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RDF star profile "transparent"

Enrico Franconi edited this page May 22, 2024 · 3 revisions

RDF-star profile "transparent" (DRAFT 2024.05.01)


graph      ::= ( triple | reifier rdf:reifies tripleTerm )*
triple     ::= subject predicate object
subject    ::= iri | BlankNode
predicate  ::= iri_but_rdf:reifies 
object     ::= iri | BlankNode | literal
reifier    ::= iri | BlankNode  
tripleTerm ::= triple


  • RDF 1.1 syntax is the above without the tripleTerm category.
  • A term is denoted by r, a triple by t, and a graph by g.
  • Given a triple t, we denote the subject, predicate, object of t as t.s, t.p, t.o, respectively.


An RDF simple interpretation I is a structure <IR, IP, IS, IL, IEXT, RE> consisting of:

  1. A non-empty set IR of resources, called the domain or universe of I.
  2. A set IP, called the set of properties of I.
  3. A mapping IS from IRIs into IR ⋃ IP, called the interpretation of IRIs.
  4. A partial mapping IL from literal into IR, called the interpretation of literals.
  5. A mapping IEXT from IP into 2IR x IR, called the extension of properties.
  6. An injective function RE from IR x IP x IR into IR, called the denotation of triple terms.

A is a mapping from BlankNode to IR.

Given I and A, the function [I+A](.) is defined over terms, triples, and graphs as follows.

  • [I+A](r) = IS(r)   if r is a iri
  • [I+A](r) = IL(r)   if r is a literal
  • [I+A](r) = RE([I+A](r.s), [I+A](r.p), [I+A](r.o))   if r is a tripleTerm ⏪️
  • [I+A](r) = A(r)   if r is a BlankNode
  • [I+A](t) = TRUE   if and only if   <[I+A](t.s), [I+A](t.o)> ∈ IEXT([I+A](t.p))

  • [I+A](g) = TRUE   if and only if   ∀ t ∈ g . [I+A](t) = TRUE

An interpretation I is a model of a graph g   if and only if   ∃ A . [I+A](g) = TRUE.

The set of all models of a graph g is called models(g).

Simple entailment: g ⊨ g'   if and only if   models(g) ⊆ models(g').


  • RDF 1.1 semantics is the above without the parts within ⏩...⏪ marks, involving the tripleTerm category.
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