edited this page Jan 29, 2017 · 4 revisions


The plugin is pretty simple and it has only necessary functionality.


You can create an instance of the plugin in this way:

   final GWTCropper cropper = new GWTCropper("path/to/your/uncropped/image.jpg");

Set the aspect ratio

public void setAspectRatio(float acpectRatio)

Sets the aspect ratio (proportion of width to height) for the selection.


  • default is 0, it means, that the selection can have any shape.
  • ratio is 1/1=1, then the selection will be square.
  • ratio 2/1=2, then the selection will be rectangular where width is twice longer than height
  • ratio 1/2=0.5, then the selection will be rectangular where height is twice higher than width

Usage example: You can declare a side proportion in this way:

 cropper.setAspectRatio( (double) 1/2); 

Initialize widget using UiBuilder

(since v. 0.5.0)

You can initialize the GWT-Cropper either in Java code or in XML view as well. To add the widget to a .ui.xml file, please use this code example:

<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=''

     <my:GWTCropper  ui:field="cropper" aspectRatio="1.5" imageURL="url/to/your/uncropped/image.jpg" />

Please notice, that the imageUrl is mandatory parameter, but the aspectRatio is optional (default value is 0, that means that a selection might have any shape).

How to harvest selection coordinates

When you are done, you can retrieve the result coordinates of the selection. Let's say, you placed a button "Crop" near the cropper and you assigned the click handler on it. Then, inside this handler you can use next methods to yield actual information about selection:

  • cropper.getSelectionXCoordinate()
  • cropper.getSelectionYCoordinate()
  • cropper.getSelectionWidth()
  • cropper.getSelectionHeight()

To understand the public API methods, please refer to the diagram below:

GWT Cropper diagram how (gwt, crop, image)

(since v. 0.5.1 aforementioned methods were calibrated) All these dimensions are retrieved excluding the selection border. Thus, if the selected area dimensions is 200x300, that means without selection itself. And the X,Y coordinates means the most top-left pixel within the selection.

Take a look at the DEMO


The GWT Cropper is distributed under Apache Licence 2.0.