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File metadata and controls

678 lines (520 loc) · 32.8 KB

What information might this feature expose to Web sites or other parties, and for what purposes is that exposure necessary?

User Agents should only expose information to the web when doing so is necessary to serve a clear user need. Does your feature expose information to origins? If so, how does exposing this information serve user needs? Are the risks to the user outweighed by the benefits to the user? If so, how?

See also Web Platform Design Principles § priority-of-constituencies

When answering this question, please consider each of these four possible areas of information disclosure / sharing.

For the below sub-questions, please take the term potentially identifying information to mean information that describes the browser user, distinct from others who use the same browser version. Examples of such potentially identifying information include information about the browser user's environment (e.g., operating system configuration, browser configuration, hardware capabilities), and the user's prior activities and interests (e.g., browsing history, purchasing preferences, personal characteristics).

  1. What information does your spec expose to the first party that the first party cannot currently easily determine.

  2. What information does your spec expose to third parties that third parties cannot currently easily determine.

  3. What potentially identifying information does your spec expose to the first party that the first party can already access (i.e., what identifying information does your spec duplicate or mirror).

  4. What potentially identifying information does your spec expose to third parties that third parties can already access.


This spec can be used to expose vehicle data to a user that can either be in the vehicle, in proximity of the vehicle, or remote to the vehicle, see figure below.

VISS2 server

The API defined by the spec is implemented in the vehicle server, a user (client) accessing this API may use a native app developed for this purpose, or a web browser.

The spec mandates the use of TLV v1.2, it also provides an optional access control solution using JSON Web tokens(, as well as an optional user consent solution that relies on an out-of-spec framework that obtains the consent decision by the user).

The spec does not require any user agent information to be provided to the server implementing the API as the vehicle data being returned to the user is agnostic to such information and is delivered in a fixed format to all users.

Do features in your specification expose the minimum amount of information necessary to enable their intended uses?

Features should only expose information when it's absolutely necessary to satisfy use cases. If a feature exposes more information than is necessary, why does it do so?


A user request for vehicle data must specify exactly what vehicle data is requested, and the spec mandates that the response shall contain exactly this and no more.

See also § 4.1 Data Minimization

Content Security Policy [CSP] unintentionally exposed redirect targets cross-origin by allowing one origin to infer details about another origin through violation reports (see [HOMAKOV]). The working group eventually mitigated the risk by reducing a policy's granularity after a redirect.

## How do the features in your specification deal with personal information, personally-identifiable information (PII), or information derived from them?


As mentioned in a previous answer, the spec contains optional access control and consent features that an implementor can apply to any vehicle data, including to PII data. The access control model requires the user to specify a purpose in order to obtain the token that is needed for access to be granted.

Personal information is any data about a user (for example, their home address), or information that could be used to identify a user, such as an alias, email address, or identification number.

Note: Personal information is distinct from personally identifiable information (PII). PII is a legal concept, the definition of which varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. When used in a non-legal context, PII tends to refer generally to information that could be used to identify a user.

When exposing personal information, PII, or derivative information, spec authors must take steps to minimize the potential harm to users.

A feature which gathers biometric data (such as fingerprints or retina scans) for authentication should not directly expose this biometric data to the web. Instead, it can use the biometric data to look up or generate some temporary key which is not shared across origins which can then be safely exposed to the origin. WEBAUTHN

Personal information, PII, or their derivatives should not be exposed to origins without meaningful user consent. Many APIs use the Permissions API to acquire meaningful user consent. [PERMISSIONS]

Keep in mind that each permission prompt added to the web platform increases the risk that users will ignore the contents of all permission prompts. Before adding a permission prompt, consider your options for using a less obtrusive way to gain meaningful user consent. [ADDING-PERMISSION]

<input type=file> can be used to upload documents containing personal information to websites. It makes use of the underlying native platform's file picker to ensure the user understands that the file and its contents will be exposed to the website, without a separate permissions prompt.

See also

How do the features in your specification deal with sensitive information?


As mentioned in earlier answers, the spec provides optional access control and consent features that an implementor can use to deal with the vehicle data, including sensitive information.

Personal information is not the only kind of sensitive information. Many other kinds of information may also be sensitive. What is or isn't sensitive information can vary from person to person or from place to place. Information that would be harmless if known about one person or group of people could be dangerous if known about another person or group. Information about a person that would be harmless in one country might be used in another country to detain, kidnap, or imprison them.

Examples of sensitive information include: caste, citizenship, color, credentials, criminal record, demographic information, disability status, employment status, ethnicity, financial information, health information, location data, marital status, political beliefs, profession, race, religious beliefs or nonbeliefs, sexual preferences, and trans status.

When a feature exposes sensitive information to the web, its designers must take steps to mitigate the risk of exposing the information.

The Credential Management API allows sites to request a user's credentials from a password manager. [CREDENTIAL-MANAGEMENT-1] If it exposed the user's credentials to JavaScript, and if the page using the API were vulnerable to [XSS] attacks, the user's credentials could be leaked to attackers.

The Credential Management API mitigates this risk by not exposing the credentials to JavaScript. Instead, it exposes an opaque [FormData] object which cannot be read by JavaScript. The spec also recommends that sites configure Content Security Policy [[CSP]] with reasonable [connect-src] and [form-action] values to further mitigate the risk of exfiltration.

Many use cases which require location information can be adequately served with very coarse location data. For instance, a site which recommends restaurants could adequately serve its users with city-level location information instead of exposing the user's precise location.

See also [Web Platform Design Principles § do-not-expose-use-of-assistive-tech]

Do the features in your specification introduce new state for an origin that persists across browsing sessions?


The spec does not mandate that any information about a user is stored as the features implemented by the server does not require any such information in order to create the reply to a user request.

There are many existing mechanisms origins can use to store information about a user. Cookies, ETag, Last Modified, [localStorage], and [indexedDB] are just a few examples.

Allowing an origin to store data on a user's device in a way that persists across browsing sessions introduces the risk that this state may be used to track a user without their knowledge or control, either in [first-] or [third-party] contexts.

One of the ways user agents mitigate the risk that client-side storage mechanisms will form a persistent identifier is by providing users with the ability to clear out the data stored by origins. New state persistence mechanisms should not be introduced without mitigations to prevent them from being used to track users across domains or without control over clearing this state. That said, manually clearing storage is something users do only rarely. Spec authors should consider ways to make new features more privacy-preserving without full storage clearing, such as reducing the uniqueness of values, rotating values, or otherwise making features no more identifying than is needed. Also, keep in mind that user agents make use of several different caching mechanisms. Which, if any, caches will store this new state? Are additional mitigations necessary?

Service Workers intercept all requests made by an origin, which enables sites to continue to function when the browser goes offline. Because of this, a maliciously-injected service worker could compromise the user (as documented in [Service Workers § 6 Security Considerations]).

The spec mitigates the risks an [active network attacker] or [XSS] vulnerability present by limiting service worker registration to [secure contexts][[SERVICE-WORKERS]]

Platform-specific DRM implementations (such as [content decryption modules] in [[ENCRYPTED-MEDIA]]) might expose origin-specific information in order to help identify users and determine whether they ought to be granted access to a specific piece of media. These kinds of identifiers should be carefully evaluated to determine how abuse can be mitigated; identifiers which a user cannot easily change are very valuable from a tracking perspective, and protecting such identifiers from an [active network attacker] is vital.

Do the features in your specification expose information about the underlying platform to origins?



(Underlying platform information includes user configuration data, the presence and attributes of hardware I/O devices such as sensors, and the availability and behavior of various software features.)

If so, is the same information exposed across origins? Do different origins see different data or the same data? Does the data change frequently or rarely? Rarely-changing data exposed to multiple origins can be used to uniquely identify a user across those origins. This may be direct (when the piece of information is unique) or indirect (because the data may be combined with other data to form a fingerprint). [[FINGERPRINTING-GUIDANCE]]{.underline}

When considering whether or not to expose such information, specs and user agents should not consider the information in isolation, but should evaluate the risk of adding it to the existing fingerprinting surface of the platform.

Keep in mind that the fingerprinting risk of a particular piece of information may vary between platforms. The fingerprinting risk of some data on the hardware and software platforms you use may be different than the fingerprinting risk on other platforms.

When you do decide to expose such information, you should take steps to mitigate the harm of such exposure.

Sometimes the right answer is to not expose the data in the first place (see [§ 4.6 Drop the feature]). In other cases, reducing fingerprintability may be as simple as ensuring consistency---for instance, by ordering a list of available resources---but sometimes, more complex mitigations may be necessary. See [§ 4 Mitigation Strategies] for more.

If features in your spec expose such data and does not define adequate mitigations, you should ensure that such information is not revealed to origins without [meaningful user consent], and you should clearly describe this in your specification's Security and Privacy Considerations sections.

WebGL's RENDERER string enables some applications to improve performance. It's also valuable fingerprinting data. This privacy risk must be carefully weighed when considering exposing such data to origins.

The [NavigatorPlugins] list almost never changes. Some user agents have [disabled direct enumeration of the plugin list] to reduce the fingerprinting harm of this interface.

See also:

 Does this specification allow an origin to send data to the underlying platform?



If so, what kind of data can be sent?

Platforms differ in how they process data passed into them, which may present different risks to users.

Don't assume the underlying platform will safely handle the data that is passed. Where possible, mitigate attacks by limiting or structuring the kind of data is passed to the platform.

URLs may or may not be dereferenced by a platform API, and if they are dereferenced, redirects may or may not be followed. If your specification sends URLs to underlying platform APIs, the potential harm of your API may vary depending on the behavior of the various underlying platform APIs it's built upon.

What happens when file:, data:, or blob: URLs are passed to the underlying platform API? These can potentially read sensitive data directly form the user's hard disk or from memory.

Even if your API only allows http: and https: URLs, such URLs may be vulnerable to [CSRF] attacks, or be redirected to file:, data:, or blob: URLs.

Do features in this specification enable access to device sensors?


The vehicle data includes data from vehicle sensors. A response on a user request contains a snapshot of the current value of the data together with a timestamp on when it was captured.

If so, what kinds of information from or about the sensors are exposed to origins?

Information from sensors may serve as a fingerprinting vector across origins. Additionally, sensors may reveal something sensitive about the device or its environment.

If sensor data is relatively stable and consistent across origins, it could be used as a cross-origin identifier. If two User Agents expose such stable data from the same sensors, the data could even be used as a cross-browser, or potentially even a cross-device, identifier.

Researchers discovered that it's possible to use a sufficiently fine-grained gyroscope as a microphone [[GYROSPEECHRECOGNITION]]{.underline}. This can be mitigated by lowering the gyroscope's sample rates.

Ambient light sensors could allow an attacker to learn whether or not a user had visited given links [[OLEJNIK-ALS]]{.underline}.

Even relatively short lived data, like the battery status, may be able to serve as an identifier [[OLEJNIK-BATTERY]]{.underline}.

Do features in this specification enable new script execution/loading mechanisms?



New mechanisms for executing or loading scripts have a risk of enabling novel attack surfaces. Generally, if a new feature needs this you should consult with a wider audience, and think about whether or not an existing mechanism can be used or the feature is really necessary.

[JSON modules]{.underline} are expected to be treated only as data, but the initial proposal allowed an adversary to swap it out with code without the user knowing. [Import assertions]{.underline} were implemented as a mitigation for this vulnerability.

Do features in this specification allow an origin to access other devices?



If so, what devices do the features in this specification allow an origin to access?

Accessing other devices, both via network connections and via direct connection to the user's machine (e.g. via Bluetooth, NFC, or USB), could expose vulnerabilities - some of these devices were not created with web connectivity in mind and may be inadequately hardened against malicious input, or with the use on the web.

Exposing other devices on a user's local network also has significant privacy risk:

  • If two user agents have the same devices on their local network, an

    attacker may infer that the two user agents are running on the same host or are being used by two separate users who are in the same physical location.

  • Enumerating the devices on a user's local network provides

    significant entropy that an attacker may use to fingerprint the user agent.

  • If features in this spec expose persistent or long lived identifiers

    of local network devices, that provides attackers with a way to track a user over time even if a user takes steps to prevent such tracking (e.g. clearing cookies and other stateful tracking mechanisms).

  • Direct connections might be also be used to bypass security checks

    that other APIs would provide. For example, attackers used the WebUSB API to access others sites' credentials on a hardware security, bypassing same-origin checks in an early U2F API. [[YUBIKEY-ATTACK]]

The Network Service Discovery API [[DISCOVERY-API]] recommended CORS preflights before granting access to a device, and requires user agents to involve the user with a permission request of some kind.

Likewise, the Web Bluetooth [[WEB-BLUETOOTH]] has an extensive discussion of such issues in [Web Bluetooth § 2 Security and privacy considerations]{.underline}, which is worth reading as an example for similar work.

[[WEBUSB]] addresses these risks through a combination of user mediation / prompting, secure origins, and feature policy. See [WebUSB § 3 Security and Privacy Considerations]{.underline} for more.

Do features in this specification allow an origin some measure of control over a user agent's native UI?



Features that allow for control over a user agent's UI (e.g. full screen mode) or changes to the underlying system (e.g. installing an 'app' on a smartphone home screen) may surprise users or obscure security / privacy controls. To the extent that your feature does allow for the changing of a user agent's UI, can it effect security / privacy controls? What analysis confirmed this conclusion?

What temporary identifiers do the features in this specification create or expose to the web?



If a standard exposes a temporary identifier to the web, the identifier should be short lived and should rotate on some regular duration to mitigate the risk of this identifier being used to track a user over time. When a user clears state in their user agent, these temporary identifiers should be cleared to prevent re-correlation of state using a temporary identifier.

If features in this spec create or expose temporary identifiers to the web, how are they exposed, when, to what entities, and, how frequently are those temporary identifiers rotated?

Example temporary identifiers include TLS Channel ID, Session Tickets, and IPv6 addresses.

The index attribute in the Gamepad API [[GAMEPAD]] --- an integer that starts at zero, increments, and is reset --- is a good example of a privacy friendly temporary identifier.

How does this specification distinguish between behavior in first-party and third-party contexts?


The spec does not support use by third party resources. The vehicle data potentially accessible by a user is in all reasonable cases physically restricted to the vehicle boundaries.

The behavior of a feature should be considered not just in the context of its being used by a first party origin that a user is visiting but also the implications of its being used by an arbitrary third party that the first party includes. When developing your specification, consider the implications of its use by third party resources on a page and, consider if support for use by third party resources should be optional to conform to the specification. If supporting use by third party resources is mandatory for conformance, please explain why and what privacy mitigations are in place. This is particularly important as user agents may take steps to reduce the availability or functionality of certain features to third parties if the third parties are found to be abusing the functionality.

How do the features in this specification work in the context of a browser's Private Browsing or Incognito mode?


A server implementing the spec is only providing the data back to the requesting side that has been requested. The response may be subjected to access control and consent restrictions.

Most browsers implement a private browsing or incognito mode, though they vary significantly in what functionality they provide and how that protection is described to users [[WU-PRIVATE-BROWSING]].

One commonality is that they provide a different set of state than the browser's 'normal' state.

Do features in this spec provide information that would allow for the correlation of a single user's activity across normal and private browsing / incognito modes? Do features in the spec result in information being written to a user's host that would persist following a private browsing / incognito mode session ending?

There has been research into both:

Does this specification have both "Security Considerations" and "Privacy Considerations" sections?


This specification has a "Security Considerations" section, with sub-sections "Transport Security", "Data Security", and "Privacy Considerations". It also has a "Consent support" section.

Specifications should have both "Security Considerations" and "Privacy Considerations" sections to help implementers and web developers understand the risks that a feature presents and to ensure that adequate mitigations are in place. While your answers to the questions in this document will inform your writing of those sections, do not merely copy this questionnaire into those sections. Instead, craft language specific to your specification that will be helpful to implementers and web developers.

[[RFC6973]] is an excellent resource to consult when considering privacy impacts of your specification, particularly Section 7 of RFC6973. [[RFC3552]] provides general advice as to writing Security Consideration sections, and Section 5 of RFC3552 has specific requirements.

Generally, these sections should contain clear descriptions of the privacy and security risks for the features your spec introduces. It is also appropriate to document risks that are mitigated elsewhere in the specification and to call out details that, if implemented other-than-according-to-spec, are likely to lead to vulnerabilities.

If it seems like none of the features in your specification have security or privacy impacts, say so in-line, e.g.:

There are no known security impacts of the features in this specification.

Be aware, though, that most specifications include features that have at least some impact on the fingerprinting surface of the browser. If you believe your specification in an outlier, justifying that claim is in order.

Do features in your specification enable origins to downgrade default security protections?


It is mandated for all supported protocols to apply TLS1.2. Access control must be supported. Its usage is controlled by the access control metadata that is included in the VSS tree that defines scope of available vehicle data. The inclusion of the access control metadata is controlled by the access control ecosystem owner, an origin cannot itself decide to downgrade or opt-out.

Do features in your spec enable an origin to opt-out of security settings in order to accomplish something? If so, in what situations do these features allow such downgrading, and why?

Can this be avoided in the first place? If not, are mitigations in place to make sure this downgrading doesn't dramatically increase risk to users? For instance, [[PERMISSIONS-POLICY]] defines a mechanism that can be used by sites to prevent untrusted [iframe]{.underline}s from using such a feature.

The [document.domain] setter can be used to relax the [same-origin policy]{.underline}. The most effective mitigation would be to remove it from the platform (see [§ 4.6 Drop the feature]{.underline}), though that [may be challenging]{.underline} for compatibility reasons.

The Fullscreen API enables a (portion of a) web page to expand to fill the display. [[FULLSCREEN]] This can hide several User Agent user interface elements which help users to understand what web page they are visiting and whether or not the User Agent believes they are [safe].

Several mitigations are defined in the specification and are widely deployed in implementations. For instance, the Fullscreen API is a [policy-controlled feature], which enables sites to disable the API in [iframe]s. [Fullscreen API § 7 Security and Privacy Considerations]{.underline} encourages implementations to display an overlay which informs the user that they have entered fullscreen, and to advertise a simple mechanism to exit fullscreen (typically the Esc key).

How does your feature handle non-"fully active" documents?


Not applicable????

After a user navigates away from a document, the document might stay around in a non-"[fully active]" state, and might be reused when the user navigates back to the document. From the user's perspective, the non-[fully active] document is already discarded and thus should not get updates/events that happen after they navigated away from it, especially privacy-sensitive information (e.g. geolocation). Also, as a document might be reused even after navigation, be aware that tying something to a document's lifetime also means reusing it after navigations. If this is not desirable, consider listening to changes to the [fully active] state and doing cleanup as necessary.

For more detailed guidance on how to handle non-[fully active] documents, see [Web Platform Design Principles § non-fully-active].

Screen WakeLock API [releases the wake lock] when a document becomes no longer fully active.

[Sticky activation] is determined by the "last activation timestamp", which is tied to a document. This means after a user triggers activation once on a document, the document will have sticky activation forever, even after the user navigated away and back to it again. Whether this should actually be reset when full activity is lost or not is still [under discussion].

What should this questionnaire have asked?


No new questions.

This questionnaire is not exhaustive. After completing a privacy review, it may be that there are privacy aspects of your specification that a strict reading, and response to, this questionnaire, would not have revealed. If this is the case, please convey those privacy concerns, and indicate if you can think of improved or new questions that would have covered this aspect.

Please consider [filing an issue] to let us know what the questionnaire should have asked.