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tripu edited this page Sep 12, 2016 · 14 revisions

What's the difference between Echidna and Specberus?

Echidna is the central piece of software of this new publication system at W3C. We sometimes call it the “orchestrator”.
Specberus is the new pubrules checker.

Can I check my document against Specberus before I attempt to publish?

In fact, you are encouraged to do that. That way, you might save yourself some time re-submitting the same document for publication over and over again. It will also spare the public mailing list ( some noise, as every failed attempt to publish is reported there.

So, where is Specberus?

Can I publish a FPWD with Echidna? A REC?

No and no. At this early stage, Echidna can handle only WDs and Notes. The system will be extended to support other types of specs soon. The FPWD still has to be published manually, but after that, subsequent revisions of the draft can be submitted to Echidna.

Can I publish a document that is written in HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.x?

No. Only HTML5 documents are supported (both HTML and XML syntax).

What can I do with the software of Echidna and Specberus? Is it open source?

Both projects are copyright W3C. Both are also open source, released under the MIT license. You are free to fork, use and share, under the terms of that license.

I found a bug. What shall I do?

You can send a bug report to
You can also file a new issue for Echidna, or for Specberus, depending on the piece that is affected.
Forking a project and submitting a PR to fix the bug you found will make you sleep much better.

But, wait. I use spec-generator for my documents. What about me?

We've got your back. Some limited support for spec-generator is available at this stage. You should publish using a manifest file, and tweak it in a special way.

What about other preprocessors?

If you use any of those, please talk to us and we'll see what we can do.

I have great ideas to improve this system. Who will listen?

We will.

I'm calling Echidna from my web site. Why does it fail?

If you're invoking the Echidna API from a web application (as opposed to calling from a backend, eg a GitHub hook), your requests will fail because of the same-origin policy. Please contact us to have your host added to our list of permitted clients.

My group has moved, and we're now working at a different site. But I registered the token with the old URL. What shall I do?

Please contact us. We plan to make tokens more versatile, and offer tools, eg a form, to let users handle this kind of situations by themselves. But in the meantime, the URL associated to your token will have to be changed manually by the Echidna team.

These things have weird names. What do they mean, and how are they pronounced?

Specberus (spĕk′bər-əs) was born first. Legend has it that it's a portmanteau of “specification” and “Cerberus” (the mythical dog). However, only @darobin knows for sure.
Echidna (ĭ-kĭd′nə) oversees and controls Specberus and the other pieces of the process, and because of that it is named after Cerberus' mother.

Can I setup Echidna locally?

Almost, but not completely yet: parts of the system are linked to W3C's DB and the IPP system. We tried to expose as much as possible in the source code provided in GitHub. At the minimum, you should be able to run Specberus locally and also the third-party-resources-checker.
Refer to the section Hacking Echidna as a developer in the README for more information.
There is an ongoing effort to decouple Echidna from hard dependencies, and have it running stand-alone emulating those other parts with stubs.

Who created this outstanding piece of engineering?

The people at W3C, with the help of a few close collaborators.
Check the contributors graphs for Echidna and for Specberus for more details.

Where can I find you to continue this nice conversation?

In, and also in the channel #pub on W3C's public IRC server.

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