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ethantw committed Dec 12, 2017
2 parents 252d9d5 + 2824b2d commit 2977853
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Showing 3 changed files with 226 additions and 226 deletions.
60 changes: 30 additions & 30 deletions glossary-pinyin.csv
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阿拉伯數字,阿拉伯数字,Ālābó shùzì,European numerals,印度-阿拉伯數字的統稱。 ,"A general name of Hindu–Arabic numeral system."
阿拉伯數字,阿拉伯数字,Ālābó shùzì,European numerals,印度-阿拉伯數字的統稱。,A general name of Hindu–Arabic numeral system.
版心,版心,bǎnxīn,type area,"印刷成品版面中的图文印刷区域(不含出血图像)(GB 9851.2-2008, 3.3)。",
標點符號,标点符号,biāodiǎn fúhào,punctuation marks,辅助文字记录语言的符号,是书面语的有机组成部分,用来表示语句的停顿、语气以及表示某成分(主要是词语)的特定性质和作用。(GB/T 15834-2011)。,
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對齊方式,对齐方式,duìqí fāngshì,alignment,對字、行等各種元素的分布進行整理的方法。,
頓號,顿号,dùnhào,slight-pause comma,見標點符號附錄。,
兒化音,儿化音,érhuàyīn,rhotacization of syllable finals,在現代漢語以及一些方音里,一些詞彙的字音的韻母因捲舌動作而發生的音變現象。,
仿宋體,仿宋体,fǎngsòngtǐ,Imitation Song (Fangsong),採用宋體結構、楷體的筆畫特征,形態清秀挺拔的一種漢字傳統印刷字體風格。,
繁體中文,繁体中文,fántǐ Zhōngwén,Traditional Chinese,字形及筆畫相對較複雜的漢字體系。因使用時間較長,又名傳統漢字或正體漢字,與之對應者為簡體中文。,
分詞連寫,分词连写,fēncí liánxiě,words as the base units,以漢語詞為單位拼寫羅馬拼音的方式。,
分字連寫,分字连写,fēnzì liánxiě,characters as the base units,以字為單位拼寫羅馬拼音的方式。,
符號分離禁則,符号分离禁则,fúhào fēnlí jìnzé,prohibition rules for unbreakable punctuation,特定的符號里不得加入空隙的原則。,
括注符號,括注符号,guāzhù fúhào,brackets,為提示或突顯將文本括注起來的一類成對符號的總稱。,
行間批語,行间批语,hángjiān pīyǔ,interlinear comments,位於行間的批注,形態自由、長度不拘,時可超過一行。,
行間注,行间注,hángjiānzhù,interlinear annotations,標注於行間的說明或文字讀音。,
行首行尾禁則,行首行尾禁则,hángshǒu hángwěi jìnzé,prohibition rules for line start/end,不同的標點依其性質,不得出現於行首或行尾的排版規則。,
行尾點號懸掛,行尾点号悬挂,hángwěi diǎnhào xuánguà,hanging punctuation marks for line end,將行尾的點號懸掛於版心之外的排版之式。,
漢語拼音,汉语拼音,Hànyǔ pīnyīn,Hanyu Pinyin,《汉语拼音方案》给汉字注音和拼写普通话的一种方案,采用拉丁字母,并用附加符号表示声调,是帮助学习汉字和推广普通话的工具。,
漢字,汉字,Hànzì,Chinese characters/Han characters,中文的基本文字。,
兒化音,儿化音,érhuàyīn,rhotacization of syllable finals,在現代漢語以及一些方音里,一些詞彙的字音的韻母因捲舌動作而發生的音變現象。,"In standard Chinese and certain dialects, some words have rhotacized endings that result in phonetic changes to how the word sounds."
仿宋體,仿宋体,fǎngsòngtǐ,Imitation Song (Fangsong),採用宋體結構、楷體的筆畫特征,形態清秀挺拔的一種漢字傳統印刷字體風格。,An elegant and upright script that combines the characteristics of Song and Kai and is one of the traditional scripts used in Chinese printing.
繁體中文,繁体中文,fántǐ Zhōngwén,Traditional Chinese,字形及筆畫相對較複雜的漢字體系。因使用時間較長,又名傳統漢字或正體漢字,與之對應者為簡體中文。,"A family of Chinese characters that are relatively more complex in structure and stroke count. They are known as Traditional Chinese because of their long history of use, while their less complex counterparts are known as Simplified Chinese."
分詞連寫,分词连写,fēncí liánxiě,words as the base units,以漢語詞為單位拼寫羅馬拼音的方式。,The usage of words as the segmentation unit for the romanisation of Chinese.
分隔號,分隔号,fēngéhào,solidus,見標點符號附錄。,See appendix on punctuation.
分號,分号,fēnhào,semicolon,見標點符號附錄。,See appendix on punctuation.
分字連寫,分字连写,fēnzì liánxiě,characters as the base units,以字為單位拼寫羅馬拼音的方式。,The usage of characters as the segmentation unit for the romanisation of Chinese.
符號分離禁則,符号分离禁则,fúhào fēnlí jìnzé,prohibition rules for unbreakable punctuation,特定的符號里不得加入空隙的原則。,The rules for certain punctuation marks that do not allow any spaces between them.
括號,括号,guāhào,parenthesis,見標點符號附錄。,See appendix on punctuation.
括注符號,括注符号,guāzhù fúhào,brackets,為提示或突顯將文本括注起來的一類成對符號的總稱。,General term for punctuation marks used within a sentence that to include additional information for clarification or for emphasis.
孤行,孤行,gūháng,widow,頁面中首行為前頁最後一個段落的末行者為孤行。,"When the start of a page contains a single line of text that is the last line of a paragraph from the previous page, that line is known as a widow."
孤字,孤字,gūzì,orphan,段落末行僅有一個漢字,或一個漢字加上標點符號,該字即為孤字。,"When a paragraph of text ends with a line that contains only a single character, with or without punctuation, that character is known as an orphan."
行高,行高,hánggāo,line-height,一行的高度,西文里通常指基线到基线的距离。,The height of a single line. Western scripts refer to this as the vertical distance between lines of text measured from base line to base line.
行間批語,行间批语,hángjiān pīyǔ,interlinear comments,位於行間的批注,形態自由、長度不拘,時可超過一行。,"Comments included between lines, generally free-form with no restrictions on line length. These can exceed the length of a single line."
行間注,行间注,hángjiānzhù,interlinear annotations,標注於行間的說明或文字讀音。,Annotations between lines used to indicate the pronounciation of a word or an explanation of a word
行首行尾禁則,行首行尾禁则,hángshǒu hángwěi jìnzé,prohibition rules for line start/end,不同的標點依其性質,不得出現於行首或行尾的排版規則。,"Due to the varied nature of the different punctuation marks, punctuation rules for the start of a line differ from that for the end of a line."
行尾點號懸掛,行尾点号悬挂,hángwěi diǎnhào xuánguà,hanging punctuation marks for line end,將行尾的點號懸掛於版心之外的排版之式。,"Typesetting punctuation for line endings outside the margin of alignment, also known as hanging punctuation or exdentation."
漢語拼音,汉语拼音,Hànyǔ pīnyīn,Hanyu Pinyin,《汉语拼音方案》给汉字注音和拼写普通话的一种方案,采用拉丁字母,并用附加符号表示声调,是帮助学习汉字和推广普通话的工具。,Hanyu Pinyin provides a method of using Latin characters with diacritics to indicate tone. It is often used to teach Standard Chinese and encourage its use as a common language for communication.
漢字,汉字,Hànzì,Chinese characters/Han characters,中文的基本文字。,Characters that form the basis of the Chinese language.
黑體,黑体,hēitǐ,Heiti,筆畫無明顯粗細變化的一種傳統漢字印刷字體風格。,A script with minimal line contrast in character strokes and is one of the traditional scripts used in Chinese printing.
橫排,横排,héngpái,horizontal writing mode,文字由左至右、各行由上至下排列的排版方式。,"The process or the result of arranging characters on a line from left to right, of lines on a page from top to bottom, and/or of columns on a page from left to right. "
活字排版,活字排版,huózì páibǎn,letterpress printing,使用可以移動的字塊進行文字排版及印刷的方式。,"The traditional printing method using movable type."
活字排版,活字排版,huózì páibǎn,letterpress printing,使用可以移動的字塊進行文字排版及印刷的方式。,The traditional printing method using movable type.
簡體中文,简体中文,jiǎntǐ Zhōngwén,Simplified Chiense,字形及筆畫相對較簡單的漢字體系,主要指中國大陸於20世紀60年代左右公布修訂的簡化漢字,與之對應者為繁體中文。,
結束括注符號,结束括注符号,jiéshù guāzhù fúhào,closing bracket(s),成對的引號、括號(夾注號)、書名號中,標注結束的字元。,
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開始括注符號,开始括注符号,kāishǐ guāzhù fúhào,opening bracket(s),成對的引號、括號(夾注號)、書名號中,標注起始的字元。,
拉丁字母,拉丁字母,lādīng zìmǔ,Latin letters,西文常用的字母。,
欄,栏,lán,column,將連續一系列的文章放在一頁里,按照文字閱讀方向分割成兩個以上的每一個獨立部分。,"A partition on a page in multi-column format."
欄間距,栏间距,lán jiānjù,column gap,欄與欄之間的間距。,"Amount of space between columns on a page."
欄,栏,lán,column,將連續一系列的文章放在一頁里,按照文字閱讀方向分割成兩個以上的每一個獨立部分。,A partition on a page in multi-column format.
欄間距,栏间距,lán jiānjù,column gap,欄與欄之間的間距。,Amount of space between columns on a page.
羅馬拼音,罗马拼音,luómā pīnyīn,Romanization,將漢字依語言將其發音轉寫為拉丁字母的方式。,
密排,密排,mìpái,seamless arrangement,將文字依其外框緊密排列的排版方式。,"To arrange characters with no inter-character space between adjacent character frames."
密排,密排,mìpái,seamless arrangement,將文字依其外框緊密排列的排版方式。,To arrange characters with no inter-character space between adjacent character frames.
末端,末端,mòduān,end point,文本或文字靠近該行行尾的一端。通常,文字直排時末端在下,橫排在右。,
破折號,破折号,pòzhéhào,long dash,見標點符號附錄。,
輕聲,轻声,qīngshēng,neutral tone,現代標準漢語的特殊變調現象,無固定調値。,"A kind of special tone phenomenon in modern standard Chinese, with no fixed tone."
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彎引號,弯引号,wān-yǐnhào,curve quotation mark,見標點符號附錄。,
問號,问号,wènhào,question mark,見標點符號附錄。,
希臘字母,希腊字母,xīlà zìmǔ,Greek letters,希臘語文所用的字母。,"The letters used to write the Greek language."
希臘字母,希腊字母,xīlà zìmǔ,Greek letters,希臘語文所用的字母。,The letters used to write the Greek language.
西文,西文,Xīwén,Western scripts,西歐通行的文字。,
西文字母,西文字母,xīwén zìmǔ,Western alphabet,歐洲的語言文字所使用的字母系統,常見有拉丁字母、希臘字母等。,
以連字符斷行,以连字符断行,yǐ liánzìfú duànháng,hyphenation,在西文詞組音節間插入連字符來斷行的方式。,
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直角引號,直角引号,zhíjiǎo yǐnhào,corner quotation mark,見標點符號附錄。,
直排/豎排,直排/竖排,zhípái (shùpái),vertical writing mode,文字由上至下、各行由右至左排列的排版方式。,
中外文對照,中外文对照,Zhōng-wàiwén duìzhào,bilingual annotations,以注文或基文的形式為漢語詞組標注原文或譯文,係行間注排版的一種實作方式。,
中、西文混排處理,中、西文混排处理,Zhōng-Xīwén hùnpái chùlǐ,Chinese and Western mixed text composition,在一個排版環境中同時混用中文及西文。,"Mixing Chinese and Western scripts in the same typographic environment."
中、西文混排處理,中、西文混排处理,Zhōng-Xīwén hùnpái chùlǐ,Chinese and Western mixed text composition,在一個排版環境中同時混用中文及西文。,Mixing Chinese and Western scripts in the same typographic environment.
專名號,专名号,zhuānmínghào,proper name mark,見標點符號附錄。,
著重號,着重号,zhuózhònghào,emphasis dot,見標點符號附錄。,
注文,注文,zhùwén,annotation text,行間注排版中,標注於行間(原文字詞或語句旁側)以標注發音或釋義的文字。,
注音符號,注音符号,zhùyīn fúhào,Zhuyin (Bopomofo),「國語注音符號」及「台灣方音符號」的統稱。,
字幅,字幅,zìfú,character advance,"依照文字排列方向的文字外框大小,為文字的寬度。",
字幅,字幅,zìfú,character advance,依照文字排列方向的文字外框大小,為文字的寬度。,
字号,字號,zìhào,type size,"区别单个字符大小的表示方法(GB 9851.2-2008, 3.3)",
字面,字面,zìmiàn,character face,文字的字身框中,字圖實際分布的空間。,
字型,字型,zìxíng,font,"具有同一的基本设计的字形图像集合(GB/T 16964.1-1997, 3.6) 現多與字體混用。",
字形,字形,zìxíng,glyph,"一个可辨认的抽象的图形符号,它不依赖于任何特定的设计(GB/T 16964.1-1997, 3.12)",
縱橫對齊,纵横对齐,zònghéng duìqí,grid alignment,"盡量保證橫向和縱向的字符皆可相互對齊於一基線,並且行的頭尾也對齊的排版方式。",
縱中橫排,纵中横排,zòngzhōnghéngpái,horizonal-in-vertical setting,在直排文本的行內將字符橫排插入排版方式。,
縱橫對齊,纵横对齐,zònghéng duìqí,grid alignment,盡量保證橫向和縱向的字符皆可相互對齊於一基線,並且行的頭尾也對齊的排版方式。,
縱中橫排,纵中横排,zòngzhōnghéngpái,horizonal-in-vertical setting,在直排文本的行內將字符橫排插入排版方式。,

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